Re-propagation of the Human Species

Jade Squirrel

Impassioned Atheist
Registered Senior Member
Does anyone know just how many people (specifically, the number of males and females) would be required to successfully re-propogate the human species if some sort of disaster struck the earth?

Any references would be appreciated.
about 60,000 years ago the species of Homo Sapiens was reduce to a population of below 5000, yet we survive that pretty well. I remember reading somewhere that it requires 30 non-related individuals to make the prevent inbreeding.
I smell book report... Anyways, it would take thirty people who fully cooperated in breeding programs, i think, because they'd have to have a minimum of five children (the women), by five different partners, or it actually may be as extreme as each women needs to have a son and a daughter from each man, which would be almost impossible to care for. But.. inbreeding isn't really that bad of a thing. It supports more mutation the otherwise, and some of the mutations might successfully adapt to a post climactic enviroment then the stock humans, us.

In conclusion i'd just like to say, some people can be so stupid

I hope that link is not to start a argument because just about everyone here accept evolution as fact. :D
I meant it as, the creator of that website is stupid, if you read it, they seem to support creation... or maybe i don't understand what your trying to say.. explain?
No that was exactly what I was saying. For many of the reason against evolution he demonstrates he does not write in evolutionist counter answer. It like the moon hoax people putting their fingers in their ears when the experts debunk their theories.
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It'd be interesting to take that mtDNA and see if the ruling class of europe was represented by only one type, with the smallest percentage, or of all types, and it's not a matter of an actual blood elite.