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Earth Changes-ET's & The Haarp Project...Summary..
Typon was the "soul-eating" "God" of the Egyptians. The black hole near Orion (The political bosses of the Draco's) is where
the soul force magnetic wormhole must make the right sling shot turn, in order to navigate the death bardo to the central memory
core of our galactic neighborhood. Soul Eating is a term for using the spin density of a connection from well braided DNA to it's
superluminal info core. (See our DNA graphics to understand how PHI based braided genetic "lightening" accelerates thru the
light speed & time barrier, by the construcive infinite cascade interference which the Golden Mean permits. And how recursive
harmonic geometry of EKG during compassion produces that braid which also selects which codons go active.) It is key to see
that the Draco's et al needed our DNA because the galactic sector here, slipping through the NEXUS Black Hole, would only
allow superluminal "ensouled" DNA to take memory through the wormhole. That means genepools without souls die in the
unshareability of that test of symmetry at spin density. In other words, it was no mistake for them to try to hack up our DNA to
get a soul, without that their genepool is doomed. What we need to understand is that braided spin density from coherent
emotion and ensouled DNA is food.

The Andromedan Council in armada around Earth, with the Tau Ceti, Procyon, Pleadian... have been trying to slap the patty's
of the Warrior Draco's as pawns of the Orion Queens & their Sirian puppet government. (Having left a trail of destruction
against remnant humanoids from Pleides to Procyon to Tau Ceti.. this sounds like Star Wars in the Empire for good reason kids:
IT''S WORSE THAN TRUE!) Draco's have two hearts, 15 to 22 feet tall, the strength of 8 to 16 men, they are hard to kill,
their psychic and technology skills in battle are thousands of years ahead of ours, they have no conscience remorse or
compassion, they particularly like eating human children (tens of thousands taken from NY alone) and now they have taken
mind control over enough of our govenment leaders to pretend that martial law is necessary to remove all our defenses (to their
tightly controlled excuse for "harvesting" Earth and humans as a "natural resource": black helicopter New World Order,UN).
The feds THOUGHT they were our allies!
and if you can stand it all the poop

expect: NWO implanted excuse for terrorism at the Olympics, along with their Black Church burnings, and then their
magnetically controlled Tubercular Anthrx virus epidemic (& see on vaccines.),
as signalled excuses for the marshall law which plants hundreds of thousands of Americans in prison camps, as every shred of
resistance is ruthlessly exterminated when we discover our constitution has been sold to the UN. Their manufactured food
shortage by late summer, as predicted by the Andromedans, is already confirmed by grain futures. Between famine, viruses, and
marshall law, by next year North America will be a wasteland. Plus at our present rate of filth making and green cutting, less
than 40 years of oxygen remain. Have you been spending all your spare time mowing your lawn?
In a perfectly fractal sense, being close to the heart means being close to the center where all spins... and pressures, and
memories meet. (picture here.. sufi wings..) Certainly seems like this would be a handy place from which to steer the winds
around the boat. Leverage requires being in the heart. A gentler word for this ability to touch all waves from one place, might be
compassion. What should it feel like to catch waves coming from as many directions and phases as possible all at once? Is it the
rush or the tingle or the presence we call love?

And speaking of making arrangements for winds buffeting the boat, we have reports in. In general it appears our fragile but from
a galactic viewpoint, very interesting planet, is in the center of an interterrestrial OJ Simpson trial. Depending on whose
information we believe, the Draconian Orion ("I have seen the starships burning off the shoulders of Orion..) ET's were making
such slash and burn uses of us humanoids that the federation decided to slap their patty's right here on our doorstep. As a result
we are to expect some sparks to fly and land in our lap as the (presumably Arcturian/Sirian.. et al..) ET groups in a certain
sense under the Andromedan Council, conduct a bit of a mop-up operation. PLEASE REFERENCE OUR "EMOTION
Emotion Swept Galactic Neighborhood - Learn about the galactic andromedan armada.


However more immediately to our attention is the destabilization of our orbit. Again depending on who you believe. The moon's
orbit is decaying fairly fast. The Earth's gravitational force is varying dramatically, and the Earth's orbital pole is wandering
around in 1000 mile plus excursions from normal stability. The lock in of the continent tectonic plates is decoupling with the
molten magnetic core in a "viscous crisis", and according to Adam Trombley, we are "toast".

