Regarding Homosexuality, some Christians are very self-centered


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Valued Senior Member
I just saw this article the other day, but it really did make clear to me how self-centered some "Christians" are in their day to day dealings with reality.

President Obama delivered an unprecedented message to the Human Rights Campaign Saturday night. Sounding more like a homosexual activist than a sitting president, Obama went well beyond his expected message of “I’m here with you” on the homosexual agenda.

Oh, maybe it's because of that Larry whatshisface guy? Never mind that...

“My expectation is that when you look back on these years, you will see a time in which we put a stop to discrimination against gays and lesbians -- whether in the office or on the battlefield,” Obama told an estimated audience of 3,000. “You will see a time in which we as a nation finally recognize relationships between two men or two women as just as real and admirable as relationships between a man and a woman.”

Even Human Rights Campaign President Joe Solmonese was stunned at the breadth of Obama's statement, calling it “something quite remarkable.”

"This was a historic night when we felt the full embrace and commitment of the President of the United States,” Solmonese said in a post-speech statement. “It’s simply unprecedented."

Did he mean "an" historic night? Never mind that either. This next part is totally awesome.

But Peter LaBarbera, president of Americans for Truth About Homosexuality, called the president's remarks “appalling.”

Great. Peter LaBarbera said something. What a soldier!

“Barack Obama is basically declaring that these relationships are basically equal to the real thing,” LaBarbera told “I think this is the ultimate Obama audacity play – for him, just declaring it seems to make it so.”


Obama told Saturday's event that there are still people "who hold fast to outworn arguments and old attitudes; who fail to see your families like their families; who would deny you the rights most Americans take for granted."

He ended by telling the story of a young man struggling with homosexuality -- "wrestling alone with a secret he’s held as long as he can remember.

The punchline...

LaBarbera said Obama's comments went far beyond using the presidency as a bully pulpit.

“The condescension is glaring," LaBarbera said. "He’s really putting down millions and millions of faithful, moral-minded citizens and dismissing traditional beliefs with such arrogance, it is almost indescribable. It really is amazing.”

“It's just hateful rhetoric,” LaBarbera added. “It’s a different kind of hate, to be sure, but it is hate – he hates our Judeo-Christian tradition.

WOW! You argue for any kind of equality for same-sex couples, and Peter LaBarbera says that you hate his Judeo-Christian tradition? Is this guy even for real?

I think this guy is a fake! Or a fag!

Either way, his argument is so stupid on its face that I wonder whether this guy is even for real, or if he exists just to cause controversy.

C'mon. When your sole existence in any media format is devoted to opposing homosexuality (that appears to be the only calling of Peter LaBarbera) and you talk bad about any form of homosexuality nonstop and make that your life's mission, opposing anything at all to do with same-sex marriage or civil unions or whatever, and call such unions HATE against yourself, surely something is wrong?

This guy cannot be for real.

His entire career has been devoted to basically spewing what he himself would term "hate speech" if it were directed at him, and when someone dares suggest that two people of the same gender can actually really be attracted to each other or in love, he immediately deems it hate speech. Against him and his rugged band of Christian brothers. And the rugged part is questionable. Peter LaBarbera sounds like someone who has a strict agenda to follow.

Peter LaBarbera sounds totally fraudulent.
The operative word is "our" Judeo-Christian tradition, meaning "he's not one of us".
What? It's LaBarbera.

It's Peter LaBarbera. What more does anyone expect of him?

To the other, it's been a little over a month since his stupidity last came to my attention. To the one, I'm surprised it took that long. To the other, I'd much rather he never came to my attention at all.

But he insists.

And, unfortunately, no matter how much people like LaBarbera resemble an ill-conceived, poorly-drawn caricature of idiocy, it seems they actually are serious. Or else some kind of practical joke has run afoul to a degree never before witnessed in history.
Religious right selfishly turns boy into pawn in gay-adoption battle

The judge's ruling said exactly what most people would want to hear in an adoption case.

It said that the 1-year-old boy who had been living with his foster parents was "happy and thriving" — and that a permanent adoption made perfect sense.

