Racial Survivor


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Survivor Cook Islands
Survivor Cook Islands' four tribes are separated by race

As rumored, the 20 cast members on Survivor Cook Islands are divided into tribes by their race. The tribes consist of white people, African-Americans, Asian-Americans, and Hispanic people, and were divided that way because of past criticism that the show was too white, according to host Jeff Probst.

Probst appeared on The Early Show and said, “The idea for this actually came from the criticism that Survivor was not ethnically diverse enough, because for whatever reason, we always have a low number of minority applicants apply to the show. So we set out and said, let’s turn this criticism into creative for the show. And I think it fits in perfectly with what Survivor does, which is, it is a social experiment, and this is adding another layer to that experiment which is taking the show to a completely different level.”

Later, he said, “Our original idea was simply to have the most ethnically diverse group of people on TV. It wasn’t until we got to casting and started noticing this theme of ethnic pride that you’re alluding to that we started thinking, wow, if culture is still playing such a big part in these people’s lives, that’s our idea. Let’s divide them based on ethnicity. So, yes, I think it’s very natural to assume that certain groups are going to have audience members rooting for them simply because they share ethnicity.”

Why would I root for a particular racial group? What a silly idea. I'll decide who I like depending on their personality, moral values, sense of fair play, skill at the game, and so on, not by the colour of their skin.
James R said:
Why would I root for a particular racial group? What a silly idea. I'll decide who I like depending on their personality, moral values, sense of fair play, skill at the game, and so on, not by the colour of their skin.
When the game ends "their personality, moral values, sense of fair play, skill at the game, and so on" could all be exactly the same.

But their race will always be different.
Unlike yourself and most liberal whites, the majority of people have ethnic pride in themselves and their race.

Just try to convince blacks and hispanics that they are no different then you.

And the proof of that will be when this "racial" Survivor show haves the highest ratings in Survivor show history.
Unlike yourself and most liberal whites, the majority of people have ethnic pride in themselves and their race.

No. Most people aren't racist, much as you might wish they were.
D'ster]Survivor Cook Islands
Survivor Cook Islands' four tribes are separated by race

As rumored, the 20 cast members on Survivor Cook Islands are divided into tribes by their race. The tribes consist of white people, African-Americans, Asian-Americans, and Hispanic people, and were divided that way because of past criticism that the show was too white, according to host Jeff Probst.

Probst appeared on The Early Show and said, “The idea for this actually came from the criticism that Survivor was not ethnically diverse enough, because for whatever reason, we always have a low number of minority applicants apply to the show. So we set out and said, let’s turn this criticism into creative for the show. And I think it fits in perfectly with what Survivor does, which is, it is a social experiment, and this is adding another layer to that experiment which is taking the show to a completely different level.”

Later, he said, “Our original idea was simply to have the most ethnically diverse group of people on TV. It wasn’t until we got to casting and started noticing this theme of ethnic pride that you’re alluding to that we started thinking, wow, if culture is still playing such a big part in these people’s lives, that’s our idea. Let’s divide them based on ethnicity. So, yes, I think it’s very natural to assume that certain groups are going to have audience members rooting for them simply because they share ethnicity.”

For the last time, there is no such thing as RACE. Do some research on the human genome, if you've heard of the genome project it's been sequenced, it's FACT. You cannot change it. Your religion is out-dated.


The complete human genome sequence announced in June 2000 is a "representative" genome sequence based on the DNA of just a few individuals. The scientific paper was published in the February 16, 2001 issue of Science. Over the longer term, scientists will study DNA from many different people to identify where and what variations between individual genomes exist. Sequencing a genome is such a Herculean task that capturing its person-to-person variability on the first pass would be next to impossible.

