random thoughs are not really our intentions or are they?

Captain Planet

Registered Member
I don't know that I know what is known to be truthfully unknown to the generally igorant knowledge seeking known to be curious group of people...why do I know I am talking crap here? If it's just a random thought, then I didn't really generate it, did I ? It was my mind generating it for , wasnt' it? I think we don't cotrol what we think - we just 'hear' the thoughts and say 'I' thought this or that...
(man, shouldn't have had all that dope, hahah :eek: )
Bestiality should be legalized.

Men shouldn't beat their wives.
"dont believe in forced entry,dont believe in rape, but everytime she passes by, wild thoughts escape" - U2
If what you're saying is true Capt. Planet (hey, cool show :D ), then our brain is actually an organ living inside our skull in a symbiotic relationship? I think not. :) We are our minds. I'm guessing random thoughts are not really random at all, they're triggered by some previous stimulus and our subconscious processes it and spews it out at some other time.

(man, shouldn't have had all that dope, hahah :eek: )
Yeah, cut down on the good stuff, I had a hard time reading your first sentence. :D "I don't know that I know what is known to be truthfully unknown to the generally ignorant..." heh heh :D