rebuilding a body?


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this isn't my name, i'm using friend's, but i have a question.
i know that we're all made of atoms and all that, but if we were able to take an average person, same a 30 year old male, and make a molecular blue print of everything in his body, molecule for molecule, and rebuild a copy of him using that blueprint, would the body be alive? would the body be able live and breathe and all that? i know the brain is another story, so ill ask in the other forum. i was wondering about this though.

and also, since we know everything is made up of the same stuff, why cant we make a blueprint of one of the simplist organisms and rebuild it molecule by molecule? by hand it'd take an eternity, but if it could be done quickly by computer would the newly made creature be alive?
even with a simply mitochondria or something very simple, if we took a blueprint of it, and rebuilt it exactly would it pick up where it left off and work? i don't mean cloning like getting a copy of it and regrowing it. i mean like starting in the middle with it already grown...making a copy and rebuilding it. sorry if this doesnt makse sense, im not very smart.
The main reason things work the way they do is because of the chemistry between molecules. But, the environmental conditions at each stage, such as pH and temperature, need to be correct at the molecular and cellular level for things to work properly. You could engineer a mitochondria to function if you put it in the proper conditions. That is essentially what nature has done, right?

Organismal functions such as breathing, and the beating of a heart need control, which is where the brain comes in. The heart requires the electric signals that tell it when to beat. Technically you could do it though, because it is the chemical interactions of the molecules that allow these processes to occur, and these tissues and organs to form in the first place.