Rape a suitable punishment for miniskirts?



"Bus conductors in Swaziland have vowed to assault and rape female passengers who wear mini-skirts, sparking outrage among women's groups in the conservative African kingdom.

The threat followed this week's arrest of two conductors and a bus driver who were charged with indecently assaulting an 18-year-old high school pupil.
The pupil was attacked at a bus rank in Manzini, Swaziland's commercial centre, by a group of men who shouted at her for wearing a miniskirt, cut it off and then gangraped her, witnesses told local media.

About 1 000 women marched on the bus rank on Thursday to protest against the attack. They were met by bus crews carrying signs reading: "We'll get them with our brushes" - a reference to the reported use of a brush handle in the rape. A bus conductor calling himself only Licandza said: "Women who wear miniskirts want to be raped, and we will give them what they want." The bus drivers banned miniskirts on buses earlier in the year, saying they were distracting and encouraged lustful thoughts.

Although there have been incidents of women having their clothes ripped off at the bus rank, this was the first reported case of rape. "This is madness. This has no place in modern society," said Nomhlanhla Dlamini, director of a local NGO, the Swaziland Action Group Against Abuse. Dlamini said three women had since come forward to her group to report being raped at the bus rank earlier this year. "We are talking to the bus owners. We want them to make a code of conduct. We are urging the Road Transportation Board to revoke the operating licences of the involved buses," she said.

The kingdom does not have a state transport system and relies on privately owned minibus taxis to fill the gap. Police who were criticised by the pupil's grandmother for being slow to arrive on the scene, said they would be vigilant in case of a repeat of the incident.

"No one has a right to harass anyone because of what the person is wearing," Superintendent Vusie Masuku said. Swazi women generally wear modern Western clothing and have worn mini-skirts since the 1960s although the government at one stage considered banning them on moral grounds. Some tribal chiefs, however, do ban women wearing miniskirts in their areas.

The governor of the royal village Ludzidzini, the most powerful traditional figure in the kingdom, has stopped women from wearing trousers in the village and at the royal palaces. Speakers at the protest said the attack was symptomatic of a society that discriminated against women. "There is a connection between customs that say we cannot own property or be parties to legal contracts, and bus conductors who want to dominate us by telling us what to wear," said one speaker.

The government said it condemned the crime.

"What the young woman was subjected to could be tantamount to murder, as the health status of the perpetrators is not known," Prime Minister Themba Dlamini said. Swaziland is ruled by sub-Saharan Africa's last absolute monarch and has one of the highest rates of HIV and Aids in the world. - Reuters"

Is it just me, or does Africa seem like it's socially behind by about 400 years? It just seems like all the stories of genital mutilation, the superstitions, and the archaic tribal rituals are a bit outdated and contributing to the decline and ultimate demise of their civilization.

What do others think?
So wait, your upset that they are being indecent by wearing a mini-skirt... so you rip it off and rape them in public?

Sounds like an excuse to me.
The idea persists in the United States. As to Africa being behind the rest of the world, what do we expect? We've asked so passionately that Africa remain behind the rest of the world, and this is part of what we get in return.
Colonialism, slavery, Cold War, coddling of dictators ... when has the world treated Africa well, or even decently?
Miniskirts definately are distracting and definately are inconvenient. They're like a thousand times worse than bikinis even though you're seeing the same flesh.
I'm not trying to downplay the issue, but the power of miniskirts shouldn't be downplayed either.
I've become teary eyed at the sight of miniskirts in public, sex has never managed to make me that emotional.
As to Africa being behind the rest of the world, what do we expect? We've asked so passionately that Africa remain behind the rest of the world, and this is part of what we get in return.

whenhave we asked them to stay behind?

I really don't think 'asked' fully describes the process Tiassa was hinting towards here. Maybe suppression, marginalization etc. better describes the process that leads to this symptom of stalled societal progression.
Dr....maybe you should just stop going outside, and avoid the menacing power of the miniskirt.

