Reality Defined On Predicate


When theorizing about an all-inclusive reality, the first and most important principle is containment, which simply tells us what we should and should not be considering. Containment principles, already well known in cosmology, generally take the form of tautologies; e.g., "The physical universe contains all and only that which is physical." The predicate "physical", like all predicates, here corresponds to a structured set, "the physical universe" (because the universe has structure and contains objects, it is a structured set). But this usage of tautology is somewhat loose, for it technically amounts to a predicate-logical equivalent of propositional tautology called autology, meaning self-description. Specifically, the predicate physical is being defined on topological containment in the physical universe, which is tacitly defined on and descriptively contained in the predicate physical, so that the self-definition of "physical" is a two-step operation involving both topological and descriptive containment. While this principle, which we might regard as a statement of "physicalism", is often confused with materialism on the grounds that "physical" equals "material", the material may in fact be only a part of what makes up the physical. Similarly, the physical may only be a part of what makes up the real. Because the content of reality is a matter of science as opposed to mere semantics, this issue can be resolved only by rational or empirical evidence, not by assumption alone.

Here, Langan is defining reality on a predicate, but he is using the word "physical" as a part of the cosmological containment principle which amounts to a predicate-logical equivalent of propositional tautology called "autology", or self-descriptive statement. He is using it as part of a tautological statement about the universe, namely, that it is physical. Later he acknowledges that the material may only be part of what makes up the physical. To me, this is a safe bet for he makes no assumptions regarding the make-up of the universe but takes only logical predicates and from this creates the CTMU which confirms that God is a part of reality.
We are human beings with just 5 senses living in a material world which is part of a material universe, this is all we know. Everything else is philosophy which is a great way to learn and unlearn.
5 is the general consensus, take a survey on the street... have you been watching the "sixth sense"?
Consensus does not make it right, though.
Most don't see our thermo-sense as a sense, or our sense of body-location (i.e. we have a sense of where our hands are, our feet are - i think it's called kinesthetics), our sense of balance, our sense of pain etc.
All these are distinct from the five classical senses, in that they operate using different sensory organs.
And there are numerous others.
Consensus does not make it right, though.
Most don't see our thermo-sense as a sense, or our sense of body-location (i.e. we have a sense of where our hands are, our feet are - i think it's called kinesthetics), our sense of balance, our sense of pain etc.
All these are distinct from the five classical senses, in that they operate using different sensory organs.
And there are numerous others.
It seems to be more sensible to stick with them then get all philosophical.

Why not reply to the OP? sounds like you may have some common ground.
It seems to be more sensible to stick with them then get all philosophical.
It's a matter of biology rather than philosophy. ;)
Why not reply to the OP? sounds like you may have some common ground.
The OP amounts to no more than saying "Reality is how reality works".
Trivial tautology.
It doesn't appear to need further discussion, does it?
It's a matter of biology rather than philosophy. ;)
"Feel" I think wraps it up.

Okay, we'll re-write our understanding of senses and include everything the brain tells us.

It doesn't appear to need further discussion, does it?

Not from me, but you seem to be well versed in this area so maybe you can breakdown the post for the OP and both of you might learn something, I mean you've just taught me something with one line.
Not from me, but you seem to be well versed in this area so maybe you can breakdown the post for the OP and both of you might learn something, I mean you've just taught me something with one line.
There's nothing TO learn from the OP.
Spellbound is a recognised nut, with a long history of posting drivel.
Langan's CTMU is the latest in a series of nonsensical claims that he's chosen to support while ignoring the fact that it IS nonsense.
There is no validity whatsoever to the CTMU nor any conclusion it draws.
There's nothing TO learn from the OP.
Spellbound is a recognised nut, with a long history of posting drivel.
Langan's CTMU is the latest in a series of nonsensical claims that he's chosen to support while ignoring the fact that it IS nonsense.
There is no validity whatsoever to the CTMU nor any conclusion it draws.
Then why post?

My post for example, was intended to make the OP think about another thought process they could take on board.
Then why post?
Um, because I posted to correct YOUR error.

My post for example, was intended to make the OP think about another thought process they could take on board.
Spellbound isn't capable of any other type of thought process - he's determinedly stuck on one single type: wrong.
What error was that?
The first post of yours in this thread.

So you're a qualified psychiatrist that has examined him/her a number of times in person?
But that's because I decided not to sit the examination, not because I haven't studied the subject. (Psychology, not psychiatry).
On the other hand I have observed his posts over a period of years.
The first post of yours in this thread.
So it seems in the field of psychology, hell we've probably got more than what that other guy said.
But that's because I decided not to sit the examination, not because I haven't studied the subject. (Psychology, not psychiatry).
Only a psychiatrist can confirm that someone is "nuts", psychology comes after.