It should be a simple story with a happy ending.

Except it is not.

That judge's ruling — which focused solely on the child's well-being — enraged some on the religious right.

Why? Because the little boy's adoptive parents are gay.

So now those who profit from division are pouncing.

They aren't the people who have cared for this little boy, who have nursed his wounds and tucked him in at night. In fact, they haven't done a thing for him.

They haven't consulted the experts — everyone from a child psychologist to a Guardian ad Litem — who say the parents provide precisely the loving environment that this child needs.

All these critics know is that they don't want gay people to have the same rights as straight people.

The Florida Family Policy Council's apparent press release detailing this story went delightfully overboard when they included a photo of the lesbian couple with their printed propaganda piece. The couple can only be described as stereotypical bull-dykes with the obligatory mullets, and one of them even appears to have a bit o' moustache. They definitely look like hybrid man-woman andogynes. Kind of scary, especially if you're appealing to a conservative Christian audience who seem to just hate everything homosexual (oh, forgot, that's just tough love, Christ-stylee).

Problem is, the picture of the lesbian couple was apparently not THE couple involved in the would-be adoption "scandal". No. Picture attached to their article was apparently not the couple at all. And I doubt it was just picked at random from a "gay" stock photo collection. Nay! It was probably chosen very carefully to maximize the intended shock and horror effect the propaganda was designed to have on those God-fearing, fag-fearing, flocks of faithful who read articles from groups with the word "family" in their names.

The link at the top of this post has the photos in question.

How ridiculous! Another example of the extremes conservative Christians will go to in their crusade to malign homosexuals any way they can! It's okay to be blatantly deceptive if it's done in the name of God (and hatin' queers!).
Another example of how some Christians are completely self-centered in their tactics: lying and misrepresenting is hateful if done towards them, but Godly and admirable when committed by them.

In the Florida sentinel comments, someone idiotically tried to make a point that the photo of the ACTUAL couple was probably them looking at their Sunday best, and not representative of their everyday appearances, openly suggesting that it was also a form of propaganda to actual include a decent looking picture of the real people, rather than the modestly freakish bull-dykes in the first picture!

"Well, it was misleading to post a picture of some manly lesbian couple who are not actually involved in the story... but you HAVE TO ADMIT that it's a little misleading to post a picture of the real couple looking really good. I mean, do you really think they look like that all the time? Don't you think that's propaganda as well???"
That was the gist of one of the comments. C'mon! Sounds just like something Baron Max would say...
Tiassa said:
To the other, I'd much rather he never came to my attention at all.

But he insists.

Mr. LaBarbera is entertainment, maddening or not...

And, unfortunately, no matter how much people like LaBarbera resemble an ill-conceived, poorly-drawn caricature of idiocy, it seems they actually are serious. Or else some kind of practical joke has run afoul to a degree never before witnessed in history.

Caricature is just the word I used when describing it to my brother earlier this evening. The contradictory nature of their rhetoric and tactics, making mountains out of mole hills and all... it seems so dumb as to be inconceivable that someone who has ostensibly a college-level education and lives in a decent part of town could so backwards and illogical.
Hadn't heard of that story:
We ask you to pray for the families of both Collette and Wimberly, and pray for the Christian conversion of Teah Wimberly as she awaits sentencing. — Peter LaBarbera,

I'm surprised he said pray for BOTH! And notice the part about Christian conversion? Like no professing Christian ever does anything wrong!:bravo:

It's funny how they can completely change who you are in the blink of an eye, isn't it? You can either be a deranged homicidal homosexual, or a poor heterosexual Christian struggling with "urges", depending on how they feel like describing you.

It's very contradictory. When talking positively about so-called reparative therapy, they refer to those enrolled in such programs as "brave souls" "those who struggle against unwanted affections" "heterosexuals with homosexual addictions", etc. They're just ordinary people with problems and sins, like everyone else.

Anyone, however, who they don't like, is suddenly completely the opposite. Instead of those who bravely struggle against homosexual in their ordinary Christian lives, those who say ex-gay programs failed them and openly speak against them are "vicious, homosexual psychopaths and hatemongers", completely deluded by their unnatural desires.

