Recurring Dreams


A Service to the Blind.
Registered Senior Member
I have recently be having some serious issues with a recurring lucid dream, which causes me to not only talk in my sleep, but walk about, cry and fall down stairs. Not nice for the people I'm living with.

The dream is that I'm driving along the road by my college, and my teeth start crumbling in my mouth and bleeding etc. Then, by boyfriend and his guide dog (for he is blind) step out on a crossing, which i can't stop at and i run him and the dog over, killing the dog and paralysing him for life.

Fun dreams. Any interpretations?
It seems you will be leaving your boyfriend soon for the dream seems to be showing you that he is not the one meant for you.
Yeah. I am obviously harboring deep urges to run over my boyfriend and his dog. :/
Yeah. I am obviously harboring deep urges to run over my boyfriend and his dog. :/

My comment was only a way to "see" what your dream was trying to tell you. It would suggest that it isn't you that did anything to your BF , but what something else did to him. He isn't going to be with you in the near future not because anything will happen to him but that you will just go on your way to someone new that appeals to you more than he does, that is all.
The dream is that I'm driving along the road by my college, and my teeth start crumbling in my mouth and bleeding etc. Then, by boyfriend and his guide dog (for he is blind) step out on a crossing, which i can't stop at and i run him and the dog over, killing the dog and paralysing him for life.

Fun dreams. Any interpretations?

Mayb you have dread that somptin horrible will happen to you'r BF an dog dew to estra dangers of him bein blind... an its actualy havin a negetive effect on you'r health... if so... discuss these issues wit him an determin if you'r fears are rational... an if they are... compromize on ways he coud start bein mor carful in his daily routine... an if you com to realize you'r fears ant rational... that shud also help to releive you'r stress an those bad dreams will be mor like to go away.!!!
I sometimes recognize the place where I am in my dream as one I've been before in another dream, sometimes years ago.
Or maybe it just seems like it.. :shrug:
I have recently be having some serious issues with a recurring lucid dream, which causes me to not only talk in my sleep, but walk about, cry and fall down stairs. Not nice for the people I'm living with.

The dream is that I'm driving along the road by my college, and my teeth start crumbling in my mouth and bleeding etc. Then, by boyfriend and his guide dog (for he is blind) step out on a crossing, which i can't stop at and i run him and the dog over, killing the dog and paralysing him for life.

Fun dreams. Any interpretations?
Is it really a lucid dream? I mean, do you realize it is a dream while dreaming?

To find out I would look at how you feel guilty in relation to your boyfriend. If you kinda know you are going to break up someday, that could be the meaning. Your fears it will devastate (paralyze) him. But it could be other things you want to do or feel that you feel guilty about in relation to him.

The crumbling teeth could come from a clenched mouth, either figuratively or literally. You may actually be clenching your teeth while sleeping. You could feel guilty about what you might say.

Teeth are a part of our aggressive nature. Our teeth break down the world so we can use it.

There may be ways you simply accept your boyfriend the way he is that you need to look at. You may need to chew on some of his ideas or behavior rather than simply swallowing them whole.

It may feel like you cannot be angry with him or you will hurt him.

Perhaps even his being blind plays a role in your guilt and self-restraint.

It might be better to get this stuff on the table.