Random Speculation


Registered Senior Member
Greetings :D

To resonate with reality is a discovery of creativity. Of course, science is based on pattern recognition with respect to the 3D experiential reality. To break the sacred mold takes alot of courage. Using deductive reasoning to find out what a thing is not, is to discover why an incorrect answer is incorrect within the given parameters of the observational status quo. Nonsense for the sake of nonsense could lead to some creative ideas, and sometimes not.

To discover that we are part of something much larger is of itself a realization that stages of growth become the binding limitations we gladly accept. Paradoxically the limits also grant heretofore undiscovered freedom.

It does seem extremely difficult to conceptualize the concept, or more correctly - the non-concept, of nothingness. Nothingness non-exists...

If it is possible for something to become nothing then it should be possible for nothing to become something.

Of course, it is not possible to conceive of how something can become nothing, consequently, it is also not possible to conceive of how nothing can become something.

Perception entails conception and that which is not perceived cannot exist and therefore is nothing - conceptually. Thus, the fundamental substrate of perceptual reality, gives rise to perception and is inclusive of all perceptions as it is not perceived as the whole of perception that it ultimately is by those individualistic identities, yet, perceives the individualistic instantiations within the whole as the optimizative infrastructure of the manifest inevitability of reality.

Total nothingness would be an infinitely symmetrical entity but it is not possible to associate an idea with total nothingness, which would be a type of absurd attempt to affix a "definition" to nothingness.

What is space?

Metrics exist on space as a form of abstraction and coordination.

I am thinking that distance between objects is not a static entity but that space and distance relationship itself is a form of motion as a perception of separation.

A recursive dynamic could explain the perception of separation. Zeno's paradox says that there does not need to be a first, or last, moment in time while still allowing the total area of space-time to remain finite...

Temporal stratification is enabled via a fractal nesting of the relative status quo. Storage of the status quo on the boundary of space means that the universe remembers the input and determines future actions with respect to past and future evolutionary parameters of the cognitive awareness manifested in said manifolds.

Awareness of awareness is a dynamic with its own invariance across all categorical domains.

How sharp is Occam's razor? I hope it is not so dull as to cause some major razor burns.

The rules dictate the perception of the form and the form is dependent on the function which is required by the purpose. The purpose is determined by the evolving parameters of definition and description. Consensus determines the definitive parameters of description required by 3D - nD science for the purpose of observation. To observe and report the status quo while expanding our knowledge in the universe of perception. Perception becomes an act of creation. Creation becomes more complete yet still incomplete. Time is infinite in the number of tasks fulfilled within a finite dimensional span?

One could say that perhaps there is an upper limit to intelligence, similarly to limits on physical strength? Do we assume that the parameters on intelligence are maximized to some finite value? So the question boils down to one of "can the essence of an uncountable infinity be captured by a finite string of symbols?" The vagaries of perception imply that there is some corresponding domain that cannot be expressed by a finite formal language. Well then, we are talking about an uncountably infinite number of symbolic representations FOR that domain.

The shifting sands of context relevancy determine linguistic uncertainty, where the necessarily quantifiable parameters cannot be cordoned off by feeble human intellects grasping at the straws of fate.

"Cracks" are a metaphor for the resonant bridges between parallel realities, whereby a person can exchange places with their identical twin in a neighboring universe, one that is approximately 99.999... percent identical with THIS universe Slight memory discrepancies would be one way to verify the exchange took place.

Due to a time displacement in the exchange process, a couple of seconds of "missing time" could be perceived. Quantum shifting of non-local resonances precipitates the jump into a nearby universe.

Hello MacGyver1968 :D

Indeed, free will appears to be a form of determinism existing within the boundaries of a meta-deterministic system.

You could say that the perception of the third dimension is most likely a diffraction effect and as such we are actually unsuspecting holograms, quietly tucked away in some infinite dimensional being's wallet on a credit card hologram.

Trapped in this matrix-like prison of finite perception until our universe gets swiped through Star Trek's Q-being's ATM machine and we become a currency, to be used for some infinite dimensional reason - completely incomprehensible to finite beings such as ourselves. We are frozen and immobile to the infinite dimensional masters of our existence. How can we break free of this prison and challenge them?