Homosexuals are either heterosexuals with problems, or completely dysfunctional BECAUSE they are homosexually oriented. I've seen that bizarre dichotomy in the intellectual discourses of conservative clubs and faux-psychological organizations. The same person is either to be pitied, or shunned as deranged, all depending on whether they hate their homosexual leanings.
And it's funny how they say from one side of their mouth that people choose to be that way, that they're not a true minority but only designated as one because of a deviant sexual ideal, but on the other side of their mouths are saying that homosexuality goes hand in hand with every social and psychological (or medical) dysfunction that exists under the sun. For people who say it's only a choice, they certainly try really hard to make it look like a biological defect that inevitably leads to other greater evils.

Oh, I forgot. There ARE no greater evils! :p
President Obama delivered an unprecedented message to the Human Rights Campaign Saturday night. Sounding more like a homosexual activist than a sitting president, Obama went well beyond his expected message of “I’m here with you” on the homosexual agenda.

This may be off topic, but what is the homosexual agenda? Is it in print?
The Florida Family Policy Center issued this ??retraction/apology?? about the lesbian couple above:

The photo in the news piece we ran (red and blue shirts on left)
was obtained from an online article about a different South Florida Judge who approved a different improper homosexual adoption.

This is the REAL couple the story is about

He goes on to say

“I would like to offer my sincerest apologies to Melanie Leon and Vanessa Alenier for the mistaken photograph used in reference to the homosexual adoption story we published last week. The use of the photo was a clear mistake on our part and was not intended to demean either of you or other gay identified persons. Please accept our apology.”

Here is a link to the story about the actual couple in question.

Apparently the picture in question is affiliated with another case that they covered, but I'm having trouble finding this story.
According to the author of the Orlando Sentinel story the picture was connected to this :
(The other strange part of Stemberger’s explanation is that he now claims the above photo referred to ”different improper homosexual adoption” from another Florida case. But I’m not sure that’s true either — ’cause that story was about Martin Gill, who is featured here (right). And the picture he now claims is Gill is actually labeled “Gay Woman” on the site from which Stemberger’s group lifted it. But hey, it’s been kind of hard to follow Stemberger’s claims from the get-go. So if anyone has anything remotely resembling proof that one of the two folks actually is Gill, please feel free to share.)

I am not able to say whose story is correct, given the strange, confusing nature of the two conflicting stories. I want to know exactly what the heck is going on here.

I will do more to find out what is going on here, since both sides say one thing, but the actual story the "wrong" picture comes from apparently is in question.

No wait! This picture is featured here on Free Republic it seems and the date is 5/20/2009

Put these lesbians on a merry go round, and you could have deasil diesel dikes.

So I just found that this picture has been circulating or what have you for quite a while before this current story even came up. What is this about?

This photo has been around for quite a while. WTF?

Really stupidly dumb. I just want to know how this photo became in any way associated with the actual couple mentioned in the story that is applicable.
President Obama delivered an unprecedented message to the Human Rights Campaign Saturday night. Sounding more like a homosexual activist than a sitting president, Obama went well beyond his expected message of “I’m here with you” on the homosexual agenda.

This may be off topic, but what is the homosexual agenda? Is it in print?

Are you SERIOUS?

The Homosexual Agenda
8:00 a.m. Wake up. Wonder where you are.

8:01 a.m. Realize you are lying on 100 percent cotton sheets of at least a 300 count, so don't panic; you're not slumming.

8:02 a.m. Realize you are actually in your own bed for a change. Wake stranger next to you and tell them you are late for work so won't be able to cook breakfast for them. Mutter "sorry" as you help him look for his far-flung underwear. You find out that you tore his boxers while ripping them off him last night, so you "loan" him a pair of boxer-briefs, but not the new ones because you never intend to see him again.

8:05 a.m. Tell the stranger, whose name eludes you, "It was fun. I'll give you a call," as you usher him out the door, avoiding his egregious morning-breath.

