Re-cannonization of the bible


Valued Senior Member
there are many religious texts out in the world, the bible,the koran,etc..

long time ago religious leaders from around the world came together to discuss all the different religious texts, to come to an agreement about what belongs in the bible and what does not..
alot of books and texts were excluded from the final decision..

what if we were to recannonize the bible?
bring back a discussion about what should and should not be included in this bible..
give equal consideration to all the different religious texts

what books/texts would you recommend for this?..why?
(some quoting may be required for clarity..)

this thread is not about who is right and who is wrong..(any discussion of this sort, should be addressed by a moderator(off topic hammer please))

its about sharing knowledge and wisdom..
Wait are you talking about Re-canonization of the Christian Bible? In other words you are asking which 'christian books' should be included in the Christian Bible- just want to be clear since you did mention other religions text.

Peace be unto you ;)
Wait are you talking about Re-canonization of the Christian Bible? In other words you are asking which 'christian books' should be included in the Christian Bible- just want to be clear since you did mention other religions text.
Peace be unto you ;)

bad spelling on my part aside..
it is my belief that some of those other texts were considered for the 'christian bible' and were dissmissed for one reason or another..
lets assume for sake of arguement that the 'christian books' that are currently in the current bible are open for disscusion as to whether they should be included..

i myself do not see anything wrong with including the current books of the bible in this new bible..but am open to disscusion for non inclusion of certain books...
(about the only one i can think of is revelation and just cause it is so vague with its points..)
I don't think Qur'an is an exception to that, or any other religious text. There is a good video for you:

I was asking for clarification if he wanted the new books to be of christian origin.

Peace be unto you ;)
I think this this would work perfectly for "re-cannonization"


I'm channeling Killjoy this morning. :)
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there are many religious texts out in the world, the bible,the koran,etc..

long time ago religious leaders from around the world came together to discuss all the different religious texts, to come to an agreement about what belongs in the bible and what does not..
alot of books and texts were excluded from the final decision..

what if we were to recannonize the bible?
bring back a discussion about what should and should not be included in this bible..
give equal consideration to all the different religious texts

what books/texts would you recommend for this?..why?
(some quoting may be required for clarity..)

my kind of thinking...... "what is educational and why?"

and not for our concerns but for others (in a sense as each post should have awarness of the book suggested)

cool thread

Origins of Species (and honest approach to addressing 'the process')

Physiology (confirm the adam and eve (rib to make eve) story; cell division)

Survival manual (how to live with nature (the boss))

(dianetics) (just kidding)

The list is huge......

the idea, is that TODAY, our knowledge is further along in the 'evolution of knowledge'

far more books on life and how to approach life, without all the history of violence, hate, divides and lies

this thread is not about who is right and who is wrong..(any discussion of this sort, should be addressed by a moderator(off topic hammer please))

its about sharing knowledge and wisdom..

confucius (personal responsibility without the diety (fear concepts)
there are many religious texts out in the world, the bible,the koran,etc..

come to an agreement about what belongs in the bible and what does not..

what if we were to recannonize the bible?
bring back a discussion about what should and should not be included in this bible..

So, what you're saying is that WE humans should create a new religion based on all the religions in the world? Wouldn't that essentially deny the existence of gods?

give equal consideration to all the different religious texts

Most religious texts contradict one another or have opposing views.

its about sharing knowledge and wisdom..

Whose knowledge and wisdom? Ours? We have the internet for that. We don't need another bible.
Origins of Species (and honest approach to addressing 'the process')
Physiology (confirm the adam and eve (rib to make eve) story; cell division)
Survival manual (how to live with nature (the boss))
(dianetics) (just kidding)
these texts are not religious..don't see how they would apply
(i read dianetics..informative,taught me a few things..but its not a religion)

the idea, is that TODAY, our knowledge is further along in the 'evolution of knowledge'

that is my many books that were denied from the bible then, would make it into the bible today?

also i do understand the nature of humanity..IF such a book were ever to be created there would be a new religion that grew out of it, it would not bring other religions together, i would hope IF such a book were created it would at least temper the other religions..
these texts are not religious..don't see how they would apply

believing the 2nd law of thermodynamics is pure, is practically being religious to a believed set of parameters (labeled the prophetic (scientific) method)
(i read dianetics..informative,taught me a few things..but its not a religion)

look up el ron cuppard; scientology

that is my many books that were denied from the bible then, would make it into the bible today?

Oh so you are talking about a biased bible that you have set the criteria as even being applied.......... i get it

which 'creed' are you intending?..... (matt 16:20 is a good start)

also i do understand the nature of humanity..IF such a book were ever to be created there would be a new religion that grew out of it, it would not bring other religions together, i would hope IF such a book were created it would at least temper the other religions..

that is why i shared the books i did

as equality is what underwrites the best beliefs
believing the 2nd law of thermodynamics is pure, is practically being religious to a believed set of parameters (labeled the prophetic (scientific) method)
then those would be referance books..

look up el ron cuppard; scientology
i know...they think it is a religious book..but i don't
Oh so you are talking about a biased bible that you have set the criteria as even being applied.......... i get it
not sure i understand this point..if you are saying this new bible is only based on MY own criteria..then i would have to say no..but till this disscussion takes off..i have to add my two cents since i am the OP and i know clarity of concept on my part takes a few posts..
which 'creed' are you intending?..... (matt 16:20 is a good start)
jesus told his disciples not to tell anyone he was the messiah.
(good job..made me get out my bible to check it)

how does that verse apply?
then those would be referance books..

what's a bible then?
i know...they think it is a religious book..but i don't
same point

jesus told his disciples not to tell anyone he was the messiah.
(good job..made me get out my bible to check it)

how does that verse apply?

makes many of the religions born from bible, moot!

ie... perhaps open up the 'new edition' with Jesus own "charge"

just to assist others, of course
there are many religious texts out in the world, the bible,the koran,etc..

long time ago religious leaders from around the world came together to discuss all the different religious texts, to come to an agreement about what belongs in the bible and what does not..
alot of books and texts were excluded from the final decision..

what if we were to recannonize the bible?
bring back a discussion about what should and should not be included in this bible..
give equal consideration to all the different religious texts

what books/texts would you recommend for this?..why?
(some quoting may be required for clarity..)

this thread is not about who is right and who is wrong..(any discussion of this sort, should be addressed by a moderator(off topic hammer please))

its about sharing knowledge and wisdom..

the bible is just a group of events that happend many many years ago and were passed down and written by hear say, " the story pasted on 100people will change theory" so what you believe despite what popes priests and what not tell you is all up to you and your own opinion, some people think its a higher power some think they were talking about aliens..

the bible says heaven many times over... back in that day all "heaven" ment was sky, so what books should and shouldnt be in there questions... who has the power or should say what can and cant be in the bible if nothing at all can be proven besides names of countries and cities.

if there is one higher power than why is there so many different depictions in the form of a "holy" book?
I think they should through out everything except direct quotes of Jesus.

Peace be unto you ;)
:shrug: that would leave almost nothing

Well at least I can read it in an hour... And this goes on to show that how 'little' is really left of what Jesus said and so much of what others said about him.

The bible should only be about what Jesus said or what God said- not about what historians wrote about the situation.

Peace be unto you ;)
The bible should only be about what Jesus said or what God said- not about what historians wrote about the situation.

The Quran should be about what Allah said, not about promoting lying and violence to non-believers.

Oh wait, that IS what Allah said. My bad, carry on. :D