recognized intrinsic human rights


Registered Member
Do you believe intrinsic human rights exist? What are they, and how do you justify your choices? I'm teaching an intercultural communications class spring quarter, and am interested in using your ideas to spark conversation in my class. After reading some of your comments on other topics, I am also interested in what you think about this! Thanks.
the right to a living
the right to control there own destinee
the right to live a life free of discrimination based on gender, sexual preference, religion, race or disability
the right to be protected from those who would hurt them emotionally, physically or sexually
"the right to be protected from those who would hurt them emotionally, physically or sexually"

Woh, woh, woh....
What's the difference between emotional/physical and sexual? Is there some part of sex that I'm missing, cause so far all I've gotten is the emotional and physical!!

Intrinsic, as in what? As in decreed by some kind of higher power?
What's the difference between emotional/physical and sexual? Is there some part of sex that I'm missing, cause so far all I've gotten is the emotional and physical!!

Yes, the kind where you stare at your partner until you both come.

Try it, it's fun!


Intrinsic human rights? Intrinsic how? I doubt they exist, but you'd have to explain why they are intrinsic, and better yet, why they can be violated if they are inviolable.


Citing the UN declaration proves nothing.
actully a) its a start and b) someone mentioned it so i looked it up

seems to cover what I belive anyway

you know the bit on marrage could be interpreted to SURPORT same sex marrages as well

interesting that it bannes the sort of legal system they have in spain where the pursumtion is of guilt
Originally posted by brezo
Do you believe intrinsic human rights exist?

It depends on what you mean by "intrinsic". I don't personally believe they exist, per se, any more than absolute morality does. Given that, the only way I can address this is to look at them as a human-engineered tool to facilitate a safe society.

What are they, and how do you justify your choices?

I believe that most of what everyone has said here can be summed up in the word "freedom". The rights Asguard quoted would be covered here adequately, with the exception of perhaps the last one. I don't think you can lump "physically, sexually, and emotionally" in the same group. The right not to be physically or sexually attacked, sure. But emotionally? How are you going to legislate to that? Sure, we can take steps to protect the wellbeing of children in this regard, but adults should be strong enough to look out for themselves. If you can't handle being hurt, become a recluse. What are you going to do, put someone in jail because they hurt you emotionally by not returning love, for example? Society panders to weak individuals enough as it is, without turning us all into emotionless drones.

In addition, I can only say that it's a shame most "humans" are little more than animals to begin with and need to be legislated for at all, or have "rights" that require guarantees.
He means emotional abuse is called harrasment and is illegal in Australia.
What Anthony doesn't accept is that some of us are big boys and can handle having our emotions hurt. Or, for the even more adult of us (and I feel ridiculous saying this because I'm sixteen), we don't get our feelings hurt all that often!
I agree with most of that.. except that age has little to do with maturity for those who have a brain.

Never feel "ridiculous" for stating an opinion. If your opinion is not generally agreed with, you'll find out soon enough. Whether or not you then change your opinion will depend on your level of respect for the one who opposes it and why they say they do, and even then you'll do it grudgingly, and perhaps with a private smile. If they have no respect for you, likely as not they'll say you're an idiot and nothing more.

Ego is not a dirty word, unless of course you're a complete idiot.
ummm tyler im not talking about some bully taking lunch money at school

i am talking about the Routine abuse that aprentices in the building industry got untill a few years ago, sexual harrasment (which is not what i ment before, i was talking about rape, this sort is emotional abuse), abuse based on sexual preferance, race, skin color or religion

i think YOU need to get out more and see the types of things humans can do to each other
i am talking about the Routine abuse that aprentices in the building industry got untill a few years ago, sexual harrasment (which is not what i ment before, i was talking about rape, this sort is emotional abuse), abuse based on sexual preferance, race, skin color or religion

Sexual harassment is not "emotional abuse", it is an attack on a person's career.

People need thicker skins.

Intrinsic human rights can only be those conditions of existence which can be explained in terms of evolution (and our evolution does indeed include social development). We are social creatures; society is how we survived the rigours of natural selection. Societies function by everyone, for the most part, getting along. Thus intrinsic right would be those not harmful to the individual, and not harmful to the society. Meaning, we have the right to live freely as long as we don't harm ourselves, other individuals, or our society. Yes, self-harm is counter to all biological and evolutionary imperatives, except in cases of self-sacrifice such as when a duck may pretend to be injured to draw a fox away from the ducklings and toward itself.

We are creatures of imagintion and innovation; that is the other thing that kept us alive through the eons. Being such creatures, our "intrinsic right" is to do anything we can think of within the bounds of that described above.
Not harming your society sounds like a recipe for stagnation. A few civilisations have disappeared for the simple reason that they lost impetous and drive. Sometimes changes need forcing.

I also don't really understand your statement that self-harm should not be allowed. I don't believe in legislating to that, either. If people want to smoke, for example, as long as they are made aware of the personal damage they could suffer they should have the right to do so. Same goes for drugs, although that's a much wider topic. Euthanasia? Another wider topic. There are more than enough people in the world already. If some want to kill themselves, I don't believe I should have the right to stop them from doing it. Personal freedom.