Ray Kurzweil

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Most people know Kurzweil. What do you think of him? What of his books? His laws, such as the Law of Accelerated Returns?
This is what i have compiled from various Rays sites...(most of it is from Kurzveiltech)...

Brief Biography of Ray Kurzweil (February 2000)

Author of The Age of Spiritual Machines: When Computers Exceed Human Intelligence (Viking, January 1999)

Ray walked on stage, played a composition on an old upright piano, and then whispered to I've Got a Secret host Steve Allen "I built my own computer".

"Well that's impressive," Steve Allen replied, "but what does that have to do with the piece you just played?" Ray then whispered the rest of his secret: "The computer composed the piece I just played." During the yes or no questions, former Miss America Bess Myerson was stumped, but film star Henry Morgan, the second celebrity panelist, guessed Ray's secret.

This high school project was Ray Kurzweil's first endeavor in the field of "pattern recognition," which Ray describes as "that part of the AI field where we teach computers to recognize abstract patterns, a capability that dominates human thinking." Ray programmed his computer to analyze the patterns in musical compositions by famous composers and then compose original new melodies in a similar style. For the project, Ray won First Prize in the International Science Fair, and was one of the 40 Westinghouse Science Talent Search winners that got to meet President Lyndon Johnson in a White House award ceremony.

As a sophomore at MIT, Ray started and ran a business matching up high school kids with colleges using a computer program he had written. Named the Select College Consulting Program, Ray and his small company paid $1,000 an hour to rent time on the only computer in New England with enough memory to fit the database comprising 2 million facts on 3,000 colleges they had created. Kids, delighted with the colleges the program had suggested, sent appreciative letters. But a few parents were furious that the program had failed to recommend Harvard or other Ivy League schools. For the first time, Ray experienced the ability of computers to affect peoples' lives. The company was sold to Harcourt, Brace & World, a New York publisher, for $100,000 plus royalties.

In 1974, Ray started his first major enterprise, Kurzweil Computer Products, Inc. (KCP) to pursue his interest in pattern recognition, attacking the then classical and unsolved problem of teaching a computer to identify printed or typed characters regardless of typestyle and printing quality. Existing systems could only recognize certain special fonts (e.g., Courier, OCR A). Ray and his colleagues taught the computer how to extract the abstract qualities of letter shapes, defining what essential properties made, for example, all capital A's different from all capital B's.

Ray and his team created the first "omni-font" (i.e., any font) Optical Character Recognition (OCR). This new technology became a solution in search of a problem. A chance plane flight sitting next to a blind gentleman convinced Ray that the most exciting application of this new technology would be to create a machine that could read printed and typed documents out loud, thereby overcoming the reading handicap of blind and visually impaired individuals. This goal introduced new hurdles as there were no readily available flat bed scanners or speech synthesizers in 1974. So in addition to the omni-font OCR, Ray and his colleagues developed the first CCD flat-bed scanner and the first full text-to-speech synthesizer, and combined these three technologies into the first print-to-speech reading machine for the blind.

Ray, along with leaders of the National Federation of the Blind, announced the Kurzweil Reading Machine at a press conference on January 13, 1976, which was covered by all of the networks and leading print publications. Walter Cronkite used it to deliver his signature sign-off "And that's the way it was, January 13, 1976."

Stevie Wonder happened to catch Ray demonstrating the Kurzweil Reading Machine on the Today Show, and dropped by Kurzweil Computer Products to pick up their first production unit. This led to a long-term friendship between the inventor and the musical star, which led to Ray Kurzweil's subsequent innovations in computer-based music.

In 1978, Kurzweil Computer Products introduced a commercial version of the Kurzweil OCR, which was used by Lexus and Nexus to build their on-line legal and news information services. In 1980, Ray sold the company to Xerox which saw the scanning and OCR technology as providing a path back from the world of paper to the world of electronics. Ray continued as a consultant to this division of Xerox through 1995. Now, eighteen years after the sale to Xerox, the OCR originally developed by Ray Kurzweil and his team - now called Xerox TextBridge - still continues as a market leader.

In 1982, as he was showing Ray a new studio he had built in Los Angeles, Stevie Wonder lamented the state of affairs of musical instruments. On the one hand there was the world of acoustic instruments (e.g., piano, guitar, violin), which provided rich complex sounds, but were difficult to play, and suffered from a wide range of limitations. On the other hand, the world of computer-based instruments allowed advanced control techniques such as multi-track sequencing and layering, but was only capable of creating thin synthetic sounds.