Various and sundry experimental confirmations of these gravity flux perturbations include:

*calibrated weighing instruments varying quite dramatically from day to day.

*sensivitive women in MANY places whose periods normally somewhat follow the gravity wind of the moon, suddenly going
completely haywire in their menstrual periodicity for no other apparent reason.

*tornado and earthquake activity orders of magnitude over what is normal.

*Hodowanec and Bill Ramsey group of friends reports gravity grid measured by capacitance, going off the charts every few
days.. ( the phase of a long wave capacitive oscillator destabilizes over time.. exquisitely locked to gravity flux.. as proven by
predictions they have made of planetary and stellar alignment events.. ).

*Ground temperature averages in areas like Los Angeles, getting many degrees hotter than normal for months.. FEMA alert..

*Effects of astrologic pressures causing much more extreme than usual mood swings.. Social and political arenas animated by
more extreme and unstable emotions.

*The emotional pap news to stupify the masses.. sports.. and celebrities and trials, plus the nutritional pap (hormone laced dairy
and milk, and sugar based everything.. microwave/radiated and fractionated food), all begin to reach a critical stage of global
poison to awareness and sharing.

There are a few simple principles to understand here which could change a discussion about changes from fear to love. Gravity
is and was created when waves inside something assume the same geometry of pattern as the waves outside. This in essence is
the "embodiment" of fractality or recursion and consciousness. The ability of a wave system to be responsive or conscious
undergoes a threshold leap when recursion or turning inside out-ness is learned... something like the egg becoming a fetus
exactly at the moment when added spin..sperm.. precipitates turning inside out.

Gravity's flux becomes greater as our planet lines up with more and more embedding lines of planetary and stellar masses. As a
result the need to pass these flux lines without resistance becomes greater or "burnup"/ destabilize results. Resistance/heat is
assymetry or simply unshareable spin become disorder.

What we need to immanently realize, is that emotion is our crude name for biology's capability to throw magnetism around
between wavelengths at a distance. When a perfect cascade of magnetic lines is arranged, permitting this fractal attractor "spin path to zero point" then gravity is affected by emotion. This is what is meant in physics by "only love bends the light".
Individually, this may seem like a pretty read more go to link

[This message has been edited by Mana (edited April 11, 2000).]

You sound exactly like a guy I once knew called Aaron Brockbank or something like that.

He was just as full of the same conspiracy / alien / end of the world theories as you have posted up and for a period of time I believed him. That is until I met God and came to realise that regardless of what happens it only happens because He allows it to happen. And as long as I'm on His side its all OK because He's got it all under control.

Sad think is use little farm animals think we know better than Him.

Any way I wasn't having a pot shot at you its just that as I was reading this stuff it reminded me of Aaron, you don't know him by any chance do you?


Tony H2o
Say your right and God, as most religious people know him, is in control then he has a sick sense of humor don't you think?
Originally posted by Alien:
Say your right and God, as most religious people know him, is in control then he has a sick sense of humor don't you think?

Hi Alien,

No I don't think He has, but then I don't completely follow what you mean by sick.

I would assume your refering to so called attrocities etc. I would also assume your looking around at the state of the world today and thinking "yeah right, God's got it under control. Pull the other leg it plays jingle bells". If so then I would have to say that if I viewed things at this level without enquiring with God why?? Then I would probably come to the same conclusion as you.....Sicko.

But instead of doing what a multitude of people do and try to look at blaming God I tried to see the whole picture. That is from creation, the fall through to Jesus 1st coming all the way to when He returns and at the same time trying to understand God's character and nature. You know I've been down similar roads with a number of others here asking the same questions of why, why, why and being brutally honest with you Alien I'm a little fed up with people just saying why and expecting me or other Christians to come up with the answers. Hey your the ones asking the questions about God why not go direct to Him rather than use it as a cop out to say He's big mean and nasty all the time?

But to end this on a nice note after a bad day I'll give you a clue.

God's not the one out of line, we are! God's not the one who transgressed set spiritual and physical laws that He set based on His character and nature, we are the transgressors. And by doing that we place ourselves as individuals and as people groups outside of His covering thereby making us fair game for the other team. Is this sinking in?? Do you get it or not?? We jumped onto and in front of the run away train and the loco driver is lucifer heading down destruction track and trying to get as many passengers as he can along the way.

