Racial Influence of Christ in relation to American Conservatism


Valued Senior Member
I was just thinking about how so much of western civilization truly believe that Jesus Christ, had he actually existed, was caucasion.

In almost every church in Europe as well as America, statues, paintings, stained glass etc that depict Christ, depict him as an extremely light skinned white guy.

But if you look back in time and study the region and what was happening at the time, he could have been nearly ANYTHING. At the time, the middle east was the center of it all and had an astounding number of immigrants from all over that passed through Judea.

There is a HUGE chance that Jesus could have been Arab, Black, or even Indian, and a very slim chance of being light skinned, such as the Romans.

Now with that being said, lets take a look at American conservatism and what I like to call the "Good ol' boys". You know the kind I'm talking about... They typically drive a Ford or Chevy truck with a big Rebel sticker on the back with another sticker right next to it saying 'Real men love Jesus', enjoy hunting, NASCAR, and of course country music and God. And to take it to the next level; the RACIST, bible thumping, flag waving, tobacco spittin, line-dancin', double wide with an 84 Camaro on blocks in the front yard kind of good ol' boys.

Am I stereotyping? A bit, but I think I can do that... I come from a family filled with men just like them.

And now think of what would happen if you took down these pictures, paintings and sculptures of white Jesus in every single church and replaced them with something like...




Can you imagine the conflict and even the riots that would ensue? Even politics would change a lot. Most conservatives love three things... sports, women and Jesus. Not a day goes by that I don't hear something Christian related from a Conservative politician.

Screw the country boys, hell, most of white American's would feel uncomfortable with the idea or possibility in thier own mind that Jesus looked anything other than...

But then again, humans have been molding and shaping religions and thier idols from the beginning of time to form them into thier own image for thier own personal gains.

And no disrespect to my Christian friends out there, I'm happy for you and your faith as long as you're happy with it. But how can you ask why I don't believe in Christianity? You couldn't even get the skin color right, and you want me to believe in a 1000+ page book written by a group of people from centuries and centuries ago that has been translated, altered and completely rearranged how many times by how many different people, cultures, regions and languages?

I'm good, thanks.
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The conversion of the Jesus figure from what we can assume was a dark-skinned Arab man, to the European version, was an early attempt to bring Jesus "to the people". Religions have always been very good at making their faith accessible. At least least in the sense of making it visually stimulating. Very pretty.

It is sad that so many people believe he really was white, or that the Bible was written in English. Hell, Mitt Romney, a Morman that was a legitimate candidate for President, believes Jesus came to America!

But that's the way it is, dude. It's most prevalent in the South, where the education is terrible and the people are stupid (no fault of their own), obviously, but no institution has done a thing to dispel the notion that Jesus wasn't the English-speaking, long-haired guy he appears to be in every modern depiction of him.

It actually validates my call for America to give up this whole "one nation" thing. The southern states would be more than happy if slavery, or at the very least, segregation, were still legal, and I don't want those folks having a say in who the President is. Our cultures in this country are so vastly different from place to place, there is absolutely no call for us all to live under the same rules. It's not fair to anybody. And then, on a personal note, I wouldn't have to be affected by the Evangelical vote. Win-win.
Christ was a Hebrewic Semite
M*W: Okay, I know what the bible says about him, and a little about what the Qur'an says about him. If he existed at all, which no one to date has been able to provide a positive argument for his existence, he was Palestinian.

M*W's Friendly Atheist Quote (FAQ) of the Day:

"Men... have had the vanity to pretend that the whole creation was made for them, whilst in reality the whole creation does not suspect their existence." ~ Camille Flammarion

M*W's Anti-Bitterness Comments (ABCs) of the Day:

"Imagination is more important than knowledge." ~ Albert Einstein, 1879-1955, German-born American Physicist
Semite shmemite, you're wasting your breath. But claiming he was a "Palestinian"...you might as well re-write all of history from the beginning while you're at it.

It's said he comes from Assyria, so most likely he came from a region that was really no extreme of either color. Perhaps darker than a Turk, and lighter than an African.

In any case, this kind of stupid argument is precisely why....oh wait what's the commandment? No Idol Worshiping. Muslims (though worshiping a very irregular god) are not worshiping idols, and don't print him anywhere. Obsessing on the color of a man, and printing images of him all over is idol worship in a small degree.
Cheski he was a Semite.

For a Semite, you seem not to care about the Semitic people.
Cheski he was a Semite.

For a Semite, you seem not to care about the Semitic people.

I am saying it's irrelivant, since he single handedly brought a lot of moral values to the entire western world. I don't care if he's orange with purple polka dots.
I know its irrelevant. But he was a Semite.

Doubtful, since Assyria is theologically from Ham since it was founded by Nimrud which was dicussed asNimrod.

The Genealogies of Matthew and Luke are irreconcilable. Read Rabbi Kellemans book Permission to Believe which in it has a letter from the Catholic and perhaps Eastern Orthodoxy (Present Aramaic remnance) discussing how the lineages are incorrect. Thus; it's unlikely that 'Jesus' was a semite.

Then again considering his agreed upon lineage, it's more likely he was of Ham, and darker skinned.
Half of Jesus was God spunk. What color does that make God? Jesus looks like the guy who slipped Mary a Roachie at the annual Shepherd's Little BoPeep Pageant. Mary knew dad's color, he could have been a Caucasian cheese salesman from Galilee.
The point of the original post was the impact the White Jesus has had on Western civilization, not which shade of brown he really was.
How many of you have seen an artist's rendition of the nativity scene? Did you ever notice how white little Jesus is, or how he is sometimes depicted with some kind of golden aura surrounding him? I think his whiteness makes him stand out a little more, especially in the stable.

Commercialization is perhaps the most dominant reason for a white Jesus in the western part of the world. Just google for nativity scene pics and you'll find numerous pages of `little white Jesus' for sale. It's a virtual treasure trove of Jesus art & figurines. Could white Jesus be a product that evolved to prominence in the western world once Christian art became available for purchase?
Screw the country boys, hell, most of white American's would feel uncomfortable with the idea or possibility in thier own mind that Jesus looked anything other than...

You blasphemous SOB, he's supposed to have blue eyes too! :mad:

[just kidding]
There is a HUGE chance that Jesus could have ....... a very slim chance of being light skinned, such as the Romans.

Did Mary sleep with the enemy? Was she a collaborator, a whore for Roman pleasure or just raped by one or many Romans? Was JC albino perhaps?

I think there is a very good chance that JC, if he existed at all, could have been light skinned. Perhaps the entire nativity story is about a light skinned child being born in a predominantly dark skinned region. To say it was God's child isn't too far fetched for someone in desperate need of an explanation.

Think of how many light skinned explorers were thought of as gods by dark skinned races viewing them for the first time. Is white the color of godliness?
Semite shmemite, you're wasting your breath. But claiming he was a "Palestinian"...you might as well re-write all of history from the beginning while you're at it.

It's said he comes from Assyria, so most likely he came from a region that was really no extreme of either color. Perhaps darker than a Turk, and lighter than an African.

In any case, this kind of stupid argument is precisely why....oh wait what's the commandment? No Idol Worshiping. Muslims (though worshiping a very irregular god) are not worshiping idols, and don't print him anywhere. Obsessing on the color of a man, and printing images of him all over is idol worship in a small degree.

M*W: Isn't christianity basically idol worship?