Rape gang leader gets 55 years jail


§Þ@ç€ MØnk€¥
Registered Senior Member
Some of you may recall a news story I posted a while ago, and the subsequent discussion, about gangs of rapists in the Sydney area. You may also have noticed some cynicism in remarks by myself and other Australians about our truly pathetic legal system, which lets off murderers if they have a fashionable excuse (such as the woman who got only two weeks jail for murdering her husband because she claimed to be suffering Battered Wife Sydrome (tm), even though there was never a single shred of evidence that her husband her ever done anything even vaguely mean to her). Well, finally one of our judges has given out a reasonable sentence for a filthy scumbag who should be tortured every day for the rest of his life. Actually, I have no doubt the guy will face some severe torment in jail, among the general population. His mother, on the news tonight, said her son had already been bashed twice in just a couple of days in prison. I'm okay with that.

55 years okay: PM
August 18, 2002

PRIME Minister John Howard said today he was not of a mind to criticise the judge who sentenced a Sydney rapist to 55 years' jail.

But he hoped those who bashed an SBS TV film crew on Friday as they conducted interviews in the wake of the sentencing would also be arrested and punished.

A 20-year-old man was last week given a total non-parole prison term of 40 years, with a maximum of 55 years, in the District Court for the offences committed during August 2000 in Sydney's western suburbs.

An appeal has been lodged.

Mr Howard, who has just returned from the South Pacific Forum in Fiji, said based on the evidence he had read, it was a particularly appalling pattern of behaviour and a very tragic event for the young women and other people involved.

"They clearly displayed very great courage going through that absolutely horrific ordeal of having to give evidence of that kind," he told Channel Seven.

"I wouldn't be one of those criticising the judge."

Mr Howard said he was concerned about any kind of reprisal against the media endeavouring to report events.

"One of the things that keeps this country as a democracy is a free media," he said.

"We all have our arguments, as you know, from time to time with some of the things a free media might say but in a democracy, if you don't have it, you quickly lose your democracy.

"Of course I'm concerned about (the bashing of the film crew).

"I hope the people who did it are arrested and punished, as they should be, in accordance with the law that should apply with equal force to everybody."

Three SBS news crewmen were assaulted outside a mosque at Lakemba in Sydney's south-west while filming a story related to the 55-year jail sentence handed down to the pack rapist.

Well, the late night news just said these rat has been moved to a different jail for his own safety. Why are my tax dollars paying for this fool's safety? I didn't authorise such expenditure...
Well, he's been moved to Gouburn Jail. This punk told the girls his gang raped that they deserved it because they were Australian. I hate people. People suck.
Aww, be happy that he's in prison at all. :)

An appeal has been lodged.
lol, I love the wording. Kinda makes me think: "... lodged in the pockmarked sandy wall of the Australian justice system" :p

And btw, why open quote marks every paragraph, if they've not been closed? I never understood that ...
Originally posted by Firefly

And btw, why open quote marks every paragraph, if they've not been closed? I never understood that ...
This humble minion does not know, Mistress Firefly. :p
LOL, I can see this place is going to be good for my ego ... Or maybe too good. :D

In my infinite benevolence, I will forgive your ignorance. :) :p
In English grammar it is correct to not close a quotation on a paragraph if the following paragraph begins with a quote by the same character/person.


Joe had decided to go to the store today. "I'm going to the store today." he said. Bob replied, "That new store looks good.

"Of course you need to go to more than one store if you want to get hockey and baseball equipment."

Sorry for the corny sentance, couldn't come up with anything smart. Anyway, as you can see you don't close the mark and then at the next paragraph you still have to put the opening marks and then, when the quote is done, the closing marks.
LOL, but why?? It's clear to the reader they're still speaking. If anything, re-opening quote marks is confusing to the reader. :p
Actually it's the other way around. You may easily miss the fact that a closing mark wasn't there and so assume that the next paragraph is not part of the quote.
gang rapist

hey guys, I am really surprised at the way the media has portrayed and played a major part in this case. First of all, I am in no way siding with any rapist, or anyone invoved in any illegal activity. Being a law student, (and no, not one who wishes to defend criminals), I am worried that the other side has not been shown in this instance. If the media can paint such an ugly story against these boys, why can't they too have a say? I was involved in an innocence project last semester, and you would be appalled at how many people were exonerated after spending over 10 years in jail for something they didn't do. This is not plastered all over your t.v screens and newspapers, because the government, courts do not want to appear weak and wrong. fter all, who wants a legal system who convicts innocent people?And, in all cases they were painted like monsters, they were black, and so therefore they hated white women etc. In this case, DNA cannot be used as some of the accused had worn condoms. However, what people fail to realise is that growing up in the west, these kind of circumstances do arise. It is not rare to discover that some guys "picked up a chick, and had sex with her", and even passed them on to his mates.
It happens. This is why the family believes their son, or brother to be innocent. I think we should be very careful not to believe everything we read, because there have been alot of cases where victims have claimed to have been 100% right about who had assaulted them, and only to find out 11 years later, that they had been wrong, (take for instance the ronald cotton case in America). Through police pressure, and support the victims believe that they are 100% right in what they are doing, and who they are pointing the finger at.
How do we know what really happened? I am not familiar with the other girls who were raped, and my heart goes out to them. However, with the girl 'Amanda' who appeared on 60 Minutes, I find it a very delicate process when identifying suspects, and I would be very careful in making a statement claiming that you were raped 25 times, and remembering each and every suspect. In a situation like that, she remembered who did and did not ejaculate, who said what, and did what, and then she 'thinks' she was threatened with a gun. The media however, chose to state that she was actually held at gun point at a stage, and she even said on 60 Minutes that she 'thinks', her eyes were closed.

