

I'm always me
Valued Senior Member
God is the highest.

There is a rank of angels, and there is even a rank in hell.

There is a rank between animals, in which the borders is vanishing because of what is ranked, survival is the most common rank, but there could also be a rank in closeness to human, like apes are closest, or closeness to human intelligence, where dolphins are regarded (most commonly) the closest, at least if we judge through their brainsize and vocabulary.

The rank with humans, used to be the king in the first place, and in common understanding it is still so, even though you americans never had one...but I guess the king could be seen as the top leader (for you - the president), but the most important person for your country or for you individually could also be seen as the king, and it need not be the president (it could be Bill Gates that holds the potential if he just shared more of his money, he could give a couple of billions (he has many of those even) to some poor countries and really help them). However, let us not discuss Bill Gates please (just one thing more, isn't it curious that his first name is Bill? I find it somewhat curious, the Gates to the Bill, lol).

This rank is natural, as long as we like some things more than others there will be a rank to describe this likeness. Also as long as someone have a power over any other, there will be a rank to describe this power.

The question is, how do we determine what is to be ranked between us? Is there really anyone (human) amongst us that could be considered higher than another human? Even those with intelligence problems can be better emotionally instead, and vice versa, also the poor are more often put into situations where they gain life experiance, etc.
and you know this how.?(evidence please.)

all humans are equal.
however we are of the animal kingdom, superior only in intelligence, and in some case's thats debatable.
there is nothing stronger than a elephant, nothing taller than a giraffe, nothing faster than a cheetah, and nothing more intelligent than man, man has dominion there is nothing higher.
it's because of the lunacy of religion, that so many humans die.
you should be considering your fellow mans livlihood not that of a fantasy figure, screw you head on right.
RANK wtf wan*
Yes, some proof, please. What's that? Ohhh. You don't have any proof, you say? Well, I'm dumbfounded. "How can you having any pudding if you don't eat your meat?" pf
Hierarchy as a religious concept was started to reinforce the rule of bishops and kings over the people, as opposed to the other Christians who were more egalitarian. These Christians rotated the task of priest and prophet between themselves on a random basis.
Hierarchy started with the biggest, strongest guy in the cave. And it's been with us ever since...
geeser said:
and you know this how.?(evidence please.)

all humans are equal.
however we are of the animal kingdom, superior only in intelligence, and in some case's thats debatable.
there is nothing stronger than a elephant, nothing taller than a giraffe, nothing faster than a cheetah, and nothing more intelligent than man, man has dominion there is nothing higher.
it's because of the lunacy of religion, that so many humans die.
you should be considering your fellow mans livlihood not that of a fantasy figure, screw you head on right.
RANK wtf wan*
Well, it's pretty evident that there is a rank in society, whether you aknowledge it or not, you are still affected by it.

I assume here that God exist and is at the highest rank possible, of course, the debate here is of *rank* no matter what you believe in. You have the free will to skip that part about spirituality if it stings your eyes.

Also here is an answer to what you said about the animals:

There is a rank between animals, in which the borders is vanishing because of what is ranked

You can also find it in the original post...
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Cottontop3000 said:
Yes, some proof, please. What's that? Ohhh. You don't have any proof, you say? Well, I'm dumbfounded. "How can you having any pudding if you don't eat your meat?" pf
As I said to geeser, rank is pretty self-evident. What do you need proof for? That the president is ranked above you? This is how it works. If you don't believe in God or not that is your issue, I believe in God therefor God is at the highest rank for me. This is not a question of whether God exist or not, this is a question of the ranking system that we have in society, that a poor man may have better ability to rule than a rich, and that the system of rank is out of order here on earth.

Should we really question power? Does it matter whom it is given to? People will allways have different oppinions on who is more worthy.

You asked me; "how can you have any pudding if you don't eat your meat?", well, how can you ask me that if you don't know me? I have eaten my meat, and I deserve whatever pudding I make for myself.
spidergoat said:
Hierarchy as a religious concept was started to reinforce the rule of bishops and kings over the people, as opposed to the other Christians who were more egalitarian. These Christians rotated the task of priest and prophet between themselves on a random basis.
Do you think that hierarchy is a purely religious concept? You don't think it is needed with or without religion?

Communities have allways had a leader. There are people that seem to be born leaders and have a better ability to lead people, whether it is a leader for a country or a leader of a small gang, there has allways been hierarchy when there has been a group.

When I was a child, we agreed that all should be a kind of leader, and all should decide now and then what to do, and if we didn't come to a agreement we decided one thing to do, it didn't matter from which person the idea came.

However there is allways some kind of leadership, someone that is more decisive in a group.