real talk on the "other" earth residents


Registered Senior Member
hi all
just to help a small annoying (hopefully) minoroty...
if you DONT believe in extraterestrials DONT post on this thread!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i am very keen to know the latest on the greys/martians
and reptilians.
are we in a state of war with the reptilians?
or any others?
are the martians realy here? and how can we help them and the others to incorperate ...US... the stupid humans [:D] into the galactic community?
are there any things we as individuals can do CONSTRUCTIVELY to help the transition of reality?
or them directly?

i will be happy to private message anyone my email to
be...LOL..."confidential"... in some way.
ps is it safe to post on internet?
groove on all

if i could be... "anything in the world" i would would be me.

well, if you believe in the whole "DULCE" thing then the Reptilians are here and have been here trying to coerce and swindle the US Gov't.

I also subscribe to this theory as well as others..what can I say?
hey malaclypse
so could that mean there good....? :D
cos we sorta know the level of corruption in most govts.
how do you mean coerce...?
Nothing good can ever come from a Reptilian.

Like us they want what's best for theirs. Got this from LEADING EDGE INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH GROUP -

They Live ... Don't They?
Slaves to the Reptilian Brain and Social/Genetic Programming
Consume .... Reproduce .... Fight.... Riot ... Drink
Seek a Mate...Breed ...Obey...Eat ... Kill .. Fear
Worship ... Get Married .... Buy ... Drugs... Hate
Be Afraid ... Compete ... Get More...Guilt .. Sin ..
Don't Cooperate .... Seek Differences ... Sleep

You Have a Choice
Waking Up and Becoming Conscious and Aware
Cooperation .... Assistance .... Trust ... Help ...
Empathy ... Conscience .... Intuition ... Knowing
Common Vision ... Insight .... Abundance
Prosperity ... Evolution ... Friendship ... Peace
Life ... Wonder ... Experience ... Knowledge

And as far a coercian, maybe I meant BRIBE. They offer some things to the Gov't. for trade and we bite and swallow. What fools......