I believe that this has alot to do with the fact that the boys involved are Lebanese Muslim, and after September 11, this has become a very sensitive issue sparking alot of concern and fear. Judges are pressured to pass tougher sentences, while you wonder why just the other day a man received a 17 year jail sentence for raping and murdering a 3 year old girl.

People should make informed decisions when saying that someone should rot in hell, I think people should read the cases and then decide. (and just because juries find a person guilty, does not necessarily make them correct)
I don't see it as a knee-jerk response to those attacks in America. After all, this problem has been going on in Sydney for a few years, and the police unit assigned to deal with it has existed for a few years. This particular gang is also being investigated for the gang rape of several other young women. Do you think they're all lying?
No, I am not saying that all the girls are lying. But I do know what the police are like, especially when they are dealing with ethnic minority groups. They need to get someone, and especially when they are dealing with Anglo-Australian girls. I am not of Lebanese or Muslim origin, but I know that there are alot of politics invoved here. Amanda was apparently an excellent witness, but the media has not stated that she too had changed her story a few times. In the end, she claims to have jumped into two cars ful of boys, after being raped 4 times. I am doing my research project on this, and when I find out all the details of the case, I will make further comments! thanks for responding!
Being a law student and also a woman, I'm extremelly happy at the sentences handed down to the gang rapists. I've heard many complain about the sentence handed down. Some in the legal community saying it was too harsh. However I personally don't think it was harsh enough. What these men did was so vile that it makes me ill to think about it. To have purposefully set out to find and rape young Australian born women shows premeditation. This wasn't a date rape, these men set out to find women they could rape and then denigrate as though they were animals. Any form of rape is appalling and this would have to be one of the worst I've ever heard about. It is about time that the Australian legal system recognised the crimes against women and those in minority groups. The system has been overly complacent in how it deals with violent offenders and it's good to finally see a change for the better.

Aleks, you suggested that the media and the legal system handed down such a decision because of the fact that these animals were of muslim faith. I know many people of the muslim faith and what they've been saying is that Australia should have the death penalty, or at the very least, castration, for people who commit such crimes. Vile acts aren't based on one's heritage. Every race and ethnic group have individuals who commit crimes against others, and when they do they should be punished. I agree with you that there needs to be in place a better system to ensure that the one who did the crime does the time. However there was sufficient evidence in this case to convict these cretins for the rape. While they did use condoms to rape these poor girls, they were stupid enough to leave them where the rapes occured and this was a crucial piece of evidence against them. Also the fact that at least 4 women were able to identify them states that the police did not get the wrong people in this case. And as the evidence and the testimonies of these women stated, they were forced to get into the cars, at times at gun point. I'm sure that after what they'd already been through they would have been scared for their lives and would have done what was asked, since not only were they outnumbered but they knew that if those men could rape them like they had, they could probably have killed them without hesitation. One thing I do agree with you though Aleks is the stupidly short sentence handed down to the man who'd raped and murdered that little girl. What is needed is a uniform change of the criminal code and sentencing rules to ensure that hideous crimes are punished accordingly.

But I do know what the police are like, especially when they are dealing with ethnic minority groups.

I've worked alongside NSW State and Federal police for twenty years and I'm curious as to what you mean by that sentence?

Just to clarify

I've been considering writing an article for a police journal, part of which would possibly outline public perception of police in general. To help me with this article I was going to ask members of Sciforums for their opinions (good or bad) so the above question to Aleks is not malicious in intent, and I would ask that he not take offence at being singled out.
Thanks again,
Alright, Bells. I might throw in some question that might infuriate some people, but it is an age old question that must be asked for the sake of tradition.

Do you think harsh sentences will really help to solve the problem? OK, so the gang goes like this. It seems to be a cycle.

#include "crime.h" //"<" signs will not show up in post
#include "crimefighting.h"
#include "stupidity.h"

int main()
double gang, gangmember, police;

LABEL_A: gangmember BreaksLaw;
gangmember GetsCaughtBy police;
gangmember GetsSentence;
gangmember GetsHarshPunishmentEveryoneThinksTheyDeserve;
gang GetsPissedByWhatTheyThinkIsOppressionByGovt;
gang GetsSeriouslyPissed
gang GetsEvenStupiderThoughts

return 0;

Get the point? Unless someone breaks the cycle, such as inserting the variable "Psychology" and inserting the line "Psychology ChangesMindSoThatTheyDontGetStupidThoughts gang" to break the GOTO loop.

I know that if anyone I knew got victimmized by these guys, my immediate respone, which I would not be able to resist, would be to castrate them immediately. But the cycle will go on, and crime will increase (c'mon you're not ALL stupid optimists who think they'll mend their ways after their time in the slammer?), unless the source of crime is eliminated. The source of crime would be the gangs, and the source of that would be the criminal impulse of the gangs. It might be smarter to cut the very bottom root, which is the criminal impulse. It's not as easy as just plain executing the line "gangmember GetsHarshPunishmentEveryoneThinksTheyDeserve". But it would help in the long run. Tell me what y'all think about this.
Unfortunately rehabilitation and getting all understanding and touchy-feely with criminals doesn't work.
Oh for the love of Cthulhu.....

Do you think harsh sentences will really help to solve the problem? OK, so the gang goes like this. It seems to be a cycle.

No, they won't. Just shoot the assholes.

Look, we're not talking about "sick" people. Rape is in no way a abnormal phenomena, or a rare impulse.

We're talking about weak people who cannot restrain the impulse.

Now would you all just agree with me already! :p