Racism Experiment and Mob Psychology



Mystech Said:
Yeah yeah, same video they show in every Psychology 101 or subsequent social psychology class in any university anywhere, teacher takes her 3rd grade students and teaches them to discriminate against each other based on the color of their eyes. Good for another thread probably if anyone wants to start it.

What disturbed me about these videos is how easily the children are tricked into being programmed by adults.

1.) They are taught racism by their parents and they believe it.
2.) The teacher convinces them that blue eyed children are better and they believe it.
3.) The teacher convinces them that brown eyed children are better and they believe it (right after being told the opposite).
4.) They are taught that both blue eyes and brown eyes are equal, and that all races are equal and they believe it.

So this whole experiments shows how programmed people are, especially children who are just developing and trust anyone that sounds good.

This has been tried on adults and teens and the resutls are the same. For example: A class of white and asian students are put into a classroom and told they are doing a test. The results come in and the scores are nothing amazing.

The new test is done to the same group, but this time it asks what race the student is on the form. Surprisingly, the Asians scored 30% higher than the white students. When asked why, they said it was because being asian meant they were smarter.

Other tests were done, such as golf game. When the coaches said the game was a test of skill, the blacks scored much higher than the whites. But when the coaches said the game was a test of strategy the whites scored higher. Thus stereotypes are self-fullfilled by those stupid enough to believe them.

Stereotyping is not the only problem. Religion, politics, and morality is all dictated by mass programming.

The question comes up: How weak-minded are everyday citizens? Are they that stupid to beleive everything the majority or authority tells them?
Thank god somone else has noticed this. You know just the other day i heard that the government had lowered the chocolate ration to 10 grams per week, and everyone was sad. Then the next day the news reported that the government had increased the chocolate ration to 10 grams per week and everyone was happy! people will beleive anything an authority figure tells them.

... wait that wasnt me it was Winston Smith...
Spymoose has commited a thoughtcrime. There is no chocolate ration. Rations does not exist. Winston Smith does not exist. Everyone is happy. You love Big Brother. Slavery Is Freedom.
Originally posted by and2000x

The question comes up: How weak-minded are everyday citizens? Are they that stupid to beleive everything the majority or authority tells them?

Well they bought into the whole war on Iraq thing pretty well. An adult mind has the ability to think on it's own (unlike a juvenile brain, which is still developing and pretty much just believes whatever you tell it) but unfortunately a lot of adults never end up going very far beyond juvenile ways of thinking. Get yourself educated, learn about logic and how to think, and you'll be quite a bit better off when it comes to evaluating the value and validity of ideas. Unfortunately most people are just flat out stupid, and the appeal of listening to authority is practically hypnotic to most people, and they'll try hard to make concessions in order to believe in whatever is said by someone whom they believe is supposed to be in a better position to know certain things than they are.

So, yes the vast majority of people are just sheep who need a Shepard to heard them around and tell them what to think because they’ve never really learned how to do it on their own. We get very accustomed to the parent/child relationship that we experience as kids, and some just never break away from it, we always need a father who knows best.