Why is every human genome different?
Every human genome is different because of mutations—"mistakes" that occur occasionally in a DNA sequence. When a cell divides in two, it makes a copy of its genome, then parcels out one copy to each of the two new cells. Theoretically, the entire genome sequence is copied exactly, but in practice a wrong base is incorporated into the DNA sequence every once in a while, or a base or two might be left out or added. These mistakes—"changes" might be a more accurate word, because they are not always bad news—are called mutations.

Where are genome variations found?

Variations are found all throughout the genome, on every one of the 46 human chromosomes. But this variation is by no means distributed evenly: It's not as if there is one difference every 1,000 bases as regular as rain. Instead, some parts of the genome are "hot spots" of variability, with hundreds of possible variations of a sequence. Other parts of the genome, meanwhile, don't vary much at all between individuals—in scientific parlance, they are said to be "stable."

Genome variations include mutations and polymorphisms. Technically, a polymorphism (a term that comes from the Greek words "poly," or "many," and "morphe," or "form") is a DNA variation in which each possible sequence is present in at least 1 percent of people. For example, a place in the genome where 93 percent of people have a T and the remaining 7 percent have an A is a polymorphism. If one of the possible sequences is present in less than 1 percent of people (99.9 percent of people have a G and 0.1 percent have a C), then the variation is called a mutation.

Informally, the term mutation is often used to refer to a harmful genome variation that is associated with a specific human disease, while the word polymorphism implies a variation that is neither harmful nor beneficial. However, scientists are now learning that many polymorphisms actually do affect a person's characteristics, though in more complex and sometimes unexpected ways.

About 90 percent of human genome variation comes in the form of single nucleotide polymorphisms, or SNPs (pronounced "snips"). As their name implies, these are variations that involve just one nucleotide, or base. Any one of the four DNA bases may be substituted for any other—an A instead of a T, a T instead of a C, a G instead of an A, and so on.

We all not only are the same race (the human race), but we also have the same parents. The different races are simply mutations which represent only 1% of the Genome! 99% of our genes are the same, meaning we are all human or we arent. Are we all the same species? I think that question has been answered by science. It's a fact that we are.

Now, that it's a fact we are all human. There are different breeds, and these different breeds are among all races.

New genetic data has enabled scientists to re-examine the relationship between human genetic variation and 'race'. We review the results of genetic analyses that show that human genetic variation is geographically structured, in accord with historical patterns of gene flow and genetic drift. Analysis of many loci now yields reasonably accurate estimates of genetic similarity among individuals, rather than populations. Clustering of individuals is correlated with geographic origin or ancestry. These clusters are also correlated with some traditional concepts of race, but the correlations are imperfect because genetic variation tends to be distributed in a continuous, overlapping fashion among populations. Therefore, ancestry, or even race, may in some cases prove useful in the biomedical setting, but direct assessment of disease-related genetic variation will ultimately yield more accurate and beneficial information.

Your breed is called genetic variation in science. Your genetic breed, is your true race, and it is absolute, backed up by science and not pseudo-science or religion. The finding is that there are white black people, and black white people, meaning you have no way to look at a person and know where exactly their genes came from.

There are four facts about human variation upon which there is universal agreement. First, the human species as a whole has immense genetic variation from individual to individual. Any two unrelated human beings differ by about 3 million distinct DNA variants.

This is saying, within your own race, among individuals, the difference is about 3 million distinct DNA variants. No matter what race worshipers say, the fact is the same. 3 million DNA variants difference between you and someone who looks like you.

Of the remaining 15% of human variation, between a quarter and a half is between local populations within classically defined human “races,” between the French and the Ukrainians, between the Kikuyu and the Ewe, between the Japanese and the Koreans. The remaining variation, about 6% to 10% of the total human variation is between the classically defined geographical races that we think of in an everyday sense as identified by skin color, hair form, and nose shape. This imprecision in assigning the proportion of variation assigned to differences among population within ”races” as compared to variation among “races,” arises precisely because there is no objective way to assign the various human populations to clear-cut races. Into which “race” do the Hindi and Urdu speakers of the Indian sub-continent fall? Should they be grouped with Europeans or with Asians or should a separate race be assigned to them? Are the Lapps of Finland and the Hazari of Afghanistan really Europeans or Asians? What about Indonesians and Melanesians? Different biologists have made different assignments and the number of “races” assigned by anthropologists and geneticists has varied from 3 to 30.

