Reasons for choosing a particular belief.


Registered Member
I am curious to why most of you chose what you believe in, for whatever reason. I.e an atheist may disbelieve for scientific ones, etc. That, do you actually have a consistent reason to believe so? Thanks
reap said:
I am curious to why most of you chose what you believe in, for whatever reason. I.e an atheist may disbelieve for scientific ones, etc. That, do you actually have a consistent reason to believe so? Thanks

There is never any excuse to 'believe' in anything unless it is True. But, yes, there are entire sects built up on the principle that Belief Systems need only appeal to an Aesthetic Criteria -- that it is nice enough, or pretty enough to deserve to be believed, or rather, that it would be wonderful if it were True, and so therefore we should believe it. This is one of the Damaging Aspects of the Doctrine of Faith -- now people assume that by the Power of Faith they can simply Wish things True.

In regards to True Belief, we need to rest upon the bedrock of Empiricism. We need to look back into Known and Verifiable History to instances of Divine Revelation, and Believe in that Divine Revelation. Three Traditions can lay legitimate Claim to Sponsoring Divine Manifestations: The Catholic, The Sufi, and of course, going way back, The Hindu Sanskrit. In Recent History the Catholic Tradition seems to have been the most active. More Divine Apparitions. More Saints. More Miracles.
reap said:
I am curious to why most of you chose what you believe in, for whatever reason. I.e an atheist may disbelieve for scientific ones, etc. That, do you actually have a consistent reason to believe so? Thanks

reap i have a reply but it will take a day to prep it...short on time right now but I wanted to ask something about your question. When you say you say an athiest may disbelieve for scientific reasons are you contenting that scientifc knowlege and religion are mutually exclusive in nature or are you alleging that some athiest believe that way? If the answer is the former than why do you make that assessment?
reap said:
I am curious to why most of you chose what you believe in, for whatever reason. I.e an atheist may disbelieve for scientific ones, etc. That, do you actually have a consistent reason to believe so? Thanks

an atheist does not disbelieve, he has no belief.(it's a common mistake)Many theists have the same reaction towards the deities of other religions. For example, if you give a self-contradictory definition of your God, I will say that it certainly does not exist, but if some group on the other side of the world has a God that I have never even heard of, I am still atheistic towards it as I simply have no belief in it. In that sense, many Christians are also atheists - they just believe in one more God than I do.

the simple answer, to your question, Reason, Sense, Intellect.
reap said:
I am curious to why most of you chose what you believe in, for whatever reason. I.e an atheist may disbelieve for scientific ones, etc. That, do you actually have a consistent reason to believe so? Thanks
I think everyone is born atheist,

but theists get indoctrinated/brainwashed into believing in these imaginary gods as if they were real,mainly b/c young mind is very impressionable and easily molded,
and then it takes pretty mentaly strong person to realize the contradictions of the religious beliefs.

for example why do people belive that bible is the word of god when its full of contradictions,etc see