These so called matrix masters, running exhaustive reality trials on their superverse reality simulator would posses godlike powers, at least to the simulations they are running. We would be completely at their mercy.

Freedom from the "matrix" is an impossible dream.

If we are living in a simulated reality then does there exist a non-pixelated - ultimate "non-simulated" reality? If there is no absolute reference frame then it is simulations all the way up. There should be a physical principle that incorporates quantum fluctuations at sub-microscopic scales and the apparent smooth space-time curvature at macroscopic scales. Time and the entropic arrow of time might be the statistical rates of quantum fluxing of particle pairs that appear and disappear, thereby generating 3 dimensional space as a neutral electromagnetic field, providing the medium for electromagnetic waves and something that warps and curves the space-field and dilates time in the presence of high matter-energy densities. Amplitude of an electromagnetic wave^2 is proportional to the number of photons and could be a clue to the anomalous electrogravitic effects reported by some people and the associated corona discharge halo reported in many UFO sightings.

What is Truth?

Truth seems to be an atomic word, or element of language, much the same way that the word *real* can only be defined in terms of itself, e.g. "reality is real" and also "truth is true".

Truth exists with respect to context. Context depends on elaboration and specification. If a truth is true for all possible contexts, it is a universal truth. It is invariant across all possible worlds. Possible truths are truths that exist in some possible context. Possible truths are elements that are fed into a truth machine [function] with an infinite number of outputs, each output is a possible world [universe].

Theoretically speaking, reality is a function; function is form and form is identity. Identity is form, more concisely, identity is the Platonic form that is reflective of the universal archetype. Change occurs relative to stasis; change cannot exist without stasis. Invariance under change is a constant ratio. Separation is the dynamic of change as the ratio remains invariant. Two co-moving objects are still undergoing change with respect to a constant ratio.

Extrapolation of the more inclusive truths from our limited dimensional window of reality, only gives us tantalizing clues as to the true nature of the linguistic structure of the perceptual status quo.

Atoms of perception become the building blocks of true statements, exemplifying the form fitting sequesterization of the individual thought-worlds. It is as if a giant box containing an infinite number of keys is eternally shaken, where the bottom of the box also has an infinite number of keyholes; eventually the right keys, the atomic truth elements, will find their way to the correct keyholes, and onward, to their respective form of reality.

One giant monkey shakes an infinitely large box or an infinite number of monkeys type out Shakespeare's works. Or alternatively, an omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent being, sets everything in motion. Atemporal existence is a difficult concept to think about and it seems that the "beginning of time" is a major conceptual stumbling block for many of us armchair metaphysicists. Time is a limitation, a constraint, forming perceptual boundaries, making it difficult to see sideways - in time. A master key would allow one to traverse time in the sideways direction, visiting alternate realities without being vaporized due to our alien-universe dna.

Truth can be defined into existence and logical consequences follow from those abstract axioms of thought.

In what sense does thought represent physical reality? A defined proposition of thought can represent certain properties of material objects until the resolution boundaries of observation are reached, then, the proposition becomes an abstract approximation, no longer is it a 100% correspondence.
Which is the superior platform for intelligence?

...silicon or meat[human brains]?

I suspect that DNA engineered carbon based computing could eventually surpass silicon based computing as the best platform for intellect in the near future.

The problem of identity, self and continuity of self might be solved with the transfer of consciousness while both the new carbon based trans-human and the old dying human are fully conscious simultaneously so that the continuity of selfhood can be maintained while the old consciousness is turned off and the transition would be complete

Some singularity institute scientists still claim that silicon would be superior ...I don't know

Meat brains have been evolving for billions of years, so how can we assume that a superior form of computation can be artificially created if we cannot even build a viable working quantum computer?

With a few clues that meaty brains also perform quantum computing, we should endeavor to copy nature's design - regarding quantum computing - and become the trans-human pioneers of the 21st century

Waking consciousness would necessarily need to be transferred using quantum entanglement, using a type of synthetic Vulcan mind melding.

The amazing properties of graphine might soon lead to increased viability of quantum computers.

