Read with open minds


Registered Senior Member
I really recommend for anyone to read this or to check out the site, if they have the time, which I doubt they will. And if their minds are open to it.

Something from

Extracts from Alex Collier’s Followup Lecture
at the American Gnostic School June 7, 1997

The Grey Agenda
Keep these facts in mind. There are eighteen thousand Greys; fifteen
thousand here on the Earth and three thousand on the Moon. The regular
government which makes up the majority of Washington, D.C., doesn't have
a clue as to what's really going on. The black government, consists of
various levels. At the top, they know everything, The lower levels only know
small pieces, on a need to know basis, usually just one piece of the puzzle.
The total picture is one outrageous secret based on deliberate deceit that
creates the subversion of the public trust. Forewarned is forearmed. What
are we going to do about it?
The Dow are a small group of Greys that are responsible for many
abduction/detentions. They have very little emotional development, but do
possess very strong telepathic powers. These powers are often used to
deceive and conceal their true motives and objectives. Their race is
struggling to assure their own self-preservation but, as of yet, they have not
met with any true success. Unable to attach a soul to their own hybrid
bodies, they must strip off energy layers of abductee's soul bodies. This
energy is then "fed" to infant hybrids in attempts to sustain their life. This
same technology is also used to disembody, capture, and contain a soul for
future use. They are clearly regressive in nature.

The Dow have their heritage in the system of Zeta Reticuli, with their
original place of origin being the star called M-2, in Zeta Reticuli II. Their
home sun had burned out and their planet destroyed many thousands of
years ago. The exact date hasn't been give yet. They were Reticulans
originally, loving healers with tremendous skills in technology and analytical
powers. Their cousins, the Zeta's, who are still there are very much the
healers in the Universe, especially on a third and forth density level. This
group is said to be very gentle. However, this is no longer the case for the
"Adam and Eve" were in fact two human tribes
that were created. I know the Bible refers to "Adam" as a singular person.
This is not accurate. According to Moraney, there was a race of human
beings prior to the Sumerians called the "Annunites", and they were named
after the chief scientist who the Sumerian’s called the "God" Anu. The name
of "A-dam", as far as these people were concerned, was originally
"Anu-dam". That word meant workers in the mines. Like everything else, we
get the "Cliff notes" version of what really was the case.
I asked Moraney how the extraterrestrials were able to control all the
populations. Apparently, there were groups of hundreds of thousands of
people in areas all over the planet. Moraney said that it was very easy to
control the population by controlling the water. He said that primary control
was through technology, but the single most important control mechanism
for a race as primitive as ours was control of the water supply. You have to
have water.

This leads me to share something with you that I started to share earlier.
Two weeks ago, Bill Clinton signed a presidential directive, number 28, which
is legislation that has been put into the Federal Register. It did not go to
Congress for approval. They withheld it for two weeks, only giving the
legislation 14 days of review before it became law.

[Vals note: This, of course, is illegal, because there must be a 30 day period of review].

It is called the River Heritage Act. He is taking ten of the largest rivers in
the United States and declaring on behalf of the Federal Government that
ten miles on each side constitute a "world heritage protection site". Now,
why would he do this? On the entire planet, 2.5% of the water is fresh water
that is fit to drink. Now, 78% of that 2.5% is right here in North America.
The Great Lakes. Are you getting the picture?

Now, the Magi created class systems around themselves. Priesthood’s. You
can read about this priesthood’s in Sumerian and Egyptian lore. Every major
religion has these. The priesthood’s of the Magi were known as the "Naga",
and I know that is a name that has been thrown around a lot. The Naga
constituted the priesthood. They are like the international bankers today,
who are the new "priesthood", in a sense, for the extraterrestrial controllers.
Everything in your life revolves around money. Everything. My reason for
bringing this up is to show you how history is constantly repeating itself. Our
race has been stuck in a cycle of doing the same thing over and over again,
and getting "screwed" over and over again. Maybe now you will be able to
take a step back and see the "games" and the political mind sets that are
coming down again. Folks, it’s right there. I want you to know something,
and I mean this with all my heart. There are people that say, "you know,
Alex, if you think this way you will create it". Well, you know what? I don’t
think this way, and it’s being created anyway. The reason it’s being created
anyway is because of apathy. People don’t give a damn, because they are so
busy just "surviving". Well, you are going to have to try and make room for
more than just "survival" in your life. You’re going to have to do this. There
is only one semi-free nation on the planet. The United States. If we loose it,
there is nowhere for us to go, and I will tell you this: I refuse to serve two
masters! I refuse. You can’t do it.

wan to read more
check out the site
Where to begin...

