Regular bathing for cats?


As a mother, I am telling you
Valued Senior Member
I say no, but let's get the discussion started:

Yes. I'm evil to my beloved cats. They get bathed once a month.

You should see the stuff that comes off them!

1) cats do need to be bathed occasionally. These are inside cats and subsequently tend to rub their paws over and over again in kittie litter.

This is a bad argument, because they do it everyday, so your cat's path is dirty for 29 days...

2) just because they don't like it, doesn't mean it's unnecessary.

That is true. I say they need to be washed when they get dirty, but not regulally. Once my cat got rust on her, red rust on a white cat, I had to wash it off, but otherwise I let her alone and she doesn't smell at all...

Cat's like all animals build up protein, oil and other unwanted detritus on their skin and hair over time.
3) thorough bathing removes excess fur. The bath + thorough combing afterwords reduces shedding significantly.

They get the works, shampoo, conditioner, ear cleaning and nail trimming. They get over it in about an hour after the deed is done and they smell and look much much better afterwords. They're none the worse for wear.

I guess once a month isn't that often but anything more frequent than that is overdoing it...
cats wash themselves by licking their fur with their tongues, to them it is hygiene and we as humans intervene with their natural behavior by introducing washing pattern actions to their lives...
I wash them if they get dirty, but usually they keep themselves clean.
Yeah, I would say maybe 2-3 times a year if they get into something very dirty (what inside cats don't really do), otherwise leave them alone...
I wonder who came up with the idea of regularly washing them...
we washed our cats weekly when they were small. Now its monthly. I am allergic and washing them keeps the dander and loose hair down. They are used to it. They still don't like it, but they are used to it.
"I gave my cat a bath last night. I had the hardest time getting the hair off my tongue." - Steve Martin

I do not give my cats baths. I could see that being necessary with a long haired breed, but thankfully neither of mine are.
If the cat is dirty then bathe it. If it seems clean and doesn't smell leave it alone. :)
How to Bathe A Cat
1.Thoroughly clean the toilet.
2. Add about 1 cup of shampoo to the toilet water and raise both lids.
3. Get the cat and soothe him while you carry him to the bathroom.
4. In one smooth movement, put the cat in the toilet and close both lids (you may need to stand on the lid so that he cannot escape). CAUTION: Do not get any part of your body too close to the edge, as his paws will be reaching out for any purchase they can find.
5. Flush the toilet four times (once for the 'power wash' and three more times for the rinse cycle).
6. Have someone open the bathroom door and ensure that there are no people between the toilet and the bathroom door.
7. Stand behind the toilet as far as you can, and quickly lift both lids.
8. The now-clean cat will rocket out of the toilet, and run outside for the dry cycle.

Why do cats hate water?
At home, I wash my cats, mainly to get them rid of this:


I know how it feels being bitten by flea (cat's or dog's), it's terribly itching and irritating!

I just put baby shampoo and then dry them with hair dryer (low heat). It's about once
per one or two months, depends on the season (rainy/dry).
When I had a cat, I sometimes used to wet my hands and stroke it. It would get rid of excess hair from it and the cat would finish up by washing itself. The trouble with using anything but water on it is that when the cat licks itself, it will take it inside itself.
Yeah, I would say maybe 2-3 times a year if they get into something very dirty (what inside cats don't really do), otherwise leave them alone...
I wonder who came up with the idea of regularly washing them...

It's the same people that put clothes on their dogs no doubt.
How to Bathe A Cat
1.Thoroughly clean the toilet.
2. Add about 1 cup of shampoo to the toilet water and raise both lids.
3. Get the cat and soothe him while you carry him to the bathroom.
4. In one smooth movement, put the cat in the toilet and close both lids (you may need to stand on the lid so that he cannot escape). CAUTION: Do not get any part of your body too close to the edge, as his paws will be reaching out for any purchase they can find.
5. Flush the toilet four times (once for the 'power wash' and three more times for the rinse cycle).
6. Have someone open the bathroom door and ensure that there are no people between the toilet and the bathroom door.
7. Stand behind the toilet as far as you can, and quickly lift both lids.
8. The now-clean cat will rocket out of the toilet, and run outside for the dry cycle.

Why do cats hate water?

Not all species hate water, it has to do with their background.
It's cruel to wash domestic cats.
My Ex wifes cat use to jump into the bath with her! He sawm with her while she was taking a bath.
My Ex wifes cat use to jump into the bath with her! He sawm with her while she was taking a bath.

Of course there is no problem when they want to take a bath.
Some races are descendants of water loving cats.. like Bengals who are part Tigercat.
I had cats for many years and never once had a reason to clean them (all inside) outside an instance of fleas.

Cats are self-cleaning animals. Like self-cleaning ovens, I don't mess with it.

That being said, one cat would jump into the shower. The others tended to avoid such.
>sigh> I know not ALL of them do. Why do the rest?
And why is it cruel?

I found this:
"Many domestic cats don't seem to enjoy water sports. Of course, they may not experience the extreme heat of the African plains, so they have no great impulse to take a dip. Also, no cats enjoy water used against them in an antagonistic manner or getting water in their eyes or ears. Being sprayed or squirted with water isn't fun, nor is being forced into a bath. Cats much prefer to meet new situations on their own terms."

And this:
"Actually, many cats enjoy water and at least one breed is known to enjoy fishing and swimming. But, it has to be on their own terms - being picked up by two human hands and dunked in a sink full of water is not on the cat's own terms."

Apparently, they just want to have control. Water can be dangerous to any land creature.

As for why it is cruel.. for the same reason it would be cruel to put you in a basin together with a whale, against your will.
Will the number 4 setting on my washing machine do for both cats together or should I wash them them separately?