

Valued Senior Member
Is there anyone here who can explain relevations .
I read it a while back but I realised I needed someone who perhaps who had attended bible studies to explain the prophesy.
Promise not to be disrespectful just curious.
I don't honestly think it can be explained - I've seen the cave on Patmos where John allegedly wrote it, and clearly the only thing to eat for miles around was magic mushrooms. That explains a lot.

By the way - do you like my avatar? It's taken from the Revelations.
Do you mean the Book of Revelation? ;)

There are many interpretations, like for much of the Bible, some considering it purely symbolic, some consider it a warning of a future yet to come, some consider it historical etc.
The interpretation would also depend on the context it is considered to have been written in, and whether the allusions to other parts of the Bible are deliberate or coincidental; meaningful, or simply wordplay.

The interpretation I was initially given was that it was a written as a warning to the early Christians in Asia not to surrender their practices to the predominantly Greco-Roman society of the time (1st century). It is this society that is revealed as demonic etc.

But as to what each verse actually means, or how it should be interpreted, perhaps seek an acadamic on the matter, and also a priest, and not just of the Christian sects but other religions... each will likely give you a different answer.
Do you mean the Book of Revelation? ;)

I do indeed - but since it's not something I can take seriously I'm not that careful.

But as to what each verse actually means, or how it should be interpreted, perhaps seek an acadamic on the matter, and also a priest, and not just of the Christian sects but other religions... each will likely give you a different answer.

In other words, it's a text which is so obscure that people have spent two thousand years trying to make some sense out of it, and failing. Given enough time of course, anybody will imagine that he or she has found an interpretation. Incidentally - I've never met an acadamic. ;)
By the way - do you like my avatar? It's taken from the Revelations.
It looks as if you spelt "sex" backwards.
Perhaps if you explain its significance to you I could think more about if I like it but first impression I must say its effect is somewhat neutral.
Do you mean the Book of Revelation? ;)

There are many interpretations, like for much of the Bible, some considering it purely symbolic, some consider it a warning of a future yet to come, some consider it historical etc.
The interpretation would also depend on the context it is considered to have been written in, and whether the allusions to other parts of the Bible are deliberate or coincidental; meaningful, or simply wordplay.

The interpretation I was initially given was that it was a written as a warning to the early Christians in Asia not to surrender their practices to the predominantly Greco-Roman society of the time (1st century). It is this society that is revealed as demonic etc.

But as to what each verse actually means, or how it should be interpreted, perhaps seek an acadamic on the matter, and also a priest, and not just of the Christian sects but other religions... each will likely give you a different answer.
Thank you.
Thank you.

The case of buying without money it is in the horizon . Credit card will eliminate money and you have to be registered have an ID or have a barcode tattoo number .
Last time I read rev. probable 45 years ago. The 4 or 5 chapters are simple admonition to the churches on backsliding.
It looks as if you spelt "sex" backwards.
Perhaps if you explain its significance to you I could think more about if I like it but first impression I must say its effect is somewhat neutral.

It is the number 666 in Greek, from Rev 13:18
Is there anyone here who can explain relevations .

There are many answers to this interesting question.
Sometimes, a revelation is an idea that someone has after reading some story and get an urge to compose another story.
For example, if you read existing visionary Bible stories, such as in Daniel and if you believe Jesus will return in clouds you may think that you can merge the two stories together, add some more detail to enlarge the story and produce a new Revelation that you could sell and become famous. In ancient, primitive societies, people had poor education. They thought the heart was the seat of the emotions. They thought blood is life and God is good. They thought the brain was some kind of cooling device. They also thought that if they had an idea or a dream then it must come from outside. So when someone had the idea that killing is wrong, they thought God put the idea in his/her head, therefore God said, "Thou shalt not kill", but really it was just an idea. Obviously, people had this idea and didn't realize it was their own idea. In addition, if you say that God told me this, then it kinda carries more weight.
I've had a revelation too. Killing is not always wrong nor is stealing nor is lying.
Was it wrong to kill Usama ibn Mohammed ibn Awad ibn Ladin ?
There are many answers to this interesting question.
Sometimes, a revelation is an idea that someone has after reading some story and get an urge to compose another story.
For example, if you read existing visionary Bible stories, such as in Daniel and if you believe Jesus will return in clouds you may think that you can merge the two stories together, add some more detail to enlarge the story and produce a new Revelation that you could sell and become famous. In ancient, primitive societies, people had poor education. They thought the heart was the seat of the emotions. They thought blood is life and God is good. They thought the brain was some kind of cooling device. They also thought that if they had an idea or a dream then it must come from outside. So when someone had the idea that killing is wrong, they thought God put the idea in his/her head, therefore God said, "Thou shalt not kill", but really it was just an idea. Obviously, people had this idea and didn't realize it was their own idea. In addition, if you say that God told me this, then it kinda carries more weight.
I've had a revelation too. Killing is not always wrong nor is stealing nor is lying.
Was it wrong to kill Usama ibn Mohammed ibn Awad ibn Ladin ?

Pretty sun you will become an other son of Sam. by the way he is locked up for life.
Is there anyone here who can explain relevations .
I read it a while back but I realised I needed someone who perhaps who had attended bible studies to explain the prophesy.
Promise not to be disrespectful just curious.
Here's a source besides wikipedia:
You can read and study it, and yet come away with nothing more than conjecture. People know more what it is, and they know some of the religious (leaders) who have or have not included some or all of the writings in their bibles. The message is that bad things will happen. God/Jesus will come to Earth. There will be a judgement day. The devil will be sent to hell. People (all living and dead) will go to either heaven or hell as a result of their individual judgments. There's a little more detail than this, but as someone already said, a majority of the writings were about times and places local to the author (John to the seven churches which are in Asia). No doubt, you've heard this before, and it's not substantially different from this simple message.
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Is there anyone here who can explain relevations .
I read it a while back but I realised I needed someone who perhaps who had attended bible studies to explain the prophesy.
Promise not to be disrespectful just curious.
Bible fan fiction on acid.