Racism questions


§Þ@ç€ MØnk€¥
Registered Senior Member
I'm watching a TV show right now about racism in England. The presenter has interviewed a few people from housing projects and asked them about various races and such (his use of "races", not mine, so don't go complaining about my use of the word "race). Quite a few of these people are of the opinion that "them foreigners are taking over good old white England". Of course, the makers of such a TV show would not present the views of all the people they encountered; they would only present the views of the more radicval types, in order to make a show.

So, I have a few questions.

1) Do you see any differences between people from Africa, Europe, Australia, Asia? Differences between those from Yugoslavia and those from England? Those from Japan and those from China? If so, do you attribute this to some biological factor(s) or to cultural differences?

2) Are you proud of your ancestry? If so, does this mean you see your own ancestry as better than that of other people?

3) If you answered yes to question one or two, would you marry and have children with someone whose ancestry is based in another part of the world? Would you allow your children to do so?

4) Do you like food from other nations/cultures? What about the music, and other things?

As for myself, I answer yes to all of them.

1) We are obviously different. A simple glance can generally tell me that I look different to someone from Mongolia. I don't see why some people refuse to admit that a physical difference is a difference.

2) Absolutely. My ancestry rocks. It is better than the ancestry of other people because it produced me. But that is looking at me as an individual. I do not consider Engilsh ancestry in general to be superior to Mongolian for example. Why? I've met English people. :p

3) Every nation/race/culture on Earth produces groovy chicks. Racist people miss out on the grooviness of lots of women by discounting all the funky women of the groups they don't like. It may seem a shallow response, but it applies all across the board. There are groovy people from everywhere. Hell, my evil ex-girlfriend was from the other side of the planet (well, she was born here, but went back there).

4) I love groovy food. As long as it doesn't involve organs and squishy mystery meats. Silly Frenchies.

I a mix British heritige, mainly irish but i class my self as Australian (think my family came out at least 6 generations ago).

Im proud to be not just Australian but Melburian (can never spell that, well you will know what i mean adam)

Yes i would date and the heritige dosen't matter (although i must admit that i just don't find asian women atractive, don't know why because i don't have a problem with them as friends or anything)

er what were your other questions

HELL YES i like other cultures (we eat EVERYTHING, as long as it tastes good and i will try almost anything once)

Adam you MUST try lambs fry (liver and bacon in grave, its YUMMY)
I have no idea of my hertiage other than American. Never seemed to be important. You are who you are and getting your nose in the air will not change things for better of worse. (Other than to make breathing harder in the rain)

Do you see any differences between people from Africa, Europe, Australia, Asia? Differences between those from Yugoslavia and those from England? Those from Japan and those from China? If so, do you attribute this to some biological factor(s) or to cultural differences?

Of course there are differences. Differences in color, size, general build, and characteristics. A portion of noticable differences comes from culture. I.e. "the curitosity" of asian peoples in general. I haven't known anyone from Yugoslavia or even an area near there. When I think of it I have known very few peoples of other cultures.

Are you proud of your ancestry? If so, does this mean you see your own ancestry as better than that of other people?

No, I do not see myself as better than say, a Frenchman. Honestly I don't know any. Maybe it would be more revelant if I did.

If you answered yes to question one or two, would you marry and have children with someone whose ancestry is based in another part of the world? Would you allow your children to do so?

Now this one creates more of a problem for me. There are those races I would not consider. Sound odd after the above? That is the way it is. If my child were truely happy with it then I would not stand in the way and would hold my reservations to myself on it. But I would not stand in the way of the happiness of my child.

Do you like food from other nations/cultures? What about the music, and other things?

Foods? Yes, people from all over the world have found things that taste good. Some I would try some I would not. Personal preferences rule here. Music I am more critical about and a good bit more narrow minded on. I like what I like.
1) Do you see any differences between people from Africa, Europe, Australia, Asia? Differences between those from Yugoslavia and those from England? Those from Japan and those from China? If so, do you attribute this to some biological factor(s) or to cultural differences?

Yes, there cultural differences, I dont know about biological. And yes were all unique and different but deep down were all just human beings.

2) Are you proud of your ancestry? If so, does this mean you see your own ancestry as better than that of other people?

Well of course Im proud of who I am, Im a mixture of all sorts of races so I wouldnt be able to say that one is better than the other.

3) If you answered yes to question one or two, would you marry and have children with someone whose ancestry is based in another part of the world? Would you allow your children to do so?

I married a Hawaiian and I wouldnt give a rats ass what color my daughters husband is. Although I admit there are some races that I probably wouldnt go out with. Its not a racism issue, its a preference issue. For instance I have never dated a white guy, I have nothing against white guys, I have found lots of nice looking ones, yet I tend to be more attracted to those with a darker skin tone.

4) Do you like food from other nations/cultures? What about the music, and other things?

I like CERTAIN foods. I dont eat seafood or oriental food or middle eastern foods and I dont necessarily like their music. I do like the uniqueness of those cultures, I like certain things like Feng Shui and Yoga and the clothing from those nations but I just dont have the taste for the foods. Yet again, this is not a racist issue its a preference. Because Im American and theres some American foods that I wouldnt touch.

Take care
Oh jeez I'm going to get into trouble, I just know it.
Let me say that its the diversity that I love. My culture is not any better or worse than that of any other. Other cultures foods? Love em'. Other cultures customs? Respect them. BUT, BUT! its the diversity that I love. Weather you are white, arab, Indian, native american, black, latino, slavic, mauory, scandinavian, -(thats whiter than white)or asian, (did I miss any?) we are all Gods children and you are my brothers, (or sisters) But keep the diversity alive. I would not marry outside my race. I can't stand people who on the one hand preach diversity is good, but at the same time seek to mongrolize the human race in to a bland homogenius mass. If you lose any race the world has lost some magic.
But then we get interesting mixed races.
Anyway, it's your choice not to marry outside your race. But are you honestly saying no one should? If so, you're missing out on a lot.
Yes there are a lot of people in this country that are against the coloured race, i am NOT one of them, i have coloured friends, i am British not that i am very proud of that, people give me all kinds of funny looks when i am talking to one of my coloured friends, but i guess that they are just ignorent, thats there fault, i was brought up a catholic, but i study the japanese and chinese cultures, i understand it better, people talk about the coloured people taking over britain, what about the white trash that is ruining Africa.
Ha ha ha! Good one, Adamski.


As for interracial marriage/boinking*, I don't care either way. Does it affect anyone? No.

I suppose that, genetically, interracial children have it a bit better - wider gene pool and all.

*'Boinking' is a much more fun word than 'sex'.
Prophylactic. It shouldn't be a groovy-sounding word, but it is. *shrug*