religion and terrorism


Registered Senior Member
Why does our christian god allow terrorism? Why does allah (a loving god I presume) allow his followers to commit terrorism? Why is there no divine intervention? And why do we pray for help and comfort (after such disasters take place) to the only person that could have prevented the tragedy in the first place? Ironic.
Oops. I see that there is already another thread that was started earlier about terrorism.
Because to do so is to take free will away from us. God does not interfere with our decision, God only observes, and that in turn allows us to create ourselves anew in the next moment who we think we are. God is love, and love means freedom = no divene intervention. We need to come to an understanding that God is us, we are God, there is nothing we have to do but what we choose to do to define us as who we think we are in every single moment.
To paraphrase an old saying, "one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter". It's really a question of perspective, a terrorist doesn't consider himself a terrorist but rather an instrument of God. Once that state of mind is achieved any action that's supported by the group becomes a sacred duty for a fanatical follower.

Why does God allow it? Because if God exists, he's a "hands off" God. God just observes.
It's funny, just a few days ago Proud Muslim created a thread about how Christian Basque terrorists were responsible for the train bombings in Spain, and how that somehow made everyone on this board 'hypocrites.' He seemed downright gleeful that Christians had blown something up.

Now the thread seems to be gone, just in time for this little tidbit of breaking news:
Spain: More al Qaeda links found

MADRID, Spain (CNN) -- One of the five men arrested in connection with the deadly Madrid train bombings has links to the plotters of an al Qaeda-linked bombing in Casablanca last year, CNN has learned.

Zougam is also believed to be a follower of Imad Eddin Barakat Yarkas, the alleged ringleader of al Qaeda in Spain, according to a Spanish court document.
If God didn't allow terrorism, then why should God allow peace?

1 Samuel 15:29
"And also the Strength of Israel will not lie nor relent. For He is not a man, that He should relent"

This proves that God doesn't just "sit back and observe". The omniscience of the Father shatters this false statement into shards of discontinuity.

SECONDLY, contrary to what rainbow_princess_4 is saying, the Father DOES exist and He is heralded through the Spirit of Holiness. I have COUNTLESS times in which ABSOLUTELY UNEXPLAINABLE things have happened when I prayed. Things THAT WILL FOREVER PREVENT ME from thinking otherwise. You'll find out that the people with weak faith are weeded out this way. Those who pray and give up because the Father has allowed it to be so will turn and curse God for their woes, if in fact, He does answer them, they will BLESS him for his benevolence.

Obviously this is hypocritical and therefore I don't see why the Supreme King of Eternity should allow such insignificance.
>>god is a hands-off god<<

Tell that to the bad people of soddom and gomorrah, the bad people that drowned in the great flood, the bad egyptians that suffered god's wrath for not letting moses and his people go. Sounds like divine intervention to me. Not to mention all those "miracles" of people surviving natural disasters or being cured from terrible diseases. And the ultimate intervention is still to come...the second coming of jesus. But in this day and age god just sits and watches. So what's the purpose of prayer if god doesn't listen?
>>Those who pray and give up because the Father has allowed it to be so will turn and curse God for their woes, if in fact, He does answer them, they will BLESS him for his benevolence.

Obviously this is hypocritical and therefore I don't see why the Supreme King of Eternity should allow such insignificance<<

What is hypocritical is god answering some prayers and ignoring others. Are we not all equal in god's eyes?