Rare sighting of sperm whale in Devon, UK

A sign of moving patterns of large ocean crossing fauna?

No. Sperm whale distribution is essentially world-wide.


It's well known on UK nature documentaries that our seas are becoming populated with more 'exotic' species from around the world i.e. green turtles, jellyfish, sun fish (which come up to me in my kayak) and now sperm whales! It's news alright.
It's well known on UK nature documentaries that our seas are becoming populated with more 'exotic' species from around the world i.e. green turtles, jellyfish, sun fish (which come up to me in my kayak) and now sperm whales! It's news alright.

No it's not 'news'. There's nothing 'new' about it. We've always had Sunfish and Basking Shark off the south coast, not to mention whales and dolphins, and just to show that exotic species in British waters isn't new, well, you need to get to Ilfracombe, where in 1865, a Hammerhead shark was caught.

It is not signifying any change or trend. Got that?
Nice piccy. No, I'll just try and spot 'em from the cliff tops I guess. I haven't even seen a basking shark yet! Plenty of time though. No rush.