Readers digest version of the book of Mormon?


Rational Skeptic
Valued Senior Member
I have neither the time nor the patience to read the Book Of Mormon.

It would be interesting to me to read a highly condensed version if such exists.

BTW: Please: No attempts to convert me. I am an atheist whose interest in religion is similar to my interest in history, psychology, SciFi, stories of the occult, fantasy fiction, other types of fiction, et cetera. I am essentially a mathematician & science oriented type with a lot of other interests.
Readers digest version of this thread?

I have neither the time nor the patience to read this thread fully through.

It would be interesting to me to read a highly condensed version if such exists.

BTW: Please: No attempts to tell me otherwise. I am a disillusional heretic whose interest in reading is that of a waitresse's interest in quantum physics, science ... et cetera. I am essentially a self proclaimed never-been-to-college mathematician & science bogus oriented type with a lot of other interests.
The book of Mormon.

Inspired and written by a successful con artist.

You need read no further.
You could read the original that it was lifted from.

The problem is the first part where he was just plagiarizing is your basic biblical style religious fiction, but he lost a big chunk at the end and had to wing it and man is it boring. Also the rev. who originally wrote it was a bit mediocre so it really drags here and there and the same plot gets repeated over and over.

It really makes you wonder how brain dead you have to be in order to be mor(m)on. I mean come on, like most con men he could resist a dig - Moroni - get it people?
Dinosaur said:
I have neither the time nor the patience to read the Book Of Mormon.

It would be interesting to me to read a highly condensed version if such exists.

BTW: Please: No attempts to convert me. I am an atheist whose interest in religion is similar to my interest in history, psychology, SciFi, stories of the occult, fantasy fiction, other types of fiction, et cetera. I am essentially a mathematician & science oriented type with a lot of other interests.

You might want to try reading all the chapter headings in sequence. Very concise summaries of the material.