Recognizing Spirits


Registered Member
I have felt connected and a part of the full physical/non-physical energy that passes through life, my whole life. unexplained, i have come across learning about it myself, and through tragedy in life, death, studying spirituality, religion, i feel i have come to a point where i can recognize paths of energy, i know the right path when it's in front of me, and i sometimes can connect with spirits. or rather, i can get them to show me they are there. i have seen people but it;s gonna sound strange...... they come through other people, and sometimes i even look at someone and know i am seeing them differently than everyone else. i am not scared, and i don';t know if it';s the thoughts i have, the meditating i do, or just what...i want to learn how to interact more!!!! i want to talk to them and see what i have to do with anything!!! if anyone could lend me some more knowledge, i would really appriciate it. love love love;)
Sounds as though you have a deep connection with nature. With nature, I mean every aspect of it.

I think in every form of life, may it be human, animal or otherwise, there is energy. In certain area's this can be felt much clearer than in others.

Knowing which path to choose says something about you being connected to your Inner Self, a kind of being grounded more to the deeper meaning of it all than the average human being. Naturally know what path it is you need to follow because your feelings tell you so.

Because of that deeper insight you may have, you also may see the spirits, as you call it. I think, you see people as they really are underneath the surface they show to the outside world.

People tend to show a different picture of themselves as they are mostly afraid to get hurt when they show their real feelings. You seem to be able to look beyond that surface shown.

Having a deeper connection to one's self, establishes a deeper connection and feeling toward other life and it is possible you pick up those energy fields easier. Like in knowing/feeling where there is more, like light or so.

Everywhere there are spirits, as you calll it. Not necessarily human spirits though. As every life form contains energy and leaves trails.

Keeping in contact with yourself and having a good self understanding will lead you further. No need for special directions to contact the spirits. It will all make itself clear in due time. Whenever you are ready for it.

Often, when you try to do it this way, by asking guide lines, it back fires and you will loose what you have now. That would be a real shame, in my humble opinion.

Stay yourself, go on on the road you're going and you will be fine.

[color=01392A]Try visualizing hyper-space,this works for me(hyper-spacial sound can easily be found in modern music,just try listening for it)Medition is almost limitless in what you can do.Sensory deprivation might also work.For me it's sort of like training myself and conditioning myself,based on observations. experiences,and knowledge.Also try paying attention to your dreams.....[/color]
i feel i should tell you, i know now for certain which spirit is around me all the time and am getting really open to seeing him! i can seperate from the other faces i see and what that means, and that is a relief. after contacting this site, i have been getting message after's really so nice, and i thank you from both of us.
oh, and i use music all the time to think and get into a place to meditate. to meditate really i like to sit to start off and listen to the noise around me and get above it eventually. i sometimes go into dance! (i am a dancer) it's a great transition and way to let energy flow through you. try it out, it's like dancing with a party every time.