Rats laugh when you tickle them

They're incredibly smart animals, more so than usually given credit for.
funny stuff :p

I use rats for my diet studies and I have to say, not only are they very patient and tolerant animals (I don't even restrain them while I poke their tails with 21G needles for collecting blood at several intervals; their tails are really sensitive and they cry and whimper, so I know it hurts them but I talk to them and coax them and they never bite), but also very loving and extremely playful.

one of the dearly departed, he was one of the sweetest ones;when I opened his cage door, he would come running to greet me.

Other info:

• Mice and rats are fastidiously clean animals, grooming themselves several times a day. In fact, rats and mice are less likely than dogs or cats to catch and transmit parasites and viruses.
• Mice and rats are highly social animals—they communicate with each other at high-frequency sounds that you can’t hear without instrumentation, play together, wrestle, and love sleeping curled up together. Much like us, if they do not have companionship, they can become lonely, anxious, depressed, and stressed.
• Mice and rats have a complex language system—they can communicate by touch, by smell, and by sound at frequencies that we can’t hear.
• Mice and rats are so smart that they can recognize their names and respond when called.
• Mice are choosy—they like variety, too, and enjoy picking around in their food, eating the tastiest parts first, and separating out what they dislike.
• Female mice with litters will vigorously defend their nests and young.
• If not forced to live in a dirty cage, a rat’s skin has a very pleasant perfume-like scent.
• After engaging in sex, male rats sing at frequencies beyond the hearing of humans, around 20 to 22 KHz.

Male rats will snuggle up for a cuddle and find contentment curled up in a person’s lap.

Absolutely true; if you cup your palm near their faces, they push their noses into your palm and fall asleep. :bawl:
lol, thanks SAM, I found that infop extremely interesting; but I now feel worst than before for poisoning a rat in my apartment. There was a cute rat that was in my kitchen, when my wife and I saw it, he looked at us with so cutty eyes; as if it was telling us something. But I thought that they were a plague and put some rat poison around the house; felt very bad afterwards, specially after I saw Ratatouille, it was so similiar...
Rats are very complex, for that matter so are fish. incredibly the size of their brains are such and their abilities so great that they should give remarkable insight into our own intellectual limitations and abilities. SHOULD being the operative word here. In the larger scheme of things, at our best we are all just glorified auto mechanics.

how do these specialized bits of infrormation get stored? how, how, how. hard coded on that little chip, why cant we see the data flow, the switches going on and of why, why, why.
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