Recipes to share.


Registered Senior Member
Anyone got any good recipes?

I'll start it with Drunk Chicken.

Lightly coat chicken skin with oil. Season with celery salt, red pepper flakes, and poultry season. Open a beer and place into cavity of chicken, keeping chicken vertical so beer does not spill.
Stand on bar b que grill and cook till done.
Originally posted by Boris2
Wot, can and all?
Actually... er... yes.

The whole can. No Foolin'.
Leave the opening up, some
dribbles into the bird, the
rest produces steam to add
flavor and moisture. Yum!

Thanks Goofyfish:)

All I can say is "Many a true word is spoken in jest"

I shall try this at our next barbie, will totally spin out the mates.:D
ANZAC Biscuits (cookies to our US readers)

Mix well
1 cup flour
1 cup rolled oats
2 Tbsp castor sugar

In a saucepan, melt
4 Tbsp butter
2 Tbsp golden syrup
1 flat tspn bi-carbonate of soda

Add the melted mixture to the dry ingredients and mix well.
Put dessert spoonfuls on to a cold greased slide or tray. Bake about 20 minutes at about 180°

Tomorrow is ANZAC Day in Aust. 25th April. ANZACs are Aust and New Zealand Army Corps who fought at Gallipolli in the First world War and is a day of remembrance.

"Lest we forget"
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Fry chicken breast fillet in butter (not fake butter).

Pour on the honey and chives and let it cook in that for a bit.

Leave your steamed carrots to cook in honey and chives for a while too.

Drink a LARGE glass of wine (but that goes with most meals anyway).

This recipe is for all us po' folk. Very yummy though.

What ya need

1 can SPAM (I prefer the less sodium one)
1 large tomatoe
1 can Pato sauce (found in the hispanic food section)
1 Pato can full of water

2 cups rice
3 cups water.

Cut up spam into small pieces and throw into pot to lightly fry up (no butter or oil needed). When a little brown add tomatoe, pato sauce and water and cover and simmer for 20 or so minutes.

Prepare rice separetely but start it first since it takes longer to cook than the spam. Prepare it according to package. Usually you just dump in rice and water in a pan and cover for 20 minutes and then add butter to rice.

Serve the spam conconction with juices over rice. If you decide not to use rice you can always use tortillas!

Viola!!! Ghetto Fabulous!!!

Cook on:)

Another for those hot days when you just want to use the grill. I did this one yesterday...

2 teaspoons of "steak spice". (can be purchased at most grocery stores in the spice section)
1/2 cup of olive oil (cooking oil can be used as a substitute)
2 tablespoons of soy sauce

Mix ingredents and marinade for at least 40 minutes.

Add steak spice to surface of steak and stab repeatedly with fork to drive spice into meat. Flip steak over and do again.

Prepare grill. Rake coals to edges of grill, leaving center area without coals. Put steaks on the outer area of grill to sear. Move steaks to the cooler section in the middle and cook till done. (The cooler area helps especially for thicker cuts of meat.)

I use a smoker/grill combination. After the steaks are seared, I put the top cover on for a few minutes and this cools the coals to a lower temp.
The Perfect Food

2 Slices Bread

1 Jar Peanut Butter (kind optional)

1 Jar Jelly (kind optional)

1 Butter knife

If you don't know the rest I'm supprised you've made it this far in life..............:p
Uhhh, after you get both jars on the bread what do you do with the knife? :D
Anyone have trouble with rice sticking to the bottom of the pan?

Here's the trick. Wait till the water is boiling, add a little olive oil, put the rice in and then stir until it is boiling again. Simmer for 20 minutes, rinse in a colinder and after eating don't forget...
Edinburgh Smog

Creamy Pud, Serves Four - or one if you can handle it!!

Pint of Double cream
Large splash of Ammeretto
Crumbled Ammeretto Biscuits

Whip the cream til it sticks to an upside down spoon, and fold in the rest, sprinkle some almonds on top and serve chilled in pretty glasses.

PS: XS makes you feel icky - especially if u OD on the Ammeretto!!
Be warned
keenan ,
Welcome :)

This works well with pork or steak.
Pinch of oregano, pinch of salt
generous sprinkling of freshly ground black pepper and 2 tsp of crushed peppercorns.
1/2 medium onion and 1 small green pepper.
1 tblspn sugar.,

olive oil and a little butterr, melt in frying pan.
add the onion, cut to thickness of your preference
soften the onion, then whack the gas up to full until the pan starts to smoke.
sear the meat on both sides and reduce the heat.
Add the salt, the pepper, the ground pepper and the peppercorns. Add the oregano.
Sprinkle the sugar over and allow the contents of the pan to brown.

You end up with tasty glazed beef or pork, mmmm.

You can replace the oregano with lemon grass and ginger for an oriental style glaze.
Don't eat too much though, or