If you want a deeper understanding of character traits or to understand why???? even more go have a look at some of the religo discussion I've had with people or Go direct to God Himself. If not then I clam up with the why, why, why when you don't want the truth anyway. Hey maybe you guys will suprise me and try to find the answer out yourself rather than using it as a constant cop out.

Sorry if I'm coming accross sounding harsh Alien its been a hard day and I kinda feel like I'm banging my head up against a brick wall sometimes with these questions.....aaaggghhh :D but at least I can still smile.

Anyway please do try to look at it from the other perspective....


Tony H2o
Hi Alien,

Just read through what I posted and winced a bit (a big bit). Sorry dude, I'm usually a bit more amicable than that and the excuse of a bad day dosen't wash. Regardless of what day I've had Jesus has taught me that I should be as gentle as a dove and I kinda blew it.

So, once again real sorry, hey if you really do want to know about His sense of humor or why or whatever I'll try to give you the less abrupt version next time..K?


Tony H2o
H2O i do not know arron. But i happen to find this info, and thought you like to read it. As i think the alien are real and their is something going on with them and the government, and that they have their own agenda. Anyway, i thought you would at least read this info, and the one in Nexus magazine , also the book called Cosmic Voyages by C Brown and his latests book; were he talkes about a reptile race who are evil.
No problem. Its just I tried many times to talk to God but there was nothing. I've looked at religions(many of them) and found they were contradicting. We
are for the most part taking a few prophets (plan old man) written words from thousands of years ago and accepting it as fact. Sure, I would like there to be a wonderful place to go when I die
who wouldn't. Religion is a must for society if there weren't any the government would have created it to keep order.
Originally posted by Alien:
No problem. Its just I tried many times to talk to God but there was nothing. I've looked at religions(many of them) and found they were contradicting. We
are for the most part taking a few prophets (plan old man) written words from thousands of years ago and accepting it as fact. Sure, I would like there to be a wonderful place to go when I die who wouldn't.

I'm glad that you at least tried, but what questions were you asking and where were you looking for the answers? I don't mean to sound doubtful, hey I'm sure you were serious. Alien, God's not an alien He's not out there somewhere in the bright blue yonder. Jesus said that the Kingdom of God is within us, the Kingdom of God is the place where God rules and if God rules the heart of a person then He lives in that person. The Kingdom is a place where God reins and rules in the heart. if we don't let Him rein and rule by listening to His instructions, following His precepts and commands then the Kingdom is far from us and so is God, if that's the case then He is an alien to us.

If your still interested in talking to Him He's still interested in listening, not to empty hollow words but to intentions of our hearts. He see's through the smoke screen of words that we surround ourselves with and into the true intentions of each of us. Take me for example, sometimes I feel like God is a million miles away and has left me, alone. Generally when I find myself in this place I need to sit back and take a good hard look at what I'm saying comparred to what I'm living. There'e an old saying that actions speak louder than words, its a very true saying because we tend to say one thing and do another. Even with what we believe about God. Talks cheap, its time to act.

To hear from Him you've got to show your metal, the stuff your made of. All to often (and I am as guilty as others of this) we throw up a prayer to God as a last resort and a challenge to Him to answer. Thing is though we don't dilligantly seek the answers He has already given us. More often than not its only in desperation that we turn to Him, a last resort. We are to used to the convenience lifestyle and expect instant gratification. God longs to be our first point of call and enquiry, not an after thought.

Regarding the words being words of men (very old men and very old words). Yes they are and a lot of their true intentions and meanings are lost in translations and interpritations. Even if you go back to original text and can read Hebrew or Greek it can be difficult to get a clear understanding. As a Christian I believe in the Word of God, not mans translations or interpritation but in His Word. I also believe the prophets and writers of most of the Bible struggled to find the right words to describe and explain all that God is, I know I do in this place so why would it be any different for them? The Bible is an extrodinary book that has been compiled over thousands of years by a variety of individuals in a variety of social and political settings . The beauty is if we take the time to look beyond the seeming contradictions then throughout it we find Gods divine plan and a revelation of Gods character and nature, all personified and glorified in Jesus.

Religion is a must for society if there weren't any the government would have created it to keep order.

Religion may be a necessity for society but faith and a living relationship with the great I AM through Jesus is sadly lacking within it. We have built ourselves an alien god, one that does not represent who and what the true King of Glory is.


Tony H2o