"Wouldn't it be great," Stevie asked Ray, "if we could use the extraordinarily flexible computer-control methods on the beautiful sounds of acoustic instruments." The result of this challenge was Ray's 1982 founding of Kurzweil Music Systems with Stevie Wonder as musical advisor. In 1984, Kurzweil Music introduced the Kurzweil 250, the first computer-based instrument that could realistically recreate the musical response of the grand piano and other orchestral instruments. In A-B tests, musicians were unable to distinguish the Kurzweil 250 from a concert grand piano. With this technology, a teenager could play an entire orchestra or rock band in her bedroom.

Ray sold Kurzweil Music Systems to Young Chang, a large Korean musical instrument company, in 1990 and remained as an active consultant through 1994. The Kurzweil Music Systems division of Young Chang continues today as one of the market leaders in computer-based musical instruments, marketed in over forty countries.

Ray also started Kurzweil Applied Intelligence 1982 to develop computer-based speech recognition. The company introduced the first commercially marketed large vocabulary speech recognition system in 1987. The company also combined its speech recognition technology with expert systems for the creation of medical reports. Its Kurzweil VoiceMed products (now called Kurzweil Clinical Reporter) allows doctors to create medical reports by talking with their computers. The Kurzweil systems are now used in ten percent of the emergency rooms in the United States, and in many other medical specialties.

Kurzweil Applied Intelligence was sold to Lernout & Hauspie ("L&H") in 1997. Shortly after this sale, Microsoft entered into a strategic alliance with the dictation division of L&H (formerly Kurzweil Applied Intelligence) to share technology in the speech field (which included a substantial investment by Microsoft). Ray continues as Consultant to the Dictation Division of L&H, which recently introduced the first product to combine continuous large vocabulary speech recognition with natural language commands. With this product, called Voice Xpress Pro, you can command your personal computer by talking to it in your own words.

Ray started his fourth company, Kurzweil Educational Systems in 1996. This company quickly became dominant in the print-to-speech reading technology field. In August of 1998, Ray and his colleagues received the first $150,000 SAP/Stevie Wonder "Product of the Year" Vision Award for the Kurzweil 1000 Reading System. The Kurzweil Foundation, which is Ray's private foundation, will use these funds to provide scholarships to worthy blind students.

Ray sold Kurzweil Educational Systems in September of 1998, also to Lernout & Hauspie. It continues as the Kurzweil Education Group of Lernout & Hauspie, with Ray continuing to provide leadership as a consultant.

A noteworthy aspect of Ray Kurzweil's unique track record is that all four of the companies he founded, built, and sold not only created entirely new technologies and new markets, but still continue today as leaders in the same markets that they pioneered.

One of Ray's latest ventures is FAT KAT (Financial Accelerating Transactions - Kurzweil Adaptive Technologies) which is applying evolutionary algorithms to stock market decisions with the goal of creating an artificially intelligent financial analyst. Another is Medical Learning Company which is creating a simulated patient for doctor education and as an educational game.

In 1990, Ray's first book, The Age of Intelligent Machines, was published by the MIT Press, and received the award for the Most Outstanding Computer Science Book of 1990 by the Association of American Publishers. The predictions in this book, which Ray wrote in 1988, included the emergence of the World Wide Web, the taking of the world chess championship by a computer by 1998, the dominance of intelligent weapons in warfare, and continued economic expansion. These and many other of Ray's predictions have proven to be very accurate.

In 1993, Ray's second book, The 10% Solution for a Healthy Life, How to Eliminate Virtually All Risk of Heart Disease and Cancer, was published by Crown Publishers. The book stemmed from Ray's successfully curing himself of type II Diabetes through a nutritional program he had researched himself.

Now as we enter the new Millenium, Ray's third book, The Age of Spiritual Machines, When Computers Exceed Human Intelligence has just been published by Viking in January of 1999. The book extends Ray's prophetic blueprint to what George Gilder calls the "metamorphic moment" when computers exceed the full range of human intelligence, which he sees as only a few decades away.

