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In another thread i replied it sounded like recycled people, it sounded good and was half joking but doesnt it sound like it? On furhter examination i behan to ascertain as to what the purpose of reincarnation would be. Then i thought: Does reincarnation take into account population growth?

How, why and at what point would a new 'being' come to be? I am sure there is an explanation, and why would people keep going through the same system over and over? Is there an end?

I know i can Google it and find out all about it but that is too easy and i cant read all of the hits that would relate to these specific questions. As such these are merely questions and not meant to incite a religious competition.:p
I am sure there is an explanation, and why would people keep going through the same system over and over? Is there an end?

They come back over and over until they get it right. They are trying to

achieve enlightenment which comes from many ways, those mainly being to

do good things to everyone and everything during your lifetime. If you don't

get through it without doing so you reincarnate over and over until you do.
In another thread i replied it sounded like recycled people, it sounded good and was half joking but doesnt it sound like it? On furhter examination i behan to ascertain as to what the purpose of reincarnation would be. Then i thought: Does reincarnation take into account population growth?

That was in response to my reincarnation post, I think. If so, my belief is just a personal belief, one of many opinions on reincarnation, so there will be no "one" answer to your questions. Cosmictraveler is giving the essence of the Hindu and Buddhist and other related religions take on reincarnation.

For my view it was basically that parts of our character can also exist in others, and the same is true for whatever part of our character we think is essential. So it is not a transfer of soul to a new person--there would be multiple people with the same character essence at once.
How, why and at what point would a new 'being' come to be? I am sure there is an explanation, and why would people keep going through the same system over and over? Is there an end?

As I understand it, the Hindu method believes in a eternal cycle where the entire world is destroyed and recreated. So reincarnated people that count as population growth in this world could be from the other cycle of the world.

There are multiple ways to explain away the math, but I don't know if they are correct. Like whatever the maximum population is for this run of the world, some people get to go multiple times, but there are only one of each at the period of maximum population.

I should of said animals, or souls, instead of people since that is part of it as well.
My problem with reincarnation is that you don't remember it. The hindus don't claim to recall their past lives, do they? So what's the difference between living only once and having lived a past life you have no recollection of?
My problem with reincarnation is that you don't remember it. The hindus don't claim to recall their past lives, do they? So what's the difference between living only once and having lived a past life you have no recollection of?

That's a problem with ALL religions, they have big flaws in them that make

them very difficult to adhere to let alone follow.
My problem with reincarnation is that you don't remember it. The hindus don't claim to recall their past lives, do they? So what's the difference between living only once and having lived a past life you have no recollection of?
I think you can find Hindus who claim to remember past life, but I doubt it is officially endorsed. So I've heard, anyway. I think some interpretations claim that when you reach enlightenment you do remember, or something.

I think you make a good point. It lessens the appeal, comparatively.

However, if you believed that the memory of past lives/continuity does not matter... it has interesting implications. I do wonder if it really does from time to time. If it doesn't than it affirms my personal belief in reincarnation.
Sure can't hurt you to believe in anything that makes you feel better about

yourself and life. I just hope that you're not caught up in a never ending

loop for not being able to remember or become enlightened. ;)
My problem with reincarnation is that you don't remember it. The hindus don't claim to recall their past lives, do they? So what's the difference between living only once and having lived a past life you have no recollection of?

actually they do. Though most who do remember have put some effort into meditation or other spiritual practices. They can also consult astrologers or gurus and be told about past lives and get a sense of why they are suffering this or that and what they need to work on. Other traditions have similar experiences where people remember.
ok i did sum research bout the origins of reincarnation
and it came from the gypsies they have a spell many years ago to bring loved ones back
its a curse so not many people would have this ability to be reincarnated only cursed ones so count your blessings ur not cursed
My problem with reincarnation is that you don't remember it. The hindus don't claim to recall their past lives, do they? So what's the difference between living only once and having lived a past life you have no recollection of?

IMO, the thrust of the reincarnation/rebirth concept is in it's moral component. Namely, in that scheme, considering that one's actions will determine what sort of rebirth one will take (whether a good one or a bad one) can give the person some guidelines on how to behave in the present.

Simply put, for example, if you don't want to be reborn as a victim of robbery, don't rob anyone.
(The traditions of religions like Buddhism have elaborated lists of what actions lead to what sort of rebirth.)
IMO, the thrust of the reincarnation/rebirth concept is in it's moral component. Namely, in that scheme, considering that one's actions will determine what sort of rebirth one will take (whether a good one or a bad one) can give the person some guidelines on how to behave in the present.