Now... MICRO-minis........... :drool:
Then what's the excuse for the parts of Africa (the Bush in particular) that has not been marred by "the white man"? They are not socially advanced either, yet they have not be oppressed, or been slaves. Why does genital mutilation and heavy superstition exist for them. Why are they stuck in aboriginal times?
Those men raping that woman on the bus had nothing to do with them being 400 years behind the times. It had nothing to do with her skirt. It had nothing to do with her hair, her makeup, her smile, her perfume. I don't know much about their tribal rituals but I do know that predatory behavior is universal the world over and it really didn't matter what that woman wore because in the end those guys on the bus would have found some justification for raping her. The skirt had nothing to do with it. The men asserting power over that woman did. If she had worn something else they would have created a different justification for raping her. The greatest injustice we can do as a society is let rapist have their red herrings

she was drunk
she wanted it
she was dressed like a slut
she came on to me
she ____ fill in the blank

while ignoring the real issue of their predator behavior. Unfortunatly for woman on most of the African content the court and legal system doesn't seem to conserned about their welfare.
"Whatever you are, have, wear or think can and will be used against you wherever, whenever." -- This is the law that any human society abides by *in practice*.

Of course, this sounds brutal once spelled out, but it's nonetheless true.

"Modern civilization" made us think that there is something wrong with rape, murder, robbery etc. At the same time, this same "modern civilization" says yes to evolutionary thinking, yes to capitalism, yes to only the strong survive.

Please, if we are to abide by the rule of only the strong survive, then there is no grounds to condemn rape, murder etc. -- for rape, murder etc. are nothing else but only the strong survive put in practice.

If you wear a miniskirt: be prepared to face the consequences.
It doesn't matter if rape is regarded as a crime; it doesn't matter if the rapist(s) get caught and punished; what remains is that you were raped. End of story.

candy said:
There are no valid reasons to excuse a violent physical attack on another person.

Yes there is. It is called physical strength. Many times, people attack simply because they can. There needn't even be a motive.
It is foolish to think that because we live in a "civilized world" people are also "civilized" or that they strive to be "civilized". It is only words.
Kind of off topic, but it may be worth mentioning that horny men who seem to think someone's manner of dress gives them some sort of a license to assault another person will be much more upset at seeing any of several models of very small 9mm pistols which can be kept in a purse holster than they will be over seeing a miniskirt.
Regarding the intial post.

This is too fucking hard to believe......I don't even know what to say.
Arditezza said:

Then what's the excuse for the parts of Africa (the Bush in particular) that has not been marred by "the white man"?

Which parts?

The Bush? Because it's the freaking Bush!

You know what was even better than the "cities of gold" that weren't here on the American continent? The trees and the rivers full of fish and the plains full of game, and the fertile earth that all were here. All the gold in the world won't feed you without good soil or fish or game, won't house you without timber. Do you think we could have gotten the coal or the oil out of the ground without these things? Who the hell is going to build what factory in the Kalahari? And besides, there's a little bit of a difference between asking why the people who live in the Bush are behind the times and why the people living in the more industrious settlements are behind the times. They're separate questions.
"Women who wear miniskirts want to be raped, and we will give them what they want."
"What the young woman was subjected to could be tantamount to murder, as the health status of the perpetrators is not known," Prime Minister Themba Dlamini said. Swaziland is ruled by sub-Saharan Africa's last absolute monarch and has one of the highest rates of HIV and Aids in the world. - Reuters"
Judgment and suitable punishment aren't the issues here. It's a mentality. These societies didn't grow up with the Christian background that the West takes for granted today. Go to a bus stop or taxi rank anywhere in Swaziland, and you'll see men hanging out the windows, whistling and leering at women walking by. Not everyone, of course, but it's the norm. Few things are more disturbing than seeing a man shamelessly staring after a woman all the way down the street until she's out of sight.

In Botswana and Zambia it's even worse. Huge billboards that would normally display some Coca Cola or Toothpaste ad are now carrying this message:
The ABC of sex:
1. Abstinence
2. Be faithful
3. Condomize​
I kid you not.