Red eyes


Registered Member
Ok, this may seem a little bit stupid but it happened and I never knew what it was so I feel the need to share with you guys, so here it is:

I lived 10 years in my grandmas house, it was a big house with many rooms and scary places and I was happy, yes, I was happy...I shared the room with my older sister because I was afraid of sleeping alone ( I was like 6 ) so we used to tell scary stories before going to sleep, in bed. Everything went fine until this one night when we were talking about something I can't recall at the moment and all of a sudden my sister paralyses, she kept staring to our bedroom window, I was curious because I wanted to see what was happening and I regreted greatly for there were 2 red eyes on the window...I sometimes think it was a street light or something but the image, the image was so clear and the eyes were really there and I panicked..I started to scream for help untill my dad came and turned the lights on..we explained what happened but he told us it was just an "optical illusion"...I remember not sleeping that night because that shit scared the hell out of me so we kept watching the window in order to get another glimpse of those reddish eyes but they didn't appear again. I was 6, my sister was 10/11 and we forgot about that completely the next day, or should I say, we didn't want to remember but like, 2 months ago I was making dinner and my sister asks me if I remembered that night, I said " well, how could I not remember?" and she asked me " what the hell was that ?" and I still can't answer because there are so many factors that could influence our "vision" and I know that now so I don't know what to think.

Now, I don't know what exactly was that but I do know what that I saw 2 red eyes on the window that night..I can't explain though so feel free to post any ideas or simillar experiences..
First, the house is situated in Lisbon therefore there's no wild animals around, second it happened on the second floor so it's rather hard for a wolf to fly :p

And the eyes were not of an animal they were quite big actually, thats what scared me the most at the time...any more ideas?
Some perve with some night vision goggles probably. (Infrared Goggles at that)
However that potential reason is up to you to decide on since afterall you know the size of the eyes you saw.
I've seen that kind of thing a few times when a car's tail lights were reflected funny in window glass.
Stryder are you suggesting that what was looking in Gondorle's window was someone with night vision goggles on?
How ludicrous is that? Night goggles looking in a room when most likely the lights were on.
FieryIce, if a stalker was walking around in pitch black to walk up to a window then obviously they could have nightvision on, when they get there and if the lights are on then obviously they could turn them off.

I suppose you want to output it's an alien Astronaut crashlanded on the planet after his space hulk took incoming missile fire from the BET's flying elephants.
Stryder, do you read what you are typing before you post it? Do you have any idea how ridiculous and nonsensical your post is?
Actually FieryIce, it was drawing attention to the nonsensical statements that have previously been made about BET'S and interstellar warfare which were not of my own creation.

Perhaps you don't get what Saracasm is n/m.
Dudes, this is Portugal not America, theres no one with night vision gogles or something like that walking around at night bla bla...And those eyes were big enough to leave the idea of a prevert behind so I guess it was just a street light? :S I wish I could give you guys some more details but it's impossible unless I could travel back in time to see those eyes with my 20 year old eyes and not with a 6 year old boys eyes, that way I'm sure I could at least describe it more accurately.

I do know that the way I explained what happened may seem like " hey, I believe it was a freakin ghost or a freakin werewolf..."...but far from it, I just thought that someone could have had some simillar experiences...

And it was not halloween but even if it was theres no halloween tradition in Portugal, hum ok, I guess the VIP people celebrate this bla bla but not the people in general so I guess it couldn't be a halloween joke...
i did that to my younger brother, i got 2 red LEDs and attached them to a stick at eye spacing.
then i poked the stick thru his bedroom door as he was almost asleep, that scared the shit out of him, seeing those hovering red things at about head height. whats more, we had just watched a story similar to yours on fact or fiction

btw, gan you tell me in inches or with some form of measurment how big those "eyes" were
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vslayer, do you know venice? Do you know that kind of "royal" masks they used to wear when it was carnival day? Those that looked like some kind of "big shinny glasses " ? :\

It was something like that but RED, all red and the thing is, the line was perfect, I mean, there were no irregularities...
hmm.. i have no reasoning on the physical level so time to co pshyhclogical:

perhaps you sister, since she was almost in her teen years when we have the wost PK energy had watched a scary wovie and when she saw something spooky out the window attached it to those red eyes she saw in the movie and sent out a psychic image which you easily picked up since she is your sister and would have a similar brain wave frequency, when your dad came and snapped her out of it she stopped creating the image so neither of you saw it again
how about cat eyes?. Also your mind can have played tricks with you so the size you think they where is wrong