Really really scary Christians.

yumyum hids underbed and hopes that was a joke. That was a joke right? If not then these jesus people need help the person who wrote that sounds like a child molester or something.
What scares me is the colors, the animated gifs and the comic sans font. Somehow this is more disquieting than the actual message.
They go from being bored in church to becoming excited, as God starts to move on them and use them.

Wow, I thought the only time children were "moved on" and "used" while being "excited" during church was if they had Catholic priests. [/gratuitous joke]
Wow, I thought the only time children were "moved on" and "used" while being "excited" during church was if they had Catholic priests.
LMAO, very witty, Xev!
These types of Christians are not like all theists. That's stereotypical.

When I think of the word "Radical" I think "Free thought and expression." So yeah, Im a theistic radical, but I do not force my beliefs on people. I do not call my atheist friends heathens. I do explain myself and my positions.
Nice one, Xev. :D


These types of Christians are not like all theists. That's stereotypical.

True, and I was never trying to imply such a thing. This, as far as theistic things go, is more extreme than the norm. Unfortunately, this dude seems to have a fair-sized following, and the fact that parents actually let this lunatic near their kids speaks volumes to me.

When I think of the word "Radical" I think "Free thought and expression." So yeah, Im a theistic radical, but I do not force my beliefs on people. I do not call my atheist friends heathens. I do explain myself and my positions.

My dictionary defines the word 'radical' as such:

adj. 1. Of, proceeding from, or pertaining to the root or foundation; fundamental. 2. Thorough-going; extreme; radical measures. 6. Of or pertaining to political radicals.
The remaining adjectives are scientific and mathematical definitions, and don't pertain to our usage.

- n. 1. One who carries his theories or convictions to their furthest application. 2. In politics, one who advocates wide-spread governmental changes and reforms at the earliest opportunity. 3. The primitive or underived part of a word; a root.
The remaining nouns are blah blah blah etc.

As we can see, this guy is using the word 'radical' in the truest sense of its meaning; he is radical (extreme) in how he presents his radical (extreme) ideas to little children, ideas which boil down to instructing people in being 'Radical Christians' (or the fundamental nature of Christianity).

You, my friend, are NOT radical by any definition. Your views are fairly mild and your presentation of them is quite reasonable.
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True, and I was never trying to imply such a thing. This, as far as theistic things go, is more extreme than the norm. Unfortunately, this dude seems to have a fair-sized following, and the fact that parents actually let this lunatic near their kids speaks volumes to me.

I know, I was just stating what I think needed to be said. It was not directed at anyone. Some parents do what they think is best for their child... Maybe it is in their minds, in ours its not.

You, my friend, are NOT radical by any definition. Your views are fairly mild and your presentation of them is quite reasonable.

Thanks. I meant radical thinking, not radical actions. Im fairly mild? Thanks.:) Sometimes I think that some of my ideas are nuts and completely insane. Nice to know Im not in the deep end, not yet at least.
Some parents do what they think is best for their child... Maybe it is in their minds, in ours its not.
But what about the children's minds?