We don't even know how many races there are. Anywhere between 3 and 30 races! Geneticists cannot figure out how many races exist, and until you know this how exactly can you know what your race is?

Third, a small number of genetic traits, such as skin color, hair form, nose shape (traits for which the genes have not actually been identified) and a relatively few proteins like the Rh blood type, vary together so that many populations with very dark skin color will also have dark tightly curled hair, broad noses and a high frequency of the Rh blood type R0. Those who, like Leroi, argue for the objective reality of racial divisions claim that when such covariation is taken into account, clear-cut racial divisions will appear and that these divisions will correspond largely to the classical division of the world into Whites, Blacks, Yellows, Reds and Browns. It is indeed possible to combine the information from covarying traits into weighted averages that take account of the traits' covariation (technically known as "principal components" of variation). When this has been done, however, the results have not borne out the claims for racial divisions. The geographical maps of principal component values constructed by Cavalli, Menozzi and Piazza in their famous The History and Geography of Human Genes show continuous variation over the whole world with no sharp boundaries and with no greater similarity occurring between Western and Eastern Europeans than between Europeans and Africans! Thus, the classically defined races do not appear from an unprejudiced description of human variation. Only the Australian Aborigines appear as a unique group.

Finally, the genes which control skin color, appearance, nose and all of that, have not even been found. We don't know which genes make up race, and if we do not find specific or unique appearance based genes, it could mean something very alarming. What this could mean is that each of us has all of the racial appearances within our DNA, as reccessive traits. This would mean these genes are so common and mixed into the genetic code that it's in everyones DNA.

Here is a map of human migration

According to geneticists and biologics, Blacks are actually the most diverse genetically, meaning among blacks whom most racists or, people who believe in the concept view as the same race, there are actually MANY races according to biologists.

. For example, about 93% of all of the genetic variability that exits on this planet occurs within Sub-Saharan Africans. So, if there were a catastrophe which destroyed the rest of the world's population, 93% of the genetic variability in the world would still be present in Sub-Saharan Africans.

All of my URL's are included. Anyone who think's race exists, provide actual scientific evidence of it's existance, and if it does exist, please tell me how many, because "black" and "white" certain are not races as there are more races of black than any other appearance type. This means there is more bio-diversity among the group of people who have dark skin and curly hair, than among any other group according to science.There might be breeds, but there is no black and white race. Be REALITY based. If I discuss God and science, people will call it pseudo-science, but then those same people will claim race is science and that you can judge race by eugenics.


Three words: "The Bell Curve".

Three words: "Anthropological bone research".

Four words: "Racial diversification through isolation".

I'd also point out that Wikipedia.org's race related topics are -extremely- biased and contested on the Talk pages.

Three more words: "Y-chromosome population mapping".

But anyway, I digress...

As to Survivor:

As a white man, I would be ashamed if the white team did not win. I am rooting for them as they are my people and I hope the blacks, hispanics, and orientals not only do not win, but are defeated utterly.
Oh and Time Traveller:

"We all not only are the same race (the human race), but we also have the same parents. The different races are simply mutations which represent only 1% of the Genome! 99% of our genes are the same, meaning we are all human or we arent. Are we all the same species? I think that question has been answered by science. It's a fact that we are."

We are 1 percent differ from chimpanzees. Does this mean that humans and chimpanzees are one in the same? 1 percent difference can mean a lot in the genetic world. I mean, we're 25 percent the same as mice. Does this mean we're 3/4ths mouse?

Deceptively small percentages make large impacts on what the organism is.
Prince_James said:

Three words: "The Bell Curve".

