**** [re:Muslims]

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Fuck them up their stupid asses.

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Muslims are the worst kind of people. I shall take the liberty to explain why. First of all there stuff like they don’t eat pork, they
Don’t drink alcohol and other stuff like suicide bombings and
Smelling bad. As a matter of fact, this post is a non-ideology
One, meaning I speak for no other than myself. As a matter of fact,
All religion is bad,christianity too. But Islam(ohh man) is the worst.
They always call for Jihad, but they never win. And when they
Loose they claim it wasn’t Jihad afterall. What have the Muslim world ever created? Besides from curry, suicide bombers and
Opium? Please tell me. The funny thing is the Muslim mentality.
This amuses me........ALOT. When a Muslim kills an enemy and looses his life he becomes a martyr. But my question is this.
If a suicide bomber fails to kill anyone else than himself....... does he still go to heaven and receive 17 virgins or whatever?
It happens all the time that Palestinians blow themselves up
While making bombs. Do they go to hell? Another thing that’s funny
Is the Muslim way of preaching Such as the Imam in Baghdad calling people to arms (Jihad....again) and saying anyone that
Doesn’t fight off the "pig-dog-Americans" aren’t really an is/is against Islam". First their army gets annihilated, and then they expect to win? I just can’t see the logic. There is a "right wing wind"
All across the western world, not surprisingly. The Muslims are objects of mockery by more and more people. The liberals claim
It’s because of xenophobia and lack of knowledge, but most people
That has grown up in places that have ALOT of Muslims know better. They have seen is intolerance and know how Islam is
Practiced. Another funny thing is intellectual Muslims. Yea you know, the ones that represent mosques. They always try to use
Western debating techniques in defending Islam. But what they
Refuse to realise that western argument are based opun referring to hard, cold facts. And that’s impossible when it comes to justifying stoning women to death because they have broken some law invented 1600 years in some god forsaken desert.

Modern Islam? Yea right, what genius came up with that idea?

Fuck Islam; fuck them up their stupid Asses
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Multiple choice response

Response A: I'll give it a 7.5/10 as an artistic piece. Narrative identification is just a little too vague for the pop-market to understand. They might take you seriously.

Response B: At this point, I'm going to deviate from my usual prescriptions for society and advise that you actually lighten up on the intoxicants. That was a lovely and poetic expression of either an utter lack of relevant education or a psyche ill-equipped to deal with its own emotions. Actually, I'd say it's rather well-equipped in the sense that you're being bombastic and stupid here and not out in the streets contributing to the carnage.

In the meantime, lay off the Jay and Silent Bob. The movie's funny, man, but I always wonder why people rely on the lowest jokes in a Kevin Smith film.

I will go so far as to remind you that Muslim clerics often choose to employ Western rhetorical techniques because Westerners, generally, are too stupid to understand them otherwise. I mean, there's nothing like highlighting your own lack there, Judas. Westerners generally refuse to listen to what people say until they phrase it according to the latest western pop-rhetoric, and then the Westerners seize on the Westernization of the Occidental argument and play the "betrayal" as a Western triumph. It's an amazing little quirk that runs especially rich in the United States.

Take a look around Sciforums, you'll see it with reasonable consistency. People insist that others speak to them in a certain way and then accuse personal failure when accommodated. Hell, there's two topics in two separate fora that hit that point yesterday.

I love the argument that because Westerners hate and mock Muslims is apparently a factual indicator that hate and mockery is the solution. Nothing like pandering to one's own desires.

Go ahead, kiss the mirror. We won't laugh.

Call it a good-bye kiss, haul yourself up off your pallet, and transform yourself into a new human being by simply getting a clue.

Response C: Like, dude ... 'sup with that shit?
Re: Multiple choice response

Originally posted by tiassa

Take a look around Sciforums, you'll see it with reasonable consistency. People insist that others speak to them in a certain way and then accuse personal failure when accommodated. Hell, there's two topics in two separate fora that hit that point yesterday.
Response C: Like, dude ... 'sup with that shit?

My gosh,
I just felt a little connection with god and Jesus as I read Judas words......All of a sudden, I remembered how Jesus must have felt walking down that path to the cross surrounded by people insulting him and throwing garbage at him, I almost said.

God, forgive Judas, for he doesn't know what the heck he's saying.
hey, ill get plenty of prostitutes for thoose silver coins.

Wanna party?
Re: Re: Multiple choice response

Originally posted by Ren
LOL whats the topic!?

That explains the nonsense you have been saying....You simply can't read....Poor thing.

* Your trauma is overwelmingly present and makes me wanna laugh . You must have been picked on by Muslim kids as you were a little redheaded cavebaby back in the days .

* Your demonization attempts are similar to Goebbels

* Your ignorance on the subjects & your general mental-handicap prevent you from showing any credibility with such empty opinions .

The difference between deity-worshippers and atheists in this perspective is not how their ration processes information , but in what issue they do or do not believe .

You either believe or you dont believe . There is no why with you , there's just faith in the unknown .

pathetic go be usefull and throw yourself from a building .
It will do you goof I promis :D
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