Red blood cell organisam


Sense a red corpse cell doesn't not have a nucleus it does not reproduce itself , then what other function does it have beside carry Oxygen and carbon dioxide ?
Does the red cell have all parts in place for modifying proteins
of processing metabolism ?

Can a virus or retrovirus get into the cell and use the machinery to replicate it self ?
Since a red corpse cell . . . .
You mean "red corpuscle."
. . . . then what other function does it have besides carrying oxygen and carbon dioxide?
Why do you think it should have another function? It performs one of the most important functions in the vertebrate body!
Does the red cell have all parts in place for modifying proteins of processing metabolism?
I don't think so. It's a very simple cell and lacks most of the components of all other cells.
Can a virus or retrovirus get into the cell and use the machinery to replicate itself ?
I don't understand the question. A red blood cell is very simple and does not have "the machinery to replicate itself."

You should read the Wikipedia article on red blood cells. In fact many of your questions are answered in Wikipedia, in much greater detail than anyone on SciForums is going to write in a post!