Re-occuring dreams


Registered Senior Member
I dont know if anyone can make sense of my dream, i have it just about every night:

i begin falling, for some reason i know it's a cliff i fell off of and theres a yellowish colour to the scene, i scream right before i hit the ground and i wake up from that scream, i often feel as if i just landed on the ground even when i wake, but when i look around of course i'm just in bed.

i also used to have a different dream when i was really little that happened for over 2 years:

i'm sitting on the ground in my parents room and i look up at the window,(dont laugh at this part :D) the cookie monster appeared in the window, and even though we all love sesame street :D i was really afraid of him and i didnt know why, i would then suddenly wake up still sitting in my parents room but when i went to their bed no one was in it, i would run back to my bed and hide under the covers until i fell asleep once more. I'm not too sure if this is all part of the dream but it probably is. the next day i wouldnt say anything about it as if it scared me too much, but ofcourse the next night it would happen again, over and over until eventually it stopped and i cant quite remember when. But i do know that i moved when i was eight so that might have been it.

Anyone know what this could mean?

that's interesting--i have dreams with childish puppets sometimes too (really!). Maybe it has something to do with having a need for your parents. I'm not a psychologist, but maybe it has something to do with your deep love for them and fear of them not being there for you. Are you at all worried for any reason that your parents might divorce/move away/die? Sorry if it's kinda negative. Interesting dream though. I wonder what cookie monster was for. Maybe it represents the irrational fears of childhood. Or maybe your brain just got bored.
When I was young I had a re-occuring dream. I wouldn't technically be in the dream, just watching it happen. It would be nature, in all it's glory. In the middle of the forest, sunshine shining through the branches, wildlife gathering to drink out of a pond... And yet for some reason it terrified me. As though something horrible was about to happen, but it never did. I would wake up and be in a cold sweat.

My guess is it signified my terror of perfection. When life is good the only way it can go from there is down.
that happens to me all the time, you dont know what you're afraid of, or why you feel afraid when u see a certain something (Example: Cookie monster) but you are... there was also this one dream, it happens maybe once a year... i see flashing colours, and theres lots of movement, but i'm too confused by it all, and it scares me... i wake up in a cold sweat like you, not knowing why i was scared, but afraid to fall asleep and witness it again, as i often continue dreams when i fall asleep again.
I used to have dreams of the stay-puff marshmallow man, 150' tall, crashing his way through my neighborhood, trying to come and eat me. he usually got to the point where he was dropping me in his mouth before my mom would wake me up because I was thrashing and screaming in my sleep.

don't know if this help, just felt like sharing :)