Three words: "Anthropological bone research".

Four words: "Racial diversification through isolation".

I'd also point out that Wikipedia.org's race related topics are -extremely- biased and contested on the Talk pages.

Three more words: "Y-chromosome population mapping".

But anyway, I digress...

As to Survivor:

As a white man, I would be ashamed if the white team did not win. I am rooting for them as they are my people and I hope the blacks, hispanics, and orientals not only do not win, but are defeated utterly.

I'm sorry but racial survivor, thats just ridiculous because there is no white race. WHICH white! that is the question I'm asking. You can analyze bones, you can talk about bell curves, and none of it tells me who you are genetically. The bone evidence says there were two species of humans, neanderthal, and us, assuming neanderthal mixed into us, whatever they were, we have their genes. Do you think neanderthal was white or black? doesnt matter because neither black skin or white skin had formed because there were no races during this time.

In order for race to follow an evolutionary order, either races are genetic mutations and this makes a lot of sense, and after one person looked a certain way they mated with others who hate that look. So big nosed people mated with big nosed people, fat people mated with fat people, tall people mated with tall people, blondes with blondes, big feet people with big feet, muscular people with muscular people, etc. Then after a while they went to different parts of the earth and became more and more weird/different looking until we had the 3 main appearances of black, white, asian. This has nothing to do with genetics because they all started out as the same race, and simply mutated different appearances and kept mating among themselves.

Racism or, the whole race purity thing is simply a way to maintain certain appearances that people like. So now men are mating with tall blonde thin women, and this creates more tall blonde thin people because thats whats in now, and eventually this will become a seperate race. What I'm saying is, if there were only whites, we'd still have racial survivor, it would be the blondes, redheads, dark haired, shorts vs talls, and so on.
Prince_James said:
Oh and Time Traveller:

"We all not only are the same race (the human race), but we also have the same parents. The different races are simply mutations which represent only 1% of the Genome! 99% of our genes are the same, meaning we are all human or we arent. Are we all the same species? I think that question has been answered by science. It's a fact that we are."

We are 1 percent differ from chimpanzees. Does this mean that humans and chimpanzees are one in the same? 1 percent difference can mean a lot in the genetic world. I mean, we're 25 percent the same as mice. Does this mean we're 3/4ths mouse?

Deceptively small percentages make large impacts on what the organism is.

No, but do you think two white chimps are any different from two black chimps? Chimps are chimps. You just happen to be obsessed with white skin, blonde hair, blue eyes, tallness, and other features you selected to make up your prefered look, and now you want to force others to choose an appearance for the standard. How is this any different than forcing people to wear a suit and tie to go to work? How is it any different than forcing women to sit in the house cooking and cleaning? Do we even have the option to appreciate diversity of appearances? What if we actually think people of different appearances are attractive? What if we are attracted to differences? Is this allowed?

It's really simple, if you like a woman, and shes hot, her skin color is not going to change the fact that shes hot, neither will her nose, or any of that crap. That is how nature is designed.

Why would do you want all women, or all men to look the same?

Now, if you can appreciate diversity, okay, at least we can agree on that. But until you can tell me how many races exist beyond stereotypical either or UP or DOWN, LEFT or RIGHT, WHITE or BLACK type binary logic shit, I'm not going to take it seriuosly. Anyone with common sense knows theres more than 2 races. Anyone with common sense and eyes can see that whites are not all the same race and the only gene they all share in common is skin, and it's the same with blacks, and the same with asians.

I like the olympics, a nationalized survivor is just fine with me. But a racialized survivor is just, plain stupid, it's grouping people who look similar, that is all. Just because two people are asian, you cannot tell them apart, well you'll piss them both off if you call them oriental.

