After reading through these posts, people were very vague on their reasons to why rap is crap so I want to clear things up. Rap songs are repetitive ie have no melody hence no harmony either and are a repetive slur of the same minimal "bass lines" which are stretched out for the entire length of a whole song I can't believe anyone could dare compare Bach to this whoever said rap is more complex havn't a clue, should either pickup a an actual baroque CD (I reccomend Fugue in D minor by Bach as well as Paginini's 5th Caprice), learn even the most basic aspects of music with a stringed instrument to see how hard real melodies are or compare musical compositions (ie stave) with your so called superior music.
The MIDI aspect is very bad, so bad that you can produce your own hip hop style music on your playstation with games like mtv music generator with no difficulty at all and music software for pc isnt hard to get hold of if you're bothered.
The argument that all you need for a rock band is just guitarist and drums is overly simplified, there is a vast range of guitars available with different pickups creating different tones, as well as different amps, materials, effects pedals and so on. Not to mention there are 2 styles of guitarist, rythym and lead there is also the bassist. Also there is the task of mastering the instrument which could take many years to master, its not just at the flick of a switch like with synthesisers which doesn't even provide as much complexity and variation in tone and timbre. Anyone who plays guitar or any stringed instrument would know what I'm talking about. As for the potential argument that guitars can't give you as much variety as a synthesiser well MIDI guitars are available which are practically the ultimate instrument, you can't perform a harmonic, vibrato or tremelo with as much dexterity of a guitarist on a keyboard or computer for that matter.
As for all this bullshit assuming that rock is a product of white culture, well it was actually developed by bands such as Led Zeppelin, Cream, Hendrix, Rolling Stones etc who were inspired by blues artists such as Muddy Waters, Buddy Guy, all 3 Kings and so forth. The blues itself originated in the Mississippi Delta and was an African American music form.
Then some genius said Shakespeare is a a talentless dick or something to that effect, well its no surprise you don't understand the works of the man who has been considered the greatest English playwrights of all time (I think he's good but overated), I guess Fast and Furious is more suited to your taste. For those who have actually studied or read any of his work (assuming you've understood the old English which is explained in the appendix) anyone can see the intricate plots he weaves within his work as well as his command of the English language, I'd recommend of his work Henry IV part 1 and 2 as well as Henry V and Julius Caesar. One last thing to note at least Shakespeare could read/speak English and Latin fluently wheras most rappers sound like they just crossed the border. As for the twat who dissed shakey for being English well you can fuck off you ignorant shite, your not typing in American are you?
As for those saying rock all sounds the same or its not doing anything new are clearly wrong, rock is definately more varied than rap, you have ska, punk, grunge, goth, emo, nu metal, heavy metal, classical metal, classic rock and so on. However I do admit rock is in kind of a slump at the moment with all this excessive emo and nu metal choking the creativity and originality of the genre but its only a phase thats passing. Well as you're not a fan of rock you wouldn't know what pushes the genre, (btw I know you can reverse the argument but my family and friends are into rap so I know whats doing well), critics loved System of A Downs recent album Mezmerise as well as Q.O.T.S.A's Songs For The Death (Lullabies wasn't as inspiring) and Foo Fighters recent release In Your Honour was well recieved. Also another thing to note is that whilst rap is big now, no one is going to be listening to it in 20 years time wheras rock has a timeless quality, sure a lot of the crappy no brainer rock will be forgotten but songs like Smells Like Teen Spirit, Smoke On The Water, A Whole Lotta Love, Ride The Lightning and Voodoo Chile will live on forever.