RE: my last post on if there is a God

Baba O'Riley

Registered Member
unfortunately the thread was closed, but I wanted to say this.

millions of people around the world believe in one type of god or another. and that they need to believe in a being that is higher than them in order to understand life. to be able to accept it.

if you were to start a civilization on some remote island unknown to the rest of the world. That group of people would most likely develop some sort of religion or belief in some sort of god. but that is exactly why i think (not believe) that there is no god.

an example of this is my father. he recently died of cancer. but for three years, he would spend thousands of dollars on this juice made from some exotic plant. no medical association recognizes this juice as being able to do anything. but he chose to believe in it. I think its the belief that something is keeping him alive rather than the juice, that made him fight the cancer, and live as long as he did.

if people didn?t believe that something was controlling them, and governing them, the world would be in chaos. if my father didn?t believe in the juice, he would have let himself die.

God, like the juice is just a crutch to give people strength to believe they can go on. that they can live their lives. they need this thing, but it doesn?t actually do anything.

I do respect the ideas of others. but just as people who believe in God, I believe that there is no God. But people that do believe in god look at people like me as lost. as misguided. Religious people judge people like me because they so firmly believe in their religion.

I respect everyone?s ideas. I don't believe anyone is right or wrong. I don't believe in God, and I respect those who do. They have their ideas and opinions of life. And I have mine. But unfortunately, people who chose to believe in religion look down on people like me.

And when I talk about these people, i don't mean all of them. Just a large majority of them.

Unfortunately I'm not a great writer, so all the ideas in my head are lost in a jumble of words that dont connect. Also, I've kind of lost what my original point was, so I'll stop now.

You know, this was supposed to be a serious post... I mean, for heavens sake, I just told you my father just died of cancer. Oh well, what will be will be.
I'm sorry :mad:

I just never thought that there are some people who don't find death a good thing like me and most of my family.

I just sometimes forget that not everybody treats death the way we do.

So sorry.

trust me, i feel the same way, death is a part of life that should be celebrated, but I am only 19, and my father didn't die of old age. I can never go to my father for advice again. He wont be at my wedding to see how happy I am. He wont be there to see my first bord child. You know. I've accept that he's gone. And I'm completely fine with it. it's just that I'll never have a father again.

Anyway, what i said, I meant jokingly. I'm talking about the meaning of life, and all I get are jokes. Believe me, I dont actually care. joke all you want.
Re: well...

Originally posted by Baba O'Riley
trust me, i feel the same way, death is a part of life that should be celebrated, but I am only 19, and my father didn't die of old age. I can never go to my father for advice again. He wont be at my wedding to see how happy I am. He wont be there to see my first bord child. You know. I've accept that he's gone. And I'm completely fine with it. it's just that I'll never have a father again.

Anyway, what i said, I meant jokingly. I'm talking about the meaning of life, and all I get are jokes. Believe me, I dont actually care. joke all you want.

Its nice that you understand. I always used humor to get through alot of shit happens things in life.
The main problem is that it requires an open mind to question Gods existence. Religion by its very nature is of one thought, without any real option for 'openness' of opinion. It is a more or less a rigid structure of ideas and believes. To question and change this, would cause it to either change to something else, or just disappear. Remember it is a thought system of faith, not of open questioning.

All of the above is of little importance, compared to this:

You are wrong about not getting advice from your father.

He is there within you right now. If you knew you father at all, then he is part of you. Think of anything you would like to ask him, or get advice on. Do it right now.

Can't you hear him?

It may take time. I have lost many people over the years, but I know what they would say. Their personalities are ingrained in me. I can call them up whenever I want. Yes I still miss, them. No it is not the same as before. But I carry them with me everywhere I go. Don't ever forget you father, let him live in you, and remember him often. Those that are remembered, forever live on in our hearts.

i know my father. I know how he thinks, and his opinions or certain subjects. but my only point is that not only did i lose this great man i looked up to, I lost a father. no more fatherly advice and such... I'll never forget him, and a piece of him and his personality with live in me forever, but i've lost the figure. the head of the family. the man that knows everything. there's still so much i could have learnt from him.

I only meant to give you kind words of hope.

At least you were fortunate enough to know your father.

Good luck.

Re: okay...

Originally posted by Baba O'Riley
i know my father. I know how he thinks, and his opinions or certain subjects. but my only point is that not only did i lose this great man i looked up to, I lost a father. no more fatherly advice and such... I'll never forget him, and a piece of him and his personality with live in me forever, but i've lost the figure. the head of the family. the man that knows everything. there's still so much i could have learnt from him.

I call myself an agnostic mainly because I dont know everything and there lies my only hope that there's something beyond our understanding that may provide answers. Answers to questions that all of us ponder. It's a different way to look at the old saying "ignorance is bliss".
Could the problem of finding answers, be in the question?

It is possible to ask a nonsensical question. That is, a question that is unanswerable. I think as humans, we often make the mistake of thinking (knowing) that there is an answer to every question. Some questions do not make sense - they can never be answered.

What is 10 divided by zero?
Originally posted by Jeremy
Could the problem of finding answers, be in the question?

It is possible to ask a nonsensical question. That is, a question that is unanswerable. I think as humans, we often make the mistake of thinking (knowing) that there is an answer to every question. Some questions do not make sense - they can never be answered.

What is 10 divided by zero?


Nice opening post.

if people didn?t believe that something was controlling them, and governing them, the world would be in chaos. if my father didn?t believe in the juice, he would have let himself die.

God, like the juice is just a crutch to give people strength to believe they can go on. that they can live their lives. they need this thing, but it doesn?t actually do anything.
It’s called the placebo effect.

But the effects are often very real. Praying has a similar powerful effect. There is nothing listening but the fact that people believe there is gives them hope and those emotions have beneficial physiological effects.

I do respect the ideas of others.
That’s probably not true, you are just trying to be polite and not seem confrontational. I think the ideas of many people are quite foolish especially where religion is concerned, and I certainly have little respect for such ideas. What I suspect you really mean is that you respect the rights of others to have different ideas. And I share that perspective.

but just as people who believe in God, I believe that there is no God. But people that do believe in god look at people like me as lost. as misguided. Religious people judge people like me because they so firmly believe in their religion.
That’s quite possible, but that’s only a problem for you if it worries you. Always look at it from your perspective – it is they who are lost and misguided for believing something that has no credible or factual basis.

Unfortunately I'm not a great writer, so all the ideas in my head are lost in a jumble of words that dont connect. Also, I've kind of lost what my original point was, so I'll stop now.
You made some great points. Don’t be so defensive. Writing down your thoughts and trying to explain them to others is probably the best way to refine and improve them. Don’t be discouraged if they aren’t quite right at first. Such ideas evolve and grow. The weak parts can be trimmed and the good parts can be strengthened and which may well lead you in different directions.

very, very interesting. especially:

People should be free to do anything they wish except where such actions would interfere with the freedom of others.

You seem to have a very good perspective on life. Thank you for that.