And yes, we are 3/4th mouse, that is exactly why drugs are tested on them. Mice have emotions like ours. Mice feel empathy --> http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2006/06/060630100140.htm

Come back with some Science please. I know you do not believe in evolution, or the eco-system, but chimps, mice and other animals are not that different from us if we prove they have emotions like ours then they are a lot like us, just not as smart.
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D'ster said:
Unlike yourself and most liberal whites, the majority of people have ethnic pride in themselves and their race.

Just try to convince blacks and hispanics that they are no different then you.

And the proof of that will be when this "racial" Survivor show haves the highest ratings in Survivor show history.

Doesnt seem like James R would care.

When the game ends "their personality, moral values, sense of fair play, skill at the game, and so on" could all be exactly the same. But their race will always be different.

Thats an interesting point, so all things being equal James would have to choose based on physical appearance. I think it would be based on appearance- I would choose the best looking women, what else matters?
D'ster said:
Unlike yourself and most liberal whites, the majority of people have ethnic pride in themselves and their race.

Just try to convince blacks and hispanics that they are no different then you.

And the proof of that will be when this "racial" Survivor show haves the highest ratings in Survivor show history.

Blacks and hispanics already know. Hispanics and blacks are already mixed. You have what the census calls "white" hispanics, but hispanics don't consider themelves white. You have what the census would consider "white" black people, but they don't consider themselves white. Explain this behavior. They arent grouping based on skin color.

"I'm sorry but racial survivor, thats just ridiculous because there is no white race. WHICH white! that is the question I'm asking. You can analyze bones, you can talk about bell curves, and none of it tells me who you are genetically. The bone evidence says there were two species of humans, neanderthal, and us, assuming neanderthal mixed into us, whatever they were, we have their genes. Do you think neanderthal was white or black? doesnt matter because neither black skin or white skin had formed because there were no races during this time."

Forsenic and paleo-anthropologists can determine the racial grouping and reconstruct the appearance of people that have died simply from the bone structure. This implies that the bone structure does not say "humans v. neanderthals". It says "humans (of various racial types) v. neanderthals v. v. 'hobbits' v. all the other types of genus Homo".

Moreover, Neaderthals were almost certainly light-skinned (as were the Cro-Magnons in Europe) by the natural-selective stresses that are thought to have produced white people's skin tones.

"In order for race to follow an evolutionary order, either races are genetic mutations and this makes a lot of sense, and after one person looked a certain way they mated with others who hate that look. So big nosed people mated with big nosed people, fat people mated with fat people, tall people mated with tall people, blondes with blondes, big feet people with big feet, muscular people with muscular people, etc. Then after a while they went to different parts of the earth and became more and more weird/different looking until we had the 3 main appearances of black, white, asian. This has nothing to do with genetics because they all started out as the same race, and simply mutated different appearances and kept mating among themselves."

You forgot Turkic, Dravidian, Australian Aborigines, South, North, Central, and Arctic American Indians, Pygmies, Pacific Islanders, Semites...

Moreover, you just explained how races - and even SPECIES - form. This has "nothing to do with genetics"? You are talking about isolated breeding for centuries or even millennia (30 millennia for Aborignees, 10-20 for the inhabitants of the Americas!). Moreover, it is very unlikely we even started out as "one race", as I believe there is evidence of multiple departures from Africa from genetically distinct groups, but even if not, this was dozens of millennia ago.

"Racism or, the whole race purity thing is simply a way to maintain certain appearances that people like. So now men are mating with tall blonde thin women, and this creates more tall blonde thin people because thats whats in now, and eventually this will become a seperate race. What I'm saying is, if there were only whites, we'd still have racial survivor, it would be the blondes, redheads, dark haired, shorts vs talls, and so on. "

There are sub-races amongst whites, yes. The Aryans migrated across much of Eurasia in successive waves. This is the reason for the distinction betwixt the Irish and the North Indians, or the Scandinavians and the Persians.

"No, but do you think two white chimps are any different from two black chimps? Chimps are chimps."

