RE: Quatrain X.72, the true story, explained by Matt Marriott


Registered Member
I'm posting this in response to the closed thread below,
L'an mil neuf cens nonante neuf sept mois,
Du ciel viendra vn grand Roy deffrayeur:
Resusciter le grand Roy d'Angolmois,
Auant apres Mars regner par bon-heur.

The year 1999, seventh month,
From the sky / heaven
Will come a great King of Kindness / Terror :
To bring back to life / He will resurrect
the great King of the Mongols,
before & after war reigns happily / before and after Mars to reign by good luck.

I don't believe all of you to believe this quatrain to be true but I'll say it anyway.
I was kinda surprised that no one knew about what this quatrain refers to.
It's referring to the TV documentary (Signs from God: Science Test Faith) that was aired(in the US) live on July 28 1999. I saw that documentary & it changed my perception about God but most ppl believe it's a farce. "grand Roy deffrayeur" is refering to the Lord Jesus Christ, he will resurrect the "grand Roy d'Angolmois". This is yet to happen I believe, he should be very popular since he's a King. Just pay attention to the news from now till 2020 to identify this resurrected King of the Mongols. He's Christian related btw.

Check the link for comments regarding the TV documentary.
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I'm posting this in response to the closed thread below,
L'an mil neuf cens nonante neuf sept mois,
Du ciel viendra vn grand Roy deffrayeur:
Resusciter le grand Roy d'Angolmois,
Auant apres Mars regner par bon-heur.

The year 1999, seventh month,
From the sky / heaven
Will come a great King of Kindness / Terror :
To bring back to life / He will resurrect
the great King of the Mongols,
before & after war reigns happily / before and after Mars to reign by good luck.

I don't believe all of you to believe this quatrain to be true but I'll say it anyway.
I was kinda surprised that no one knew about what this quatrain refers to.
It's referring to the TV documentary (Signs from God: Science Test Faith) that was aired(in the US) live on July 28 1999. I saw that documentary & it changed my perception about God but most ppl believe it's a farce. "grand Roy deffrayeur" is refering to the Lord Jesus Christ, he will resurrect the "grand Roy d'Angolmois". This is yet to happen I believe, he should be very popular since he's a King. Just pay attention to the news from now till 2020 to identify this resurrected King of the Mongols. He's Christian related btw.

Check the link for comments regarding the TV documentary.

And right at the bottom: a link to

Naturally I was curious, so I followed it:
Farce-of-the-Week via Fox-TV

I received a storm of email and phone calls following the Fox television network special "Signs from God; Science Tests Faith" that was shown on July 28. Though I'm sure that I could almost write a book based upon the material that appeared in this incredibly inept presentation, I will limit my comments here to just the highlights.
So no surprises there then.
I don't know French but I was told (from a documentary, Discovery Channel Nostradamus The Truth) that the first edition(of The Prophecies) contains "deffrayeur" without the apostrophe, which means good/kind. The Later edition is d'effrayeur which means terror. According to the documentary printing error is very common during those days. Where did you got the info from (that the original edition is effrayeur)? I still believe the correct version is deffrayeur.

Anyway, I'm planning to email this info to Nostradamus experts to gather feedback, I strongly believe I have found the true meaning of this quatrain, since there's so many bizzare interpretation I have read from the internet from a comet in New Zealand to Fa Lun Gong... btw what does Vladimir Putin has anything to do with this quatrain? He's not from the heaven/sky, he's not "great" either.