I will assume that any spelling anomalies are simply a slight and forgiveable error in transcription. Otherwise this guy didn't even care enough to pay attention in third grade.

He claims that everything is done for money. That, then, is the reason he's spouting this nonsense. If not, he just invalidated himself. If he has an accurate headcount on aliens living on our planet and he knows just where they are, his energies, assuming he was genuinely concerned for anything other than his own wallet, would be better spent providing physical and undeniable proof, which his bold statements suggest he has. One final question, if they've been trying to take us over all this time and they couldn't do it when we were illiterate cavemen, what chance do they stand now?


I may not agree with what you have to say, but I will fight, kill, and die for your right to say it.
Look people

If you were open minded enough, you would gather and read the information. But you would have to make your own mind, whether you believe in it or not. You have to remember that THIS INFORMATION IS BEING PUBLISHED ON THE NET NOT TO CAUSE FEAR OR CONFUSION, BUT

By the way check out the following

I Rest in peace

[This message has been edited by Mana (edited January 26, 2000).]
I'm not normally this blunt, but wake up and smell the coffee. Anybody can make wild allegations (especially when their primary source is a sci-fi movie) and post them on the net or else publish them independently. Just because it's in print doesn't make it true.

I have studied this sort of thing for a couple of decades now and have learned to pick out the substantial from the insubstantial. Movie quotations and funky mystical paintings are a good indicator of someone just riding the profitable end of the New Age/UFO Paranoia trend. Have you checked out NICAP? Have you petitioned the US Army FOIA office for the reports filed during the early occupation of Germany? Have you got anything that doesn't start out with the sense of "They don't want you to know this, and you won't find any proof of it, but..."

I'll get you the address for the US Army's FOIA site if you want it. They're quite helpful, and the CD I received had a bit of censoring in passages that referred to names of specific operatives and equipment.

I may not agree with what you have to say, but I will fight, kill, and die for your right to say it.
Originally posted by Oxygen:
I'm not normally this blunt, but wake up and smell the coffee. Anybody can make wild allegations (especially when their primary source is a sci-fi movie) and post them on the net or else publish them independently. Just because it's in print doesn't make it true.

I have studied this sort of thing for a couple of decades now and have learned to pick out the substantial from the insubstantial. Movie quotations and funky mystical paintings are a good indicator of someone just riding the profitable end of the New Age/UFO Paranoia trend. Have you checked out NICAP? Have you petitioned the US Army FOIA office for the reports filed during the early occupation of Germany? Have you got anything that doesn't start out with the sense of "They don't want you to know this, and you won't find any proof of it, but..."

I'll get you the address for the US Army's FOIA site if you want it. They're quite helpful, and the CD I received had a bit of censoring in passages that referred to names of specific operatives and equipment.

By the way i dont drink or like the smell of coffee, i am a tea man may self.

I am not buying into all of what the guy says, but from all the information i have gathered and read, it is possible that this things are happening.

I have not checked out NICAP.
Give me the address.

Look what i found

As you can gather I am in an underhanded business of gathering information.
Recieved your request for confirmation of DEFCON-3 from a source of mine,
who forwarded your request through another source. As for your confirmation
of a DEFCON-3. I talk with people regularly who work inside Cheyenne
mountain and you will have a problem getting what you want to know. I have
problems and here is but a sample of that problem. All sources are Colorado
based and military.

From a face to face with one source a few months ago: "NORAD and FEMA are
using the ECHELON system to monitor every form of communications (except
written) and I mean everything in and our of Colorado Springs and vacinity."

From and face to face with another source over the July 4th weekend: "We are
on standby everynight, I am a sniper, and I have not seen anything like this in
my 17 years of military service."

From an Independent Source with high connections in Colorado: "I am gwritten
communications from several of my friends in that area, militarily. They are
becoming very concerned about what they are being asked to do and to whom
the believe the ultimate training is directed. As of this point, no one is talking
about anything that is going on in Colorado."

From another source and the most bizare statement, but confirmed through
another source: "In certain areas we are getting confirmed UFO sighting and
orders to repel if one should land." When asked for an explanation the following
was stated: "Special units are deployed to areas where known sightings have
taken place and told to damage or stop any landing of any kind. I have been
there and in my life I have never seen anything like that. These things just come
and go like they own the place."

