

Fat people can't smile.
Registered Senior Member
Think back to medival times.
leaders needed money and a way to keep their subjects in order.
so they created (in england) Christianity, the peasants were told if they murdered, commited crime etc. they would be sent to hell. the "bible"was written in latin so the commonrers couldn't read it. because it was a myth. subjects also had to pay a tithe to the church. which went straight to the monarchy.

So the bible and religion was just a temporary way to keep the king/queens subjects in order and a form of income,overall a good idead of the monarchy. and somehow religion has conned people into believing that its true and has carried on in to the 21st century were it serves none of its purposes

Louis O'Sullivan
Non-Logical-Idea-Guy said:
Think back to medival times.
leaders needed money and a way to keep their subjects in order.
so they created (in england) Christianity, the peasants were told if they murdered, commited crime etc. they would be sent to hell. the "bible"was written in latin so the commonrers couldn't read it. because it was a myth. subjects also had to pay a tithe to the church. which went straight to the monarchy.

So the bible and religion was just a temporary way to keep the king/queens subjects in order and a form of income,overall a good idead of the monarchy. and somehow religion has conned people into believing that its true and has carried on in to the 21st century were it serves none of its purposes

Louis O'Sullivan

Do you have any evidence of this? If so could you post it please as it would be interesting to read.

I was always under the impression that Christianity began in the Roman Empire [Much more that just England]. It then spread across the empire until it swallowed up every pagan tradition and shat out a bastardized religion. Kings and Queens were well able to keep their subjects in order without using a Bible to do so. We could look back to England before the Roman invasion, or even before the Roman empire and you will see that most Kings were simply leaders of tribes who had many loyal followers. If things got unruly then the ring leader was removed. It was a very basic simple method of keeping a community under control. Do as i say or die.
Religion has always tended to use that policy as well, Darkthorn. I think we all know what happens to heritics. Only religion, if it beaten into a populace hard enough and long enough, lets the masses themselves do the bulk of the enforcement. You act in a way seen to go against {insert holy book here} and you get yourself stoned by the village.
DarkThorn said:
Do you have any evidence of this? If so could you post it please as it would be interesting to read.

I was always under the impression that Christianity began in the Roman Empire [Much more that just England]. It then spread across the empire until it swallowed up every pagan tradition and shat out a bastardized religion. Kings and Queens were well able to keep their subjects in order without using a Bible to do so. We could look back to England before the Roman invasion, or even before the Roman empire and you will see that most Kings were simply leaders of tribes who had many loyal followers. If things got unruly then the ring leader was removed. It was a very basic simple method of keeping a community under control. Do as i say or die.

i was using medival times and england as an example, im really talking about all religion

Clockwood said:
Only religion, if it beaten into a populace hard enough and long enough, lets the masses themselves do the bulk of the enforcement.

People tend to buy into the beliefs of their fathers' fairly easily. The masses are quite willing to be believers.
yes, in feudal medieval times thre was the 'Three Estates', ie., 1st, the Church--those who prayed, the 'clergy', 2nd, those who fought, the Nobility/Knights, andthe rest, the 3rd, te Peasantry, those who grew the food for temselves and the first 2
with tem you have the King or Queen, and the 'Divine Rights of Kings' belief, where te Kig is supposed to be next to God, thus any defiance against him is defying God

nice little set-up hey

ten whooooosh. here we are. what we got in comparison wid fuedalism? wellll, the pople of te land, the Peasantry, have had teland snatched from them and may hve been stacked like catle in godawful highrise breeze block flats. no access to any land. but gangsterism, crap jobs, violence, drug abuse, concrete hell

tis is on of the biggest crimes yet is takn for granted by many--the middle classes have sayingas like 'yo can take the slum dweller out of the slum but you cant take the slum out of te slumdweller' and shit

still all the land is owned b very rich pople. and the rest of us can go fuk ourselves. s whats changed?

wel i saw tis really intersting docu. by one of the old Mnt Pyton team actually---he being interested in Medieval History. he said that even tho it would have meant hardship for the peasants in feuudalism times, that at last they didn't have the pressure like poor pople do now. in those times there wasn't te presure to 'succeed'. to 'go above one's 'Estate'. so there wasn't the guilt and angstas is now

consider .....the person living in a block of flats in a oncrete inner city area. rthe oly choice going is crap crap shit job orrrrrr gansterism, where some money could be made, etc. in flat is the ubiquitous TV beaming out rich lifestyles all the day night yime long, making th person living in a pidgy little flat wit screaming babies, noises coming from abive below left and right- whatever- feel even MORE fucked off

consider that
Clockwood said:
Religion has always tended to use that policy as well, Darkthorn. I think we all know what happens to heritics. Only religion, if it beaten into a populace hard enough and long enough, lets the masses themselves do the bulk of the enforcement. You act in a way seen to go against {insert holy book here} and you get yourself stoned by the village.

Yeah i believe that too. I have read what the church has done to people over the years. Especially in Ireland in the wash houses [for women who did next to nothing wrong, they were forced to wash clothes for the rest of their lives until they died while most of them were being subjected to abuse by the priests].

The burning of pagans/witches throughout europe, etc, etc.

So yes religion is oppression.
DarkThorn said:
Yeah i believe that too. I have read what the church has done to people over the years. Especially in Ireland in the wash houses [for women who did next to nothing wrong, they were forced to wash clothes for the rest of their lives until they died while most of them were being subjected to abuse by the priests].

The burning of pagans/witches throughout europe, etc, etc.

So yes religion is oppression.
would yu say that mainstream science is oppression like religion was/is?
i guess. science makes up all these laws bla bla bla, that just rule out any possibility of indipendent ideas and beliefs.