Racism Experiment.


You just got served.
Registered Senior Member
Note : This is highly un-ethical

Inspiration : "i refuse to accept the view that mankind is so tragically bound to the starless midnight of racism and war that the bright daybreak of peace and brotherhood can never become a reality."

Experiment : Take 50 racist people, mixed gender, 25 whie, 25 black, no volunteers. We kidnap them out of their beds.

We take these fifty racists and drop them on some incredably hostile island, and come back in 20 years.

Who has survived, what has transpired?

Post your ideas, I'll post mine tonight.
Initially, they break up into two groups: black and white, 25 each. Survival chances depends on what kind of individuals you picked. Cooperation will only occur if neccessitated-- which you do not imply.
It's like a giant, bad, episode of survivor.

Well if they are racist as you say then it's obvious the 25 black will form a group and 25 white will form their own minus 2-3 if members of each race weren't killed by the other before the unification of the racial groups.

It's very likely the two groups might work together after 7 years or so have passed but it also very likely the hate has been further seeped after such time.

I can say that many of them would have died.
racism is basically ignorance on true human values. after deaths and hostilities both group would realise this and some sort of working cooperation would emerge if not complete brotherhood. after all we have to be positive about them.
I think that, assuming the two groups were of approximately equal strength, they would all kill each other until one person of each race remained, at which point the need for companionship would overcome racism.

I don't think that racism is inherent, but I believe it is self perpetuating. People more often then not acquire racist views from meeting racists of other races, and thereby associating those other races with racism (i.e. many whites are prejudiced against blacks because they perceive that blacks don't like whites, and a similar number of blacks are prejudiced against whites because they perceive that whites don't like blacks). If this is correct, then racism will continue to exist as long as it already exists. (did that make sense? I'm too tired to think right now:) )
Originally posted by coolsoldier
I don't think that racism is inherent, but I believe it is self perpetuating.

I agree with this statement.

I think what would happen would all depend upon the individuals that were picked.
Racist does not imjply violent.
Just because the people were racist, that doesn't necessarily mean they are prone to violence and will kill each other.
It also depends on WHY they are racist and if the situation would either cause their racism to be perpatuated, or the situation would diminish that. If a person is a racist because they think that blacks are violent, for example, and there happened to be a few (or even one loud) violent black person on the isalnd, their racism will likely be strengthened.

There is NO WAY to predict the outcome with all the vast variables inherent in 50 individuals.
There is NO WAY to predict the outcome with all the vast variables inherent in 50 individuals.

So? It's something potentially interesting to think about
Are there women? I would expect there would be several rapes if the other group manages to get them away from their own group. Potential mixed-race offspring would add another factor into play.
Originally posted by Fafnir665
Experiment : Take 50 racist people, mixed gender, 25 whie, 25 black, no volunteers. We kidnap them out of their beds.
Why is everyone expecting murder, violenec, rape...

Is that what you would do?
Do you think that is what the average person would do?

I think this might make a pretty good reality TV show (if you could get past that whole kidnapping legal thing).
I think that initially war would erupt. If one side didn't decicively win immediately (which is likely with such low populations, killing 25 people isn't as hard as it sounds), eventually both populations would dwindle to non-sustainable levels on both sides (for instance food and water production is probably going to require at least 4 people each no matter how many people live on the island). At that time, both groups are going to take a good hard look at which is more important to them. I'd think the most militant of the racist people would be dead by then, so you're likely looking at moderates, and I wouldn't be suprised to find out that they've fully integrated within the next couple years. By the time populations get back up to initial levels, racism will probably have been completely eliminated.
I like this one!

This thread is funny, and I'll offer my 2 cents.

In time they will overcome their racial differences. But I think it will take longer than 20yrs. You see, racism is something we learn rather than a biological entity. One thing that will assist in this amalgamation of peoples is interracial relations and the outcome of those; racially diverse children.

Or, they will organize, split, build walls, tear down walls, fight, suppress, organize, split, build walls, tear down walls, fight, suppress........ you get the point.

So, the choice is theirs; or is it OURS?? :)
Yeah.. I would guess that the people who were less racist would band together against the both the black racists and the white racists. In turn, the black and white racists would temporarily band together against the betrayers of their 'group.'

Naturally, some of the racists from the new pact would oppose this, because of the belief that killing anyone of your own race is wrong. So they would start an insurrection.

Murder would ensue until the most violent racists are dead, and after that, everyone else would learn how to not kill eachother.

Of course there would always be the random killing, and that could spark the entire scenario to happen again.

Eventually, if the groups didn't die out, they would interbreed.