As for DEFCON-3 confirmations, from a usually very reliable source in the
Pentagon: most of the country is on DEFCON-2; Units on deployable status for
Kosovo or the Balkans are on DEFCON-3; NORAD is at DEFCON-2 or 3
depending on what training exercise is being conducted. I asked my face to face
source July 3rd and he said DEFCON-3, with only certain units allowed to take
leave during the holiday period. This is a freebee! at the request of my source.

Date: Wednesday, 7 July 1999 22:45
Subject: [apfn] Military Families Evacuating USA!! DEFCON-3? From:

Subject: Military Families Evacuating USA!!

confirmation please forward. Other information about Military personal leaving
the U.S. has been received from several other sources. Information about
Senor Military personal with leaving the service has been confirmed. It is time to
very carefully investigate what is taking place right now. I can confirm info
about Phil S. [URL Below] I have talked with him and meet him. I have seen
three of presentations. He was to meet me in Tampa on Thur and was
murdered on Monday.... I have spoken with Al Belick and Phil's former wife. We
are all in denial. The information below just not possible. Well! I am a Radioman,
I am will send the message, but you need to help me with the information.
S.O.S.? ... --- ... ]

The Year 2000 Disaster

Date: Tue, 6 Jul 1999 12:12:52 EDT

Date: 7/1/99 8:38:04 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: (Ivan Shapiro)


Col. Jim Ammerman is the military chaplain that has been exposing what is
going on in the military concerning the plans of the one world conspiracy. In a
recent interview on short wave radio with Chris Gerner, Col. Ammerman
reveals that some of his air force friends have sold their homes and their cars
and have suddenly moved their families out of the 48 states.

They could not reveal exactly out what they were told, but they did say that
they saw orders or plans that something was going to happen in America, and
when it did there could be a 50% death rate nationwide. They decided to leave
the country and would not say where they were going. This riveting interview
from a very Credible Christian Military man.

Greetings fellow Christian Patriots;

First of all, I can confirm the above. Inside sources have alleged that the
Cheyenne Mountain base in Colorado [NORAD headquarters] is at DEFCON-3,
and that several military families who formerly worked at this base are leaving
the U.S. There are plans in the works to provoke a National Emergency in order
to implement Socialist Martial Law, and this 'emergency' will probably be a
combination of economic collapse, social unrest-anarchy, and 'terrorist'

First of all, this plan may look exactly like the Nazi plot to take over Europe
during World War II. You may not believe me, but I can assure you that the
EXACT SAME FORCES [namely those Luciferian-Satanic secret societies like the
Thule Society which CREATED the Nazi Party] are the ones who are behind this
present effort to create a '4th Reich' in the U.S.A.

The present effort was rooted in a secret alliance between Nazi General
Reinhard Gehlen [Bavarian Thule Society] and Allen Dulles [Bavarian Illuminati],
which resulted in the establishment of the Central Intelligence Agency in 1947
as an intelligence force for Nazi war criminals and former Nazi intelligence
agents to escape into a new agency, in order to continue their Fuhrer's dream
[nightmare] of a "New World Order"-that was the title of Hitler's second book
after MEIN KAMPF, by the way. This secret has gotten more people killed than
you will ever know. JFK was a victim of this fascist CIA plot which resulted in a
coup d'etat in the EXECUTIVE-MILITARY-INDUSTRIAL branch of our

Why do you think the CIA has been so heavily involved in toppling third world
governments and replacing them with fascist puppet dictatorships?

Today, the NAZI SS goes by the name of the BLACK OPS. One and the same.

Like I said, you probably won't believe me. But as they say, "those conspiracies
which are too incredible to be believed, are by the same right those which most
often succeed" [simply because few people would dare believe them].

