Reading Minds: Would it be Worth it?

Cactus Jack

Death Knight of Northrend
Registered Senior Member
If you could read other's thoughts, always know what was going on in their heads would it be worth it? Would you really want to know? What about the Moral implications of such a thing?
But would you really want to know what everyone thought of you, women, your friends?
It is unethical to read the mind of others. It would be a kind of violation of privacy. Imagine, you read the thoughts of others without them knowing it. That doesn't sound right, does it?

If it was so, that all people could read the minds of others, there would be invented something to keep you out of the minds of others. Some implant or so I think. Nobody in this world wants his/her deepest, private thoughts to be shown.

Anyway, it is not 'allowed', so to say. :)

What would you do with the knowledge you get from other people's minds then? You really think it is a good idea?
Wait wait. Do you mean havign the ability to turn it on and off included? I wouldn't want to do it all the time.

Actually, I guess you're right. Life probably would get too boring eventually.

Oh well!
No, on all the time, you could choose to ignore it I suppose. But that's what I mean, would it be worth it, would it make life less interesting somehow? I don't know, sometimes you want to know how people think - if your trust has been mispplaced but you can't, but that is life. I wouldn't want to be able to know what others thought of me, I might get depressed, I think we all would in some way.
If you could read other's thoughts, always know what was going on in their heads would it be worth it?
Only if you need to vicariously live the thoughts of others because you suffer no original thoughts of your own.
We already have that ability in a different but similar context. It is the hearing. When I am in the airport waiting for the plane, I hear people talk about private stuff all around me. I can not shut off like one can with eyelids.

So, why it would be any different from the hearing system. In my meditation classes, I could sense subject areas from my students that are not relaxed only in close proximity (that is how, I find out, they are not able to meditate). I never wanted to focus for details and hence never developed the ability fearing, if I can hear their thoughts - it could be two ways too... (it only works in close proximity and in a relaxed state)
Yeah but listening to private conversations around you is diffferent from hearing the thoughts of people that they want/think no one is capable of "hearing."

However, I think such an ability would have benefits in Phsyciatric Practices. Just another interesting thought. You know, you could have perfect empathy for a person's position.
Originally posted by kmguru
We already have that ability in a different but similar context. It is the hearing. When I am in the airport waiting for the plane, I hear people talk about private stuff all around me. I can not shut off like one can with eyelids.
Kmguru, it's an odd thing, but I'm quite adept at not hearing things. Now and then I tend to just tune out and not take any notice of what's around me. Very frustrating for my friends.

The only audio I tune out is Television commercials. Looks like you have a strong spam filter built-in to your noggin..... :D
If we couldn't shut it off, or just listen to one indiviual person's thoughts, wouldn't we go crazy?

Could we actually just pinpoint one person or a small amount of people or would we actually hear everbodies thoughts? It would be like voices in your head driving you to insanity, wouldn't it?

I'm not so sure it'd be worth it...
It would be just like hearing. Most people can focus their mind to hear what they want to hear and filter all the backgroud noises. So reading/hearing minds of other is much like when you walk on the noise street. You pick up lots of thoughts, but you can filter most of them most the time.

And it won't make life uninteresting. It would reduce crime to zero in no time. I am pretty sure about that. :D

Just like noise blocking windows, the market for thought blocking hat will emerge, too. ;)
I think it would be extreamly boring!

What's life without your backstabbing friends or the guy who's only with you for sex or the person who you despise most sitting around plotting evil things to do to you?

It would be quite a helpful skill, but boring. And it probably would stop crime immediately. But hey, we need those run-of-the-mill lunatics to spice up life!
Yeah I agree I suppose, I mean I think if all humanity developed such a trait then it would be a bad thing, partly for those reasons but partly because I keep a lot to my self, interverted.

I wouldn't want this ability if I couldn't turn it off, if I could I'd love to have it but would rarely use it. I'd know exactly how people felt about me and who to trust.

Another thing though is if you were capable of changing other's minds too, that would be a gift - almost as close to Godly power as you could get on Earth. ;)