Rael and his "clones"

"I'm Sparticus!"

(Alright I'm sure that was quoted in another thread.)

I quote that because you could of simplified it to that.

Analysing the whole "Alien/Clone" thing thats going on. It's understandible that if Aliens managed to get to our earth, then they would probably be on a quest for knowledge in different fields.

The reality of Rael/Raelians though, I'm beyond skeptical. I remember a story on a cultist sect that used holographic projection in the south of France. It wouldn't suprise me if Rael and his group aren't any more than pawns on a chess board.
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If there were alien beings visiting earth or even created us; would we not be more technological advanced? Or are they just sparingly giving us what we need. I don’t think so; I think it is just like every other con artist but with a better scheme. They can have members pay for entry into their grand cult and people will buy their books
A quote I will someday have as my forum signature:

Major Shake, Raelian clone:
"DNA? Ha! they just gave me a picture of the guy and shove me in a oven that they called "the pod" and told "work with it" and left me in there for a couple of days... stupid?, you think? jee could you tell from the hairy bosoms that are growing out of my back!"
It's quite possible for them to clone a human, I just don't think they did because they would never have been lucky enough to have 100% success rate.

no one said it was impossible...but, i still think they are liars. that quality..or..er, lack of quality usually goes hand-in-hand with cult's MO's.
Go with your gut ... shame on us for having watch their silliness on the tube AND for finding our way to the end of a Raelian thread ...
shame on us for having watch their silliness

i didn't watch it...no shame on me. Newsweek put a couple articles in their magazine...(which i am not sure even belonged there..but...hey...) on the subject ,...and, me being the avid reader i am...well...i read it.:eek: :p :D
I think he will be remembered as the father of all bullshit. The great deciever.