Actually, there are many distinct races amongst the great apes. Whereas I cannot off hand reference chimpanzee races, I know that gorillas of varying types do exist, such as mountain, plain, et cetera.

"You just happen to be obsessed with white skin, blonde hair, blue eyes, tallness, and other features you selected to make up your prefered look, and now you want to force others to choose an appearance for the standard. "

I never claimed this was white. In fact, most of the white race does not have this. What are you speaking of is the Nordic/Germanic type. This is a very small percentage of the white race. I myself personally take after the Black Irish side of my family (think Bono but taller and with a more Roman nose), looking most like my great grandmother (my maternal grandmother's mother) who was a mix of Irish and English and who herself looked more like her mother (from Cork). In terms of my myself and my family:

Myself: Pale skin, very dark brown/black hair, amber/hazel/brown eyes, Black Irish.

Mother: Strawberry-blonde, green-eyed, Celto-Germanic type.

Grandmother: Strawberry blonde-haired, blue-eyed, Germanic-Nordic type.

My ancestry is German, Irish, English, French, Swedish, and Finnish, or to simplify it, Celto-Germanic. My surname is Norman French. My given names are a mixture of English and German.

"How is this any different than forcing people to wear a suit and tie to go to work? How is it any different than forcing women to sit in the house cooking and cleaning?"

These are cultural decisions.

" Do we even have the option to appreciate diversity of appearances?"

You are free to do so. There is nothing at all wrong with this.

"What if we actually think people of different appearances are attractive? What if we are attracted to differences? Is this allowed?"

I have found many Oriental women to be of striking beauty, Semites also. That they aren't of my race is irrelevant to their beauty, nor did I ever suggest otherwise.

"It's really simple, if you like a woman, and shes hot, her skin color is not going to change the fact that shes hot, neither will her nose, or any of that crap. That is how nature is designed."

I concur.

"Why would do you want all women, or all men to look the same?"

I have never claimed this.

"Now, if you can appreciate diversity, okay, at least we can agree on that. But until you can tell me how many races exist beyond stereotypical either or UP or DOWN, LEFT or RIGHT, WHITE or BLACK type binary logic shit, I'm not going to take it seriuosly. Anyone with common sense knows theres more than 2 races. Anyone with common sense and eyes can see that whites are not all the same race and the only gene they all share in common is skin, and it's the same with blacks, and the same with asians."

There are distinct sub-races in the racial groups. Amongst whites I can think of: Indo-Iranians, Mediterreneans, Nordo-Germanics, Celts, Caucasoids (from the Caucasus mountains), et cetera. Amongst semites I can think of Arabs and Jews. Amongst Orientals I can think of South East Asians, Han Chinese, Southern Chinese, Koreans, Japanese, and Okinawans.

"I like the olympics, a nationalized survivor is just fine with me. But a racialized survivor is just, plain stupid, it's grouping people who look similar, that is all. Just because two people are asian, you cannot tell them apart, well you'll piss them both off if you call them oriental."

How will I piss them off? It is a common term to speak of their racial-group. In America, it is more common to call them Asian, but in Britain, Asian means Indian. I prefer the term Oriental because it relates back to their recognized status as "Eastern" as opposed to "Western". If they wish to call us Occidentals in return, they are welcome.

"And yes, we are 3/4th mouse, that is exactly why drugs are tested on them. Mice have emotions like ours. Mice feel empathy --> http://www.sciencedaily.com/release...60630100140.htm"

Indeed, they are kindred mammals and delightful creatures when not dirty pests.

"Come back with some Science please. I know you do not believe in evolution, or the eco-system, but chimps, mice and other animals are not that different from us if we prove they have emotions like ours then they are a lot like us, just not as smart. "

I do not believe in evolution? I am afraid you are mistaken. Same with the rest of your things.

TimeTraveller, I would have you not continue with your ad hominem and irrational accusations against me.