Ramblings: The Illusion of Time


Publicity Whore
Registered Senior Member
Motion is seen by remembering where an object was in the past and comparing it to where it is in the present.

If you had no ability to remember you would die the instant you were born. There would be no movement. Your life would not flash before your eyes. You would be born, die and not remember a moment of it and yet have lived all of it.

Why is it that we all exist and yet for some time flies and for others it drags?

Is the passage of time related to how much we force ourselves to pay attention and remember?

Is then time not real since it's inconsistant? One minute seems like an eternity and the next like it didn't happen.

I think it's a fuzzy logic thing.

Like how come the journey home seems quicker than the journey there, when you follow the same route.
The more you concentrate on time the longer it takes to pass. Life's like being in jail or a nursing home.
It's best to keep yourself occupied while your here. :D
Time is a dimensional attribute.
Does this mean that whithout humans to perceive them, x,y,z would not exist?
The passage of arbitrary segments of time can differ from day to day, hour to hour. Why then does a metre never seem shorter or longer than before?
A metre seems the same because we have something to compare it to all the time.. your arm, your stryde length or whatever..

just a thought..
Very interesting thoughts.

The greatest mystery of time is its relativity - how a hour you spend at watching an interesting movie or reading an interesting book passes quickly, and an hour which you spend at a boring school-lesson feels like a much longer period - even as the amount of time that has passed is exactly the same... Strange, very strange.