Okay, rockers listen to the low end theory by a tribe called quest. An example of good rap.
Rappers need to stop dissing the masters. Shakespeare is one of the greatest poets ever, and just because you can't get into his ancient and "primitive" english (like ours is so much better) doesn't mean a thing. Sure, a rapper may write something that is more moving for this generation, but in 500 years, he will sound even worse then shakespeare. They both will be obselete, but shakespeare will be better because he is more thoughtful and wise. Most rappers love playing with words and stuff, but true poetry is hard to come by in rap, no denying it. Good lyrics, sure. Most rappers have weaker prose because of the structure of a rap song. So much rhyming, and so little else. Wheres the anecdotes, the killer lines, ect? Rappers, in my mind, have art but not beauty. I need my beauty at least once a day. THats why I listen to classical, jazz, and rock. That beautiful piano song, that saxophones rich and playful tone, that godly guitar solo. I just don't get that out of rap, something about it, I guess it is the monotony. I appreciate it as art, and I even listen to a bit when I just need something to move to. Same for trance music. Good for car driving. As for the dissing of rock, you need to pay more attention. Plenty of rock has rythem, actually. Many of the best drummers are rock drummers, not hip hop drummers. Guitar is a hard instrument, certainly harder then "computer". I appreciate the fact that art is on any medium, and you should too.
Enough with all the supremecy. Its all good.