Exactly, it's a crowd control exercise. Be good in this life, and you might get to eat more in the next. It limits people's expectations and aspirations in their real life, and so averts social upset, and stops revolt.

But then all religion is about social control, ultimately. The Ten Commandments aren't exactly spiritual guidelines, but definite laws, and cleverly in both cases, the reward is never a tangible one in this life. It's always a deferred unproveable. Brilliant, an invisible carrot on the end of the stick.
reincarnation is an absolute truth.

On furhter examination i behan to ascertain as to what the purpose of reincarnation would be.
the purpose of reincarnation is to live forever and experience new things.

How, why and at what point would a new 'being' come to be?
a being does not come into being any point. we are eternal beings. we are actually The Being (life, existence) itself.

Then i thought: Does reincarnation take into account population growth?
i don't see a problem.

I am sure there is an explanation, and why would people keep going through the same system over and over?
what system?

My problem with reincarnation is that you don't remember it. The hindus don't claim to recall their past lives, do they? So what's the difference between living only once and having lived a past life you have no recollection of?
the difference is that you live forever instead of just once. would you really want to remember if you were hitler in your past life?

it wouldn't be good for humans to remember their past lives. but later when we become more enlightened, we can access memories of our past lives.
In another thread i replied it sounded like recycled people, it sounded good and was half joking but doesnt it sound like it? On furhter examination i behan to ascertain as to what the purpose of reincarnation would be.

Ancient egyptians (there is even a temple dedicated to reincarnation) and on the other hand Hindus have believed in reincarnation for thousands of years. Gautam Buddha spoke plenty of reincarnation, and many other Buddhas have done the same.
I don´t personally consider reincarnation as a fact of life, but I do think it is a very probable scenario, I mean, Buddha knew better :cool:.
The purpose of reincarnation is the same as the purpose of evolution. In fact, the 2 concepts go hand by hand; without reincarnation there wouldn´t be evolution.
According to the teachings about reincarnation, every being has to pass through the different stages of life from being a mineral, a plant, an animal, and in this world the top of the chain is to reincarnate as a human being. But in order to be a human being you had to evolve from rock, then to plant, then different animals until you reincarnate as a human.
So, in other words, each of our souls is as ancient as this world is, or even more.
If you live as an animal, then you learn certain things that allow you to reincarnate as a more conscious animal than before, and so the chain goes on. If you reincarnate as a human, there is another thing, most of us don´t learn our lesson, so we will continue reincarnating as a human being until we learn what we are supposed to learn in this encarnation (according to Buddha, the lesson to be learned is that of true compassion).

Then i thought: Does reincarnation take into account population growth?

How, why and at what point would a new 'being' come to be? I am sure there is an explanation, and why would people keep going through the same system over and over? Is there an end?

If you take in consideration that the vast mayority of human beings don´t reach their point or realization, they are going to continue reincarnating as humans until they do. So more animals continue their journey in evolution, until they reach the state of a human being; but humans continue doing stupid things for wordly desires that they can´t move on further on evolution so they reincarnate as human beings again and again...

Allegedly, the only way out of the cycle of birth and rebirth is to realize your true nature, it is just a change in your perception.

The main thing I think about life and dead is that is similar to the concept of day and night. From being active all day long, you need to sleep for the night, and then wake up again the next day. The same goes for reincarnation, you are born, grow up (action) and die (sleep), only to be born (wake up) again the next life.
You see this pattern in all nature, day and night, the cycle of evolution, and the same principles of life apply to our individual soul.
Exactly, it's a crowd control exercise.

"Crowd control exercise" is not necessarily bad.
If people don't control their consumption, they cause heavy damage to the planet, damage even beyond recovery.
Those interested in survival will limit their consumption so that also tomorrow, and next generations, will have clean air to breathe, good food to eat and clean water to drink.

Be good in this life, and you might get to eat more in the next. It limits people's expectations and aspirations in their real life, and so averts social upset, and stops revolt.

It limits greed, hatred, indulging in delusions, it lessens attachment.

And it heightens one's expectations and aspirations in real life to the extreme.
Believing in rebirth, one won't content oneself with the fleeting pleasures that the fortunes of the world lend. Instead, one will seek for a true, lasting happiness that is not endangered by people dying, getting old and ill, natural catastrophes, oblivion or boredom.
Belief in rebirth makes a person extremely ambitious.
If people want to argue about whether reincarnation is true or not take it to the Religion Forum.

Here's a chunk from the guidelines of this forum.

Things that are not welcome in this forum (beside things that have been stated in General Rules):

* Propaganda (pro and/or contra certain religion, belief, theism, atheism)

my emphasis
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