Reality & You


Staff member
Recently I was curious and ended up subscribing to a site on "Reality". I am told, the postings should follow the following standards. Just thought you guys should know, how liberal we are here.

"Discussions of speculative science are acceptable on this list,
but pseudoscience, fringe science and anti-science are not. Posts
of this nature will be rejected. If you try to breach this rule
often, you may be unsubscribed. Posts promoting any religion, or
the paranormal, telepathy, dowsing, ESP, fortune-telling, crystal
balls, psychic phenomena, UFOs, alien abduction, faith healing,
weeping statues, mysticism, spiritualism, witches, witch-doctors,
magic, out-of-body experiences, near-death experiences, auras,
crop circles, and the like, are inappropriate and will not be
tolerated on this List."

Tell yourself - crop circles does not exist - it is not reality - it is human imagination. same for "faith healing" - placibo does not exist, even the documents by pharmaceutical companies do not exist....
A mailinglist from the US I pesume? :( So things that actually work, like placibo's are in fact spam then on that mailinglist.

Well, it fugires. We Americans are obvious not the Free Thinkers they want us to believe we are.

So much for the freedom of speech then, at least, what the mailinglist concerns. Seems to me, the owners of the mailinlist have a little bit much a narrow-minded view on "reality". It's not omly that what is proven with scientific facts. There are a lot of things still unsolved, which do work and for which is no (scientific) explanation found yet.

Makes me wonder. :rolleyes:
Thanks, a good idea, but I have better things to do with my time...If we try to educate every idiot, my life will be over before I get through the first one.... :D
Whoever owns the site is free to run it however he or she chooses. It's their site, not yours. You can always set up your own web page in opposition.

<i>Tell yourself - crop circles does not exist - it is not reality - it is human imagination. same for "faith healing" - placibo does not exist, even the documents by pharmaceutical companies do not exist....</i>

Crop circles exist. They are made by humans.
Faith healing doesn't work.
Placebos are a well-documented medical effect.
Pharmaceutical company documents certainly exist...
Originally posted by James R

Pharmaceutical company documents certainly exist...
That actually depends whether they are in legal trouble. If someone is suing them, then the documents did exist but no longer do.
Faith healing (touch healing) does work - I have done that in my meditation class. However I attribute that to 'Placibo effect' since I do not know the mechanism through which it works.
<i>So how can they be made in one night and are so perfect and simetrical...?</i>

More than one human.
A bit of surveying.
More than one human.
A bit of surveying.

Are you kidding? One night? Do you know that they already tried it and it was a disaster...? :bugeye: :eek: :eek:

And radiation... the way the crop was burned... etc...?
It is really difficult to create such a symmetrical design specifically using a bunch of people that have no sense of pattern in the middle of the night. Just try to make a circle in the air by two hands simultaneously finger opposed to one another in circle-counter-circle.

Having said that - if money is no object, I will do this way. Go to the intended field and carefully spray paint using a UV sensitive but clear paint, your design. That way, even if you comeback two days later, no body will see anything. Then gather your friends and carry some black light lanterns (just replace the battery powered fluorescent light tubes with the blacklight ones). You can see the markers easily. Then do your stuff....stomp on them evenly etc....

I think a magician could come up with a better method....
<i>Are you kidding? One night? Do you know that they already tried it and it was a disaster...?</i>

I've seen it tried, and it was very successful. Doesn't take very long either.

<i>And radiation... the way the crop was burned... etc...?</i>

The crops usually are not burned, and I've never heard of any instance where radiation levels were above normal.
Why is that an UFO always produces radiation? That would kill everybody on board. These advanced specis are still in the dark ages of nuclear power?......:D
So how can they be made in one night and are so perfect and simetrical...?

I actually seen a documentary on these. And they are human made. They had infored (SP) cameras that caught a bunch of guys in England making a crop circle. I really cant prove it, but I did see it with my own eyes.

OR, it could of been a cover up conspiracy:D
You people just don't get it, do you? We're never going to believe you. To hand us papers and scientific laws and say, "We're right, you're wrong, and if you don't believe like us then your stupid," is pointless.

Those papers and laws mean just as much to us as our beliefs and words mean to you: not a shit. See, you believe that everything must follow scientific laws and logic. We believe there are things out there that are pre-date those laws and can by far defy them. Well, at least I do anyways. Can't really speak for the other people on the board. But to say, "Here, this the evidence. In these papers. See, I'm right. You're not!" is not really doing very much.

You people just sit around reading books, or articles off the internet, and take another man's word for it. You should try some of these religions or alien huntings for yourself. Then you can tell us what you want. Until then we're not going to believe you. Eat your hearts out trying to convince us idiots though.

BTW, why do you peoples hound us so hard for believing? Its not like we'll burn in hell for believing wrong--if we're wrong.
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Well Stone, this is a hard question and an easy one all at the same time. I won't speak for everyone, but here's my answer. There is no reason to believe.

To me, all you seem like is a person who believes things without any proof. To me, that sounds something like an idiot. Let me put it this way, how intelligent would you say I am if I told you I believe that Wayne Gretzky is actually an alien from the planet Kargon-5 in another dimension and the reason he was so good at hockey was because his brain is advanced enough to comprehend the fact that gravity doesn't exist. I would hope you would look at me as something of a moron if I said that.

Well, there's about as much proof for my theory as there is for yours. And there's absolutely no way to disprove my theory.

"BTW, why do you peoples hound us so hard for believing? Its not like we'll burn in hell for believing wrong--if we're wrong."

Again, I can't speak for everyone. The reason I hound people for believing useless and illogical things is because I don't understand you. I cannot comprehend the idea of believing a groundless theory and being so closed-minded as to be convinced you're right. Those scientific laws you knock so much come from years of observation and experimentation. Your ideas come from groundless theory. I believe there's a decent chance many things I see as true could later be proved as wrong. Most theists I have encountered (especially those who visit this forum) would sooner believe my Gretzky theory than believe they may be wrong.
Originally posted by *stRgrL*

I actually seen a documentary on these. And they are human made. They had infored (SP) cameras that caught a bunch of guys in England making a crop circle. I really cant prove it, but I did see it with my own eyes.

OR, it could of been a cover up conspiracy

I have seen a similar one in the TLC. To setup infrared cameras, one has to know when the group will strike next or the aliens for that matter. This sounds fishy to me. Just because you can not explain something, one has to invent an explanation.

Wait a minute....I can not believe I said that: Did not man created God to explain the unexplainable?