Congress has absolutely no power over this Executive-Military-Industrial

BLACK OPS secret government simply because Congressional
watchdogs/overseers are allowed only TOP SECRET security clearances,
whereas the Black Ops operate at at least 30 security levels ABOVE AND
BEYOND top secret. In other words, they operate IN THE BLACK. The late Phil
Schneider [who supposedly committed 'suicide' by 'strangling himself' with
piano wire] stated that the massive underground empire of the Black
Ops-interconnected bomb shelters, subsurface bases, and even cities like

[[ Phil Schneider was liquidated just prior to releasing a tell-all book. He had a
Rhyolite clearance ~ the highest ever to come out and tell it like it is. ]]

Mt. Weather-siphon over 1.5 TRILLION dollars from the economy every two
years. No wonder we are living a life of economic slavery and our national debt
is in the Trillions. It was no accident. We must remember that although this plot
is being carried out by National Socialists, the secret societies that back them
are blatantly Luciferian, and thus they also have the intent to do away with
Christians, Jews, Patriots, etc. So it is a SPIRITUAL conflict as well.

Check out the following URL for info on this National Socialist infiltration of the
USA following WWII. [APFN - URL doesn't open]

Its supposed to be this

But try this too - it works: Click Omega

The following comes from the above URL, and is a list of actual Executive
Orders [interesting that most of the 'Chief Executives' following JFK were
hirelings of the CFR and other Corporate global agencies]. Never forget the
STRONG connection between National, Communist and Corporate Socialists.

The Luciferian cults of Bavaria had a hand in creating all three as part of a
Machievellian system of world subversion. So in essence the 'right wing' and the
'left wing' are controlled by a single 'beast' or dragon if you will.

These blatantly Socialist E.O.'s are as far as I'm concerned Illegal, because they
are NOT Congressionally approved. As far as I'm concerned, the Congress is
our government, NOT the Executive branch which is filled with unelected
"appointees". The President should only serve as an arbitrator when Congress
is split over a certain issues, NOT someone who has the power to VETO the will
of Congress, and thus the will of the American people who they represent. NOR
someone who has the power to make Executive Orders at a whim without
Congressional consent or review.

I see a civil conflict imminent in our nation. I wouldn't really call it a civil war
since we are dealing with INFILTRATIVE elements who have eaten their way into
our government like a tape worm. In this case we are dealing with collaborating
enemies BOTH FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC. That is, the BLACK OPS who operate
outside of the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights, and of course do not honor
our Declaration of Independence [in this case from the U.N. - N.W.O.].

These E.O.'s are as follows:

Federal Emergency Management Agency [F.E.M.A.] [and other emergency

F.E.M.A. [Federal Emergency Management Agency] has been authorized for the
past 15 years by Presidential Executive Orders to confiscate ALL PROPERTY
from the American People, separate families in the current 43 internment
camps [already built and operational by the way, 5 of which are located in
Georgia. The largest can confine somewhere on the order of 100,000 American
citizens], called relocation camps by the 'government', for assignment to work
camps; declares martial law and TOTALLY OVER-RIDES the U.S. Constitution.
Presidential Executive Orders that are related or control this are given at the
end of this. Two of the state prisons here in Georgia are currently empty,
although manned by a minimal number of staff, have been setup and
intentionally unpopulated by prisoners just to support this political policy.

Concentration [internment] Camps. An Executive Order signed by then
President BUSH in 1989 authorized the Federal Emergency Management
Agency [F.E.M.A.] to build 43 primary camps [having a capacity of 35,000 to
45,000 prisoners EACH] and also authorized hundreds of secondary facilities. It
is interesting to note that several of these facilities can accommodate 100,000

These facilities have been completed and many are already manned but as yet
contain no prisoners. [Remember all the TALK of over-crowded prisons that
exist...]. In south Georgia there are several state prisons that except for a few
guards, are completely devoid of prisoners.

Under F.E.M.A., the Executive Orders which are already written and its current
law of the land, calls for the COMPLETE suspension of the United States
Constitution, all rights and liberties, as they are currently known. The following
executive orders, which are in the Federal Register located in Washington DC
for anyone to request copies of, call for the suspension of all civil rights and
liberties and for extraordinary measures to be taken in, as most of the orders
state, "any national security emergency situation that might confront the
government." When F.E.M.A. is implemented, the following executive orders will
be immediately enforced:

E.O. 12148 - FEMA national security emergency, such as: national disaster,
social unrest, insurrection, or national financial crisis.

E.O. 10995 - ". provides for the seizure of ALL communications media in the
United States.

"E.O. 10997 - "... provides for the seizure of ALL electric power, petroleum,
gas, fuels and minerals, both public and private.

"E.O. 10998 - "... provides for the seizure of ALL food supplies and resources,
public and private, and ALL farms, lands, and equipment.