Ray Kurzweil will receive the 1999 National Medal of Technology, the nation's highest honor in technology, from President Clinton in a White House ceremony on March 14, 2000. He has received scores of other national and international awards. He is the recipient of the 1994 Dickson Prize, which is Carnegie Mellon University's top science prize, given to one individual each year. Since its inception in 1970, only one other person has received the Dickson Prize in the field of computer science. In 1990, Ray was voted Engineer of the Year by the over one million readers of Design News Magazine and received their third annual Technology Achievement Award. In 1988, he was named Inventor of the Year by MIT and the Boston Museum of Science. He was named Honorary Chairman for Innovation of the White House Conference on Small Business by President Reagan in 1986 and has received honors from Presidents Reagan and Johnson. He has received nine honorary Doctorates in science, engineering, music and humane letters from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Hofstra University and other leading colleges and universities. He has received the Grace Murray Hopper Award from the Association for Computing Machine. He has received seven national and international film awards including the CINE Golden Eagle Award and the Gold Medal for Science Education from the International Film and TV Festival of New York.

that was a nice summary of Ray Kurzweil. I wouldn't mind having those acomplishments! As for the law of increasing returns, I believe it is a beautiful thing. I find it hard to imagine the reality that it predicts. but I am just as optimistic a Ray and I look forward to a world where things really are better.

I think there are a lot of smart people who have a negitive outlook on technology, but I think that they are just frustrated with today. We have a temendous amount of technology and advancement in medicine, but it just seems to complicate things while our problems are perhaps still growing in size.

I think mankind is still at its most difficult stage and this may continue for 15-20 years. But sooner or later when technology is finally able to heal (not just treat) major illnesses, enhance human cognition, and stablize painful emtional problems that crackpot therapists like Dr. Phil could never even dream of doing, we will see a very peaceful world and a much more content, happy, healthier, and more powerful mankind. When I read about the law of returns and the exciting predictions that Ray Kurzweil forecasts I feel great hope, that things are finally coming together.

I know some people love to bring up the grey goo senero, and they fear it like we are already at that stage. If you one of the specific engineers who will work on that problem then I hope you understand and fear it just as a marine fears his squad may get captured by the enemie, but if you are not a marine or not that specific engineer why waste you time and make yourself negitive, and bring down other peoples hopes, think everything will be ok, you might as well if there is nothing else you can do about it.

I state this message here, because I too wrote a post on one of Ray's articles, and it went no where. Some guy just came in with a negitive attitude and literally killed the whole point that I found so facinating.

One more thing, after all the pain and suffering, the struggle of life on earth that's been going on since man and up until now, why would it we fuck it up all now, or let ourselves fuck it up all now? The future will be good and then great, and I hope time goes by quick and easy all the way.
I state this message here, because I too wrote a post on one of Ray's articles, and it went no where. Some guy just came in with a negitive attitude and literally killed the whole point that I found so facinating.

I am a fan of Ray too. I even bought the book. Unless I was the one that killed your whole point, let us talk again....:D
It's not that big of a deal, but it was hlreed who made the comment... He made some sort of comment about brains not being the same thing as computers which is somewhat true and some what not true, evidently he does not care for Ray. BTW, kmguru how is the book?
I've only read the one, "Age of Spiritual Machines". I loved it. I have two copies! (One had an accident but reappeared). It is my favourite book.
Originally posted by rayview
BTW, kmguru how is the book?

It is an excellent book. I have a lot of "peek to the future" books. I read them to find relationships and how information is used in society type of analysis. Personally I am an intelligence analyst and have been solving complex problems mostly in the business/industrial environment including aerospace. Knowing how the society could change and what factors are involved helps one to judge what is needed over time.

While, to most people, it is a cerebral exercise, I am lucky to be able to utilize these common threads in solving issues within my sphere of influence. It is fun.
this goes out to who ever has thought about the law of increasing returns. When the day comes when humans can finally add on brain enhancing moduals, won't we see a tremendous spike in the advancement of technology there after. The law of increasing returns seems to assume that human intelligence will remain with in the same ball park, but once we have this very extraordinary shift in intelligence, what I assume must be the most important factor in the creation of technology, I can't imagine what might happen say five or even two years later. say this point is reached in about 35 years...
Simply put, increasing return comes from "networking" ideas which inturn creates a new level of complexity. Just a little push could create a quantum leap. Think about the DNA of a monkey vs a man. 99% is the same including basic structure and design.

We will get there...eventually...
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