

Registered Senior Member
Why is it that the only religion that asks it's followers to question their beliefs is also the only one who believes in reincarnation? Is it that the other religions wish people to fear hell without questioning the logic of it's existence?
which eligions do you refer to? Hinduism? Buddhism? do you mean 'question their beliefs'?
the religion i speak of is buddhism, and they are asked to question everything they are told. Remember, beliefs are accepting something for the truth without proof of it's existence. So buddhism asks it's followers to notice this and to question the reliability and logic of their teachings. This way higher understanding is possible, and a more individual religion is created by filtering out what the follower believes is illogical. Anyway, please refer to my first post, don't comment on this.
First off, my EXPERIENCE with Buddhists--a good cross sction of them (ie., differnt forms of Buddhism)--and their BEHAVIOUR doesn't reflect whats on papaer, ie., that they question their beliefs and encourage you to do same.

I receved a good bit of abuse from Buddhists when I questioned their beliefs.
Also when I mentioned hallucinogenic inspiration i received incredibly offensive abuse from several of them.

And things like this would happen (this happened at a forum, but i have gottn similar negativity at several others, including from a Zennist forum, though not as bad as from the particular one i am referring to, the infidel forums), if i was talking to a more receptive Buddhist, another of the abusers would suddenly appear telling him not to bother with me cause i was a this or that....! I.e., he was making sure i didn't 'corrupt' him from the belief-system. he was not being allowed to openly talk to an 'outsider' of the cult. A typical cultic strategy.

And about reincarnation, and the link given here to try and suggest it doesn't mean transmigration, as is the belief in Hinduism. Well, i see th same story only they have changed one or two things. it still means the same though.

I have troubly with the doctrine of reincarnation. For a big start, one only has to see the cultural structure of India with its caste system to know the belief in reincarnation is wrong, and is used to justify slavery, and degradation to those in power.
I admit that in life actions can lead onto effects. like if you drink heavily, chances are you will go down, possibly getting disease of the liver. if your nasty to people you'll get treated coldy etc. But to jump from that to assuming that a baby is born with a record of past sins is really unprovable, and also ugly

this would mean that if a child of say 5 years old was sexually abused by its family, that according to Buddhist belief it was reaping the effects of its karma. That is too vile for words

And the rich mfker who is taking all the land and dosh is gonna think he is experiencing really GOOd karma, no?

So the whole belief is riddled with absurdity, and is a potential minefield for the manipulation of peoples.

It is the Eastern version of the Western's --also abusive dogma--'original sin'. It is therefore a patriarchal strategy to guilt peoples so they will conform to an elite group controlling things!