8:06 a.m. Crumple and dispose of the piece of paper with his telephone number on it when you get to the kitchen.

8:07 a.m. Make a high protein breakfast while watching the Today show. Wonder if the stories you've heard about Matt Lauer are true. Decide they must be.

8:30 a.m. Italian or domestic? Decide to go with three-button Italian and the only shirt that is clean.

8:45 a.m. Climb into red Z4 and try not to look too much like Barbie driving one of her accessories as you pull out of your underground parking. Revos or Armanis? Go with Revos.

9:35 a.m. Stroll into office.

9:36 a.m. Close door to office and call best friend and laugh about the guy who spent the night at your condo. Point out something annoying about best friend's boyfriend but quickly add "It doesn't matter what everyone else thinks, just as long as you love him."

10:15 a.m. Leave office, telling your secretary you are "meeting with a client." Pretend not to notice her insubordinate roll of her eyes (or the cloying "poem" she has tacked to her cubicle wall).

10:30 a.m. Hair appointment for lowlights and cut. Purchase of Aveda anti-humectant pomade.

11:30 a.m. Run into personal trainer at gym. Pester him about getting you Human Growth Hormone. Spend 30 minutes talking to friends on your cell phone while using Hammer Strength machines, preparing a mental-matrix of which circuit parties everyone is going to and which are now passe.

12:00pm Tan. Schedule back-waxing in time for Saturday party where you know you will end up shirtless.

12:30 p.m. Pay trainer for anabolic steroids and schedule a workout. Shower, taking ten minutes to knot your tie while you check-out your best friend's boyfriend undress with the calculation of someone used to wearing a t-back and having dollars stuffed in their crotch.

1:00 p.m. Meet someone for whom you only know his waist, chest and penis size from AOL M4M chat for lunch at a hot, new restaurant. Because the maître d' recognizes you from a gay bar, you are whisked past the Christian heterosexual couples who have been waiting patiently for a table since 12:30.

2:30 p.m. "Dessert at your place." Find out, once again, people lie on AOL.

3:33 p.m. Assume complete control of the U.S., state, and local governments (in addition to other nations' governments); destroy all healthy Christian marriages; recruit all children grades Kindergarten through 12 into your amoral, filthy lifestyle; secure complete control of the media, starting with sitcoms; molest innocent children; give AIDS to as many people as you can; host a pornographic "art" exhibit at your local art museum; and turn people away from Jesus, causing them to burn forever in Hell.

4:10 p.m. Time permitting, bring about the general decline of Western Civilization and look like you are having way too much fun doing it.

4:30 p.m. Take a disco-nap to prevent facial wrinkles from the stress of world conquest and being so terribly witty.

6:00 p.m. Open a fabulous new bottle of Malbec.

6:47 P.M. Bake Ketamine for weekend. Test recipe.

7:00 P.M. Go to Abercrombie & Fitch and announce in a loud voice, "Over!"

7:40 P.M. Stop looking at the photographic displays at Abercrombie & Fitch and go to a cool store to begin shopping.

8:30 p.m. Light dinner with catty homosexual friends at a restaurant you will be "over" by the time it gets its first review in the local paper.

10:30 p.m. Cocktails at a debauched gay bar, trying to avoid alcoholic queens who can't navigate a crowd with a lit cigarette in one hand and a Stoli in a cheap plastic cup in the other. Make audible remark about how "trashy" people who still think smoking is acceptable are.

12:00 a.m. "Nightcap at your place." Find out that people lie in bars, too.
But to be more serious, as far as some people are concerned, this agenda could be real, as long as you take seriously certain activists' words. If you would like me to print these, I will be glad to.
Hate it ain't. People like LaBarbera require a little more introspection in their lives.
Hate it ain't. People like LaBarbera require a little more introspection in their lives.

So, in essence you are saying that rather than hate (or at least extreme dislike) they are irrational and confused?
So, in essence you are saying that rather than hate (or at least extreme dislike) they are irrational and confused?

Hmm. Well, do you believe in the actual existence of evil, or is it a state of a mind gone astray? You could argue either as far as I'm concerned.