Reba reincarnates


As a mother, I am telling you
Valued Senior Member
"Although Reba McEntire fears that fellow Christians might criticize her for it, the singer says she believes she's been reincarnated.

"I believe I've gone both ways -- that I have been here before as a man," the 53-year-old (in this life, anyway) tells the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. "I believe I have spent time with my son Shelby before. I believe I have spent time with other people in my life before. Who knows? Maybe I'm part Buddhist."

As for reconciling her Christian faith with her belief in reincarnation, McEntire says, "I'm sorry, but this is how I live my life, this is what I believe."
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LOL silly silly celebrity. This is gimmickry to gain attention to an otherwise flailing career.
The scary part is some people will heed Reba's words or use it as proof of past lives. How easy it is to be swayed. Celebrities sell everything from cars to Ginsu knives.

'Gee, I think the same as Reba so it must be true.' IMHO this is the evolution of religion. Enough people thinking along the same lines will precipitate a change.
What I don't get, why did she feel the need to share it? it is not good for her carrier because it antagonizes her base, so even if it is true, just keep it to yourself...
What I don't get, why did she feel the need to share it? it is not good for her carrier because it antagonizes her base, so even if it is true, just keep it to yourself...

This is why we argue incessantly on this subforum everyday. There is something about an epiphany that religious people can't wait to share. Maybe they believe God has chosen that moment to pass on some divine inspiration to them and they not only feel blessed but it kind of removes any doubt they may have harbored.
What I don't get, why did she feel the need to share it? it is not good for her carrier because it antagonizes her base, so even if it is true, just keep it to yourself...

Simple, publicity stunt...even bad publicity IS publicity
Why does she only proclaim this revelation about herself now, after 50 years of living? :shrug:
I hate lightgigantic.
What a strange reaction. He is pointing out that there have been Christians who believed in reincarnation and linking us to places where we can see the critical period around the issue and the figure who brought this to a head. People seem to forget that religions change over time and even what fundamentalists think of as Christianity was radical at one point or another in the history of C.
No! Beliefs must stay the same forever! LOL Sorry.

Light Gigantic's avatar gives me an instant headache, no matter how much I like him/her.
No! Beliefs must stay the same forever! LOL Sorry.

Light Gigantic's avatar gives me an instant headache, no matter how much I like him/her.
I am very affected by avatars. one_raven is interesting, intelligent and unique. But I see Charles Manson on every one of his posts. On some level his posts go into me with this aura of pregnant women being opened up by young women disciples and Piggies being handpainted on the fridge.

I am sure this says something about me and boundaries, but there it is.