
This is a good question. But first you gotta set up the scene -- and the vibes.

You're in bed.

A corner of your mind folds open. Just a corner.

You become aware -- but of nothing in particular. You then realize you're lying in bed. You can feel the mattress, your neck, your sleeping limbs. Your mind shifts. But nothing happens. You attempt to shift. But nothing happens. Your mind explodes awake. But nothing will happen because you * know *.

You loose consciousness, but not complete consciousness.

Time is like molasses.

You feel yourself being moved. Your mind is battling to understand how. In confusion, you realize you can see around you. But you're just seeing yourself under the blankets. Yet you're confused because you're also feeling yourself slipping away. From your bed. The blankets form a tunnel. "So I'm still in bed??" But the fabric seems odd. "No-no, those are blankets!" But the fabric seems odd. A network of neurons and creases pass your vision. "This is a tunnel."

There is nothing, absolutely nothing else on your mind now: you. are. all. alone.

Then something strange happens. As you watch the wall of neurons and creases picking up speed, you watch your arms lift up, cross your chest like Tutankhamen, and feel yourself * composing * your self.

- - - - - - - - - - - - c e n s o r e d - - - - - - - - - - - -​
hoppything said:
How would you react if you were contacted by real aliens?

Just like anyone else about to get a couple of book deals and start the talk-show circuit: Go buy a suit and a new motorcycle with the book advance!
on that note, anyone know a good sci-fiction agent/ publisher.. I need to get some work published.
