Abnormally original
Registered Senior Member
I was watching the hearings yesterday, actually the summary testimony of the presidents/ceo's of the major news networks, in regards to the premature news projections of the Florida ballots cast in the great election of November 2000........Why is it that the really slick looking ones, who are so impressive, and seem to have all the answers.............& are so full of --it?

Two or three of the head Cheezers, of the respective news networks looked like crap, and sounded worse, but were absolutely truthful in the testimony given.........

But in the immortal words of Studs Terkel "Everyone that I have known in the media and showbiz is a --cking moron".
The following assertions are now made to the United States Congress which have been supported with credible evidence and, or credible witnesses:

a) that Airforce Major Jesse Marcel was very familiar with all forms of weather balloons which were in use by the Air Force at the time, and

b) that Major Marcel's son, Jesse jr, has since seen and otherwise been exposed to just about every type of metal, and

c) that Mr, Marcel has also be exposed to or seen just about evey type of plastic, as well as mylar, since those days at Roswell 1947 and,

d) that Major Marcel was ordered to reliquish all materials which he had in his possession to the United States Air Force hierarchy.

It is therefore asserted to attention of the United States Congress, that the statements of Air Force Major Jesse Marcel and his son must be considered credible, and

a) that the material that Major Marcel apparently handled and showed to his family was unknown to even the highest branches of the Air Force, at the time period as previously mentioned.

It is further asserted

a) that the actions of the United States Air Force and, or other classified branches of the United States Military conducted Secure martial exercises in the days following the reported incident at Roswell New Mexico upon the property of a local rancher, and

b) that the area of the ranch in question was secured and restricted to all but highly classified individuals and military personel, who were assigned to this area, and

c) that all materials on the vast, previously mentioned ranch were removed to such a degree that not even a most insignificant scrap of the United States Airforce's claimed weather balloon remained on the previously mentioned vast ranch premises, and

d) that the previous assertion has been credibly proven as the large number of professional as well as amateur investigators have never found even an insignificant scrap of the so called weather balloon on the ranch in question to present to the civillian scientific community during the past fifty-four years (54 years) since 1947.................................. .............................................. ................... to be cont'd....hmmmmm.....COMPLETED...... ..................

[This message has been edited by AUSSIEABORIGINAL (edited February 15, 2001).]
I find it very interesting that anyone would think that aliens capable of transversing thousands of lightyears to get to us, would crash land here. Are we like a 'bump' in the road? Some 'black ice' on the wormhole highway? It just seems so outragious, or to paraphrase Will Smith in "Independence Day", "I don't think these aliens would travel 90 thousand light years here just to crash". By the way, I hope they lost their 'interstellar drivers license', all that sophisticated avionics and they can't avoid our little 'blue dot'? Or were they doing their test spaceflights, sort of like what the US Air Force does at Edwards AFB? Just wondering.
Live long and prosper.
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Originally posted by Randolfo:
I find it very interesting that anyone would think that aliens capable of transversing thousands of lightyears to get to us, would crash land here. Are we like a 'bump' in the road? Some 'black ice' on the wormhole highway? It just seems so outragious, or to paraphrase Will Smith in "Independence Day", "I don't think these aliens would travel 90 thousand light years here just to crash". By the way, I hope they lost their 'interstellar drivers license', all that sophisticated avionics and they can't avoid our little 'blue dot'? Or were they doing their test spaceflights, sort of like what the US Air Force does at Edwards AFB? Just wondering.
Live long and prosper.


Originally posted by Randolfo:
I find it very interesting that anyone would think that aliens capable of transversing thousands of lightyears to get to us, would crash land here.

Randy, Crash opposed to where else in the stellar neighborhood? Far be to say.....somewhere else.....perhaps another planet in this solar system? Perhaps more INTERESTING THAN EARTH? It is a presumption of mine that planets of lifelessness, suchas Mars are less interesting to a spacefaring Explorer than an obviously much more ......."animate" body (Earth)...

Presumptions & pov's........From my point of view, my first spacing faring quests would be to find others in the voids of space, somewhat similiar to my people. As a "Terran", I would look for an animate, carbon based, intellegent form of life (within my definitions of life)!

BUMPS & BLACK ICE IN THE WORMHOLE HIGHWAY??????????????????????????

God! I love NASA!.........I can only hope that this science community pioneers the previously impossible limitations of velocity. I would (almost) give my left nut if George w. would triple NASA's budget!

Anyhow......If the good people @ NASA were to have the ability to send out interstellar vehicles, I imagine that their well studied objectives would send out craft & crew to a particular area (planet), to observe. In other words, I would find it unlikely like NASA would send out a multi-billion dollar craft & crew to some point (at random) in the stars. It is much more likely that future generations of phased array telescopes will narrow down & offer a few likely places for NASA to send out such a mission. I do not think that a space faring race would just decide to go "cruising" around the galaxy, and then happen to slip up & crash .............on the 6th planet, of the thirteen solar syatem, of Alpha Centauri..........

As far as Will Smith/independance Day.....I think WILL IS OK, .......HE PROBABLY GET A NEW JOB SOON ON A SITCOM.

Avoiding our little 'blue dot'? ........

In response: .........WHY WOULD A SPACE FARING, OBSERVING, SCI-CURIOUS, & SEARCHING group of astronauts try to avoid such an interesting Planet of Humans & sub-humanoid mamalian life? Even from the pov of our telescopes of this time, other planets like ours are seen to be very rare indeed. Non existant! I can only guess, from my sci-fantasy mind, those things that I would search for throughout the galaxy. What would you look for, chopped liver or Klingons?

test spaceflights/Edwards???????????

Sorry, don't know what you mean by that. Can you be more specific?????????

**************HEALTH & LONG LIFE........

[This message has been edited by AUSSIEABORIGINAL (edited February 19, 2001).]
Alien's intergalactic piloting skills

Aussie: just a few points to your reply;
1) Edwards Air Force Base is one of the bases where the US Air Force tests new planes & design concepts. The lifting body was tested there, like the one that crashed in the TV series, "The Six Million Dollar Man".
2) I not sure you got the point to my post, or you did not choose to respond, but I find it hard to believe that there would have been an alien crash in Roswell, because presumably those aliens would have better driving skills. It has nothing to do with our 'blue dot', just that they should not have crashed.

Therefor they are either incompetent or they are in their testflight development stage of their 'intergalactic stellar warp drive' or whatever they call it. I suppose that someone that has discovered faster than light space travel, would have technology that would avoid crashing into your target planet. I suppose that we would be interesting as a civilization, but you don't go 90 million miles anywhere just to crash. At least I don't think so? Anyway, live long & prosper!
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