"E.O. 10999 - "... provides for the seizure of ALL means of transportation,
including PERSONAL cars, trucks or vehicles of any kind and TOTAL CONTROL
over all highways, seaports, and waterways.

"E.O. 11000 - "... provides for the SEIZURE OF ALL AMERICAN PEOPLE for ward
forces under federal supervision, including SPLITTING UP OF FAMILIES if the
government has to.

"E.O. 11001 - "... provides for government seizure of ALL health, education and
welfare functions.

"E.O. 11002 - "... designates the postmaster general to operate national
REGISTRATION of all persons." [Under this order, you would report to your
local post office to be separated and assigned to a new area. Here is where
families would be separated].

E.O. 11003 - "... provides for the government to take over ALL airports and
aircraft, commercial, public and PRIVATE.

"E.O. 11004 - "... provides for the Housing and Finance Authority to relocate
communities, designate areas to be abandoned and establish new locations for

"E.O. 11005 - "... provides for the government to TAKE OVER railroads, inland
waterways, and public storage facilities. "

E.O. 11051 - "... the office of Emergency Planning [has] complete authorization
to put the above orders into effect in time of increased international tension or
economic or financial crisis."

All of the above executive orders were combined by President NIXON into
Executive Order 11490, which allows all of this to take place as a national
emergency is declared by the President. The burning and insurrection in Los
Angeles in the case of Rodney King could have executed [and partially did
execute] these Executive Orders.

Executive Order 12919: "National Defense Resources Preparedness" signed by
CLINTON June 3, 1994, delegates authorities, responsibilities and allocations of
F.E.M.A.'s Executive Orders [last entry] for the confiscation of ALL PROPERTY
from the American people, and their location and assignment to 'labor' camps.
The Executive Ord eals supersedes or revokes eleven (11)

previous Executive Orders[from 1939 through 1991] and amends Executive
Order 10789 and 11790.T executive order is A DECLARATION OF WAR
AGAINST THE AMERICAN PEOPLE by the [Secret] Government of the United
States in concert the UNITED NATIONS. **************

Fourth Millennium, Sylvester H. Christie, General Partner, aka: "zeropoint"

[This message has been edited by Mana (edited January 27, 2000).]
Could you post future conspiracy theories in the right section of this board, pse???
666 knows a lot about Black Ops, FEMA, Communist infiltrations, National Socialists, and the UN and such. You two should get together and compare notes. I had the displeasure of watching FEMA at work during the Loma Prieta earthquake. I believe that their mission is to react to "official states of emergency" such as riots and civil disobedience, because they couldn't handle one friggin' earthquake worth a damn. They were more prepared to coordinate the police and National Guard than the Red Cross. When nobody was rioting and anarchy didn't ensue, they backed out quietly. We are in concurrence at least with our suspicions about the government, although I am always skeptical when it comes to unnamed sources. I am aware of the risks taken to get legitimate information out, unfortunately the security measures leave a lot of room for charlatans and frauds. As my favorite TV heroine said, "The truth is out there, but so are the lies."

And therein lies the cause for my skepticism on most UFO stories. Photos of a "dead alien" are easily faked, as are most, if not all, close-up shots of an extraterrestrial craft.

I find myself in a fairly unique position because of my job. I manage an office that transports high-tech equipment and parts. I get to see things that most people don't even know exist, although the electronic age couldn't move without them. Any of these parts that I see on an almost-daily basis could be salvaged from a scrapped machine and presented as-is, and would pass for UFO parts to anyone who had never seen the stuff before. My case in point involves Art Bell's site. In one of the galleries was a series pictures supposedly taken from the craft from Area 51. At first glance, the unidentifiable pieces of metal were a total mystery. Upon zooming in on a large, flat, disc, however, myself and a co-worker recognized it as a grinding head for silicon wafers. It even had marks of heavy use on it. Other pieces were identified as coming from various other types of backgrinding machines. We had a good laugh.

Skeptical is not the same as disbelieving. It's just more of a "prove it" approach.

Bonus educational section!

Backgrinding is the process used to make silicon wafers extremely thin in order to prepare them to be diced up into microchips. Although silicon wafers are very fragile (slight shocks can shatter them), it is possible to grind them so thin as to be able to bend them. Odds are, if you have a computer, one of my customers made the chipset.

The educational portion of this post is now over. You can stop hurting your brains now.

I may not agree with what you have to say, but I will fight, kill, and die for your right to say it.