Does the mind or "soul" emerge from the computational processes of the material brain, or, can mind exist independently of matter - not bound by matter and energy?

Can the essence of a mind be fully captured by a pattern or blueprint, or is there a mysterious noumenon aspect to the mind that cannot be explained with a finite number of symbols?
So close to 20 posts and now I fall back into the gravitational well of newbiedom

One could postulate the existence of a formless protoconsciousness which permeates the universe. A thought in this substance produces the thing that is imaged by the thought. A person can form things in his thought, and, by impressing his thought upon this substance, can cause the thing he thinks about to be created. Strictly speaking in terms of speculative sci-fi, of course.
Khan . . . I like your ideas and style . . . but they may be a little too 'off-mainstream' for the 'talking heads' here to fathom . . . .
Khan . . . I like your ideas and style . . . but they may be a little too 'off-mainstream' for the 'talking heads' here to fathom . . . .

Hello wlminex. These ideas are speculations on my part, yes. I am still trying to discover a physical principle that incorporates quantum fluctuations at sub-microscopic scales and the apparent smooth space-time curvature at macroscopic scales. Time and the entropic arrow of time might be the statistical rates of quantum fluxing of particle pairs that appear and disappear, thereby generating 3 dimensional space as a neutral electromagnetic field, providing the medium for electromagnetic waves and something that warps and curves the space-field and dilates time in the presence of high matter-energy densities. Amplitude of an electromagnetic wave^2 is proportional to the number of photons and could be a clue to possibly explaining a connection with virtual photons and gravity ...or maybe not.
When it comes to creating something from nothing in mathematical terms...

a convex wave, and a concave wave combined create a flat wave. Therefore a flat wave can be a combination of a convex wave, and a concave wave. If our senses were to ponder on a flat wave we would be unable to function. Imagine light as a flat wave, we see nothing. A flat wave can be thought of as nothing, yet it can be made from two opposing forces. If nothing can be made from two things, then two things can be created from nothing.
When it comes to creating something from nothing in mathematical terms...

a convex wave, and a concave wave combined create a flat wave. Therefore a flat wave can be a combination of a convex wave, and a concave wave. If our senses were to ponder on a flat wave we would be unable to function. Imagine light as a flat wave, we see nothing. A flat wave can be thought of as nothing, yet it can be made from two opposing forces. If nothing can be made from two things, then two things can be created from nothing.

Pincho . . . I see your point . . . . kind of like when interferring identical waves (say, in a wave tank demo) are 180 degrees out-of-phase . . . . crests cancel exactly troughs . . . and you get a net zero displacement even though the individual waves may have considerable 'independent' energies (displacements). Similar phenomenon seen in slit experiments with light . . . . . constructive (additive) . . . and destructive (subtractive) interference patterens are the result.
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When it comes to creating something from nothing in mathematical terms...

a convex wave, and a concave wave combined create a flat wave. Therefore a flat wave can be a combination of a convex wave, and a concave wave. If our senses were to ponder on a flat wave we would be unable to function. Imagine light as a flat wave, we see nothing. A flat wave can be thought of as nothing, yet it can be made from two opposing forces. If nothing can be made from two things, then two things can be created from nothing.

Time and anti-time annihilate to create successive nows, in khan's pseudo-scientific TOE


The above idea is also used in some episodes of Star Trek :D

A condition of nothingness can be equated to perfect symmetry. I propose that the universe arose randomly through spontaneous symmetry breaking. A pre-bang condition would place the universe in a highly symmetric and unstable state. Space-time, the fundamental forces of nature, and mass-energy were unified into what could be called "The Ultimatum" , an ultimate proto-state of reality.


Then as symmetry is broken the universe rapidly expands in an inflationary condition. We are currently in the accelerated expansion phase.
After all of the potential reality is converted to kinetic reality, equilibrium is reached and the entropic arrow of time ends.

The universe becomes unstable after the end of entropic time and quantum jumps into its potential form.

Since entropic time ended there is no meaning to space or time during the non-kinetic phases of the universe.

A different kinetic universe could occur if symmetry breaks but it cannot be thought of as a sequence of universes. A better description might be simultaneous universes all existing in their own space-times.

Share your pre-bang ideas here, yes