Recurring symbols in religion


I have noticed many basic ideas that recur over the history of religion such as the tree of life/yggdrasil in norse mythology as well as soma/haoma in avestian principals which is also a plant. the debate is which one. :m: or ephedra or possibly a couple others..

as well as the sun or light being worshiped in Egyptian sun god RA, as well as the greek sun god Helios.

and most religions have a drink that usually alters one's state of mind or "being"
but i think the greek oracles of delphi might have gone a little too far with their choice of ethylene...

I think there is alot of truth in these symbols especially in a historical sense.
christianity has communion which is filled with wine..."hey I found the holy grail, its not the cup!!! its what you put in the cup!!!" and who is "US" exactly..

and Zomë Zomë linguistically sounds like soma

here is a link you need to look at for some history

then click the avestan language button... or sanskrit.

not to down any religion. Islam teaches peace.
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I have noticed many basic ideas that recur over the history of religion such as the tree of life/yggdrasil in norse mythology as well as soma/haoma
Well that's two.
Out of "many".
Further examples?

I think there is alot of truth in these symbols especially in a historical sense.
What do you mean "truth"?

Has it occurred to you that religions are all human-derived? Why wouldn't they have similarities?
Well that's two.
Out of "many".
Further examples?

What do you mean "truth"?

Has it occurred to you that religions are all human-derived? Why wouldn't they have similarities?

maybe thats the truth I'm pointing to... which means means everything human derived and yet we fail to find similarities... if man can make god can god not also make man?? can man not see itself as itself. to see a greater purpose.

which brings us to the subject of how most religious fanatics believe their religion is best and try to impose their values on another. kinda like scientists do... but i guess there is a religion for that as well...

we are gods gift to earth and yet we fight so hard for our way we fail to see another's point of view.

Loki the norse god of chaos can also be compared to the shiva of hindu faith. the same concept appeared at different times in two completely different places.
christianity has communion which is filled with wine..."hey I found the holy grail, its not the cup!!! its what you put in the cup!!!" and who is "US" exactly..
and Zomë Zomë linguistically sounds like soma
here is a link you need to look at for some history

Goes back to the shaman eating peyote / mushroom / cocoa and then communing with the spirits. Shared root (excuse the pun)
Loki the norse god of chaos can also be compared to the shiva of hindu faith. the same concept appeared at different times in two completely different places.

Its like the orishas of Santeria have counterparts in catholic saints and also in African gods, I have also read links from the African back to the Egyptian. You trace most roots back you end up in Egypt (or India). Doesn’t prove or disprove anything, but yes there is definitely a shared heritage.

World travel was far more widespread in ancient times than we now commonly believe. Not on mass as it is now, but it only takes one person to spread an idea.
and yet we fail to find similarities...
And yet you (among numerous others) have pointed out (some) similarities.

others if man can make god can god not also make man??
What god?

to see a greater purpose.
What "greater purpose"?

kinda like scientists do... but i guess there is a religion for that as well...
Examples please.

we are gods gift to earth

Loki the norse god of chaos